Too bad he chose to take the path he did, because I was having great fun. The shifts, as mentioned above, can be harmful to the character's reputation, but if done properly things can turn into something more interesting. Anyway!
Your RP is steadily improving, making it interesting to interact with Akimoto. Even though our characters won't get along, there's room to rp and bring even more depth to the characters.
Too bad I'm not around enough right now to pick that up. It will change though, so I hope you're ready to rp when I get back to some semblance of a normal life!
Ooc, I adore you. You're fun, and helpful, and you genuinely seem to care about the gaming experience of your fellow aetolians - not to be confused with the role play experience.
Icly, Dain was pleased with Akimoto when Akimoto was on his side. When that changed, he was generally apathetic, and now that Akimoto is basically his enemy again, Dain is just annoyed.
I'm glad you're having fun, and I will say that what interactions we have had have been fun.
Proudly fighting against Greytolia since the [approximately] 3/1/2010 at 18:00.
Hate that you left for Spines, though I know it's what you needed to do. I know you've been getting far better with emotes and such and that's always great! Just.. try to settle down now. No more hopping around, unless you move back to the Light. <.<
Drana still loves him, but at the same time she hates him. He's a bit fickle and refuses to let things go... Ever.... Which Drana has, contrary to popular belief.
It was fun RPing and stuff with him, and especially the Haven/Daskalos/Aren/Brendan/Kerryn drama. Really made the dying worth while because it made Aetolia a little less boring. Especially when it got to shouts. That gave me giggles
He seems like a good guy and is fun to RP with. I'm sure there will be more interaction as time goes by. Teani is a bit nervous around him, but it's mostly because she's not sure if she fits in. She holds up as well as she can though, trying not to show it too much.