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Aetolia down. I'm bored. Go, thread, go!

OleisOleis Producer EmeritusAdministrator, Immortal
This discussion was created from comments split from: Ankyrean Anguish - Aetolia-based RAGE.
You say to Slyphe, "You're so freaking smart."
"^," Slyphe agrees with you.


  • oh so this time it isn't just me :P GOOD!!

    I was just about to go to that Lesser too, after godknows how long I not been at one!!

  • AngweAngwe I'm the dog that ate yr birthday cake Bedford, VA
    Ooooh, thank god. I've been frantically restarting the work router, thinking the whole office's internet was down.
  • Well I was about to cry, I spent £30 (like 20dollars) on a new router as I had a issue weeks ago where my router (only 3 month old) didnt like Aetolia!!! was hoping it wasnt that again so SOO Happy you lot are down too :D Should really post that in the 'LOVE' section!!

  • edited October 2013
    It is alright @Valdus. chances are you forgot to add back quickfoot so everyone will drop the class for Bloodborn anyways.

  • Valdus said:
    Sorry guys, this one's all on me. I was trying to upload the Sentinel changes and the server just couldn't handle how incredible they were. We'll scrap this set and get the server fixed Soon.
    in english: I coded it all wrong and it went poof and spat out rainbow colored dwarfs :P lol

  • Well I'm glad it's IRE issue, as I thought school had ninja blocked the IP! 

  • I heard it was because Ivoln is holding the budget hostage in the face of the approved Sentinel revamps. He's standing for the people, guys - he just wants to make sure we're happy, and he knows these revamps have to go!

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • edited October 2013
    Totally relevant from Eleanor:


    ...It really isn't the same :(

  • SeirSeir Seein' All the Things Getting high off your emotion
    120 people online!?

    Totally pushing for optimism there, weren't we?
  • AngweAngwe I'm the dog that ate yr birthday cake Bedford, VA
    Heed not the words of the infidels! The Revamp is NIGH! Blessed shall be the faithful, for it was written in the eleventh month of the year of our Lord, two-thousand and twelve that a grand change cometh! And lo, there shall be a reckoning and a great cry of 'OP' shall ring forth from the mountain fastness and the wastes of the desert; and a wave of alternate souls shall spring forth from the vastness of the cosmos.

    So it is written, amen.
  • EzalorEzalor Emperor D'baen Canada
    Sentinel Revamp: making them a clone of current Carnifex.
  • SeirSeir Seein' All the Things Getting high off your emotion
    Give it a few days if they're actually capable of killing something before a bandwagon forms to downgrade them.

    The age old logic of: "It killed me, therefore overpowered." will come into play and all debates about it will essentially be: "My class is rock. Paper is OP, but scissors is fine."
  • AngweAngwe I'm the dog that ate yr birthday cake Bedford, VA
    edited October 2013
    Shh, I was being facetious. Here's hoping that the extended testing/design time is being used to make sure that those who will inevitably deride the new skillset as OP don't have a leg to stand on (see: Shaman).

    Ezalor said:
    Sentinel Revamp: making them a clone of current Carnifex.
    No joke, I think I would actually cry.

    Edit: On second thought, as long as we kept overlay, that'd... definitely be pretty OP. Like, really, really OP. Who's ready to get truelocked in six rounds?!
  • edited October 2013
    It's pretty astounding how close these predictions are! In reality, however, we're actually going to be updating current Carnifex with several of the new mechanics from Sentinels.

    That of course means you'll be rolling your warhounds in flammable tar and volatile chemicals, and hurling them long distances as makeshift canine grenades. Carnifex will become master tacticians of the battlefield with their roving packs of loyal, adorable explosives.

    I had better get back to work before Razmael locks me back in the dungeon for sharing too many secrets!

    EDIT: Apologies for the continued derail. Back to raging about the server being down! That's all for this "update".
  • Can we make a new 'TOPIC' about these updates? and leave RAGE for Raging :P

    Then we / You guys can better keep track of whats being said/maybe a few liccle previews/ skill listed or something :P

  • DaskalosDaskalos Credit Whore Extraordinare Rolling amongst piles of credits.
    edited October 2013



    Someone care to explain?



    Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis           Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
    "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."

  • edited October 2013
    You broke it!!  But I do like how its in sapience also! lol :P

  • DaskalosDaskalos Credit Whore Extraordinare Rolling amongst piles of credits.
    edited October 2013



    Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis           Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
    "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."

  • edited October 2013

    The uploader has not made this video available in your country.

    Sorry about that.

    ^^ ... Also is aetolia going to be rolled back or, forward or just continue from where it is? Since by time its up (roughly) howling would/should have ticked? @Oleis

  • DaskalosDaskalos Credit Whore Extraordinare Rolling amongst piles of credits.



    Message #17059 Sent By: Oleis           Received On: 1/03/2014/17:24
    "If it makes you feel better, just checking your artifact list threatens to crash my mudlet."

  • IT'S ALIVE! and.. you know, the servers are back up.
  • Down. I blame Haven.
  • SolariaSolaria Charlotte, NC
    Agreed. It's @Haven causing all this.

  • Game's down, flock to the forums.
  • SaritaSarita Empress of Bahir'an The Pillars of the Earth
    It is all of IRE again, or just Aetolia?
  • SolariaSolaria Charlotte, NC
    All of IRE. Just tried their main website, Imp, and Achaea. All down.

  • Iron Realms site is down too, so probably server is totally down for all of em.
  • JensenJensen Corruption's Butcher
    rabble! RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE!!!!  Stop smoking inside with a towel under the door and go outside like an adult, no more fire alarms on the server room please!
  • edited October 2013
    What will we all do with our lives while it is down? Cry of course :D.
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