So how do I do all this fancy stuff when interacting with others?! The answer boils down to a few simple commands, designed to easily let you express your character in Aetolia.
SAY: Say is the basic command to let you say things to other players. You can easily add details to how you say things, to indicate the mood with which your character is speaking, to convey tone of voice, describe actions like smiles, frowns or nods, or even to depict details of the environment around you, such as a gust of wind you have to raise your voice to be heard over.
The easiest way to add details to something you say is merely to add an emoticon at the end. For example,
SAY HI : ) will show
You smile and say, "Hi." HELP EMOTICONS covers the long list of choices you can use.
If you want to customize your says even more, you can append customized descriptions before the say, using (xxxx). For example, SAY (BRIGHTLY) HI will show Brightly, you say, "Hi." You can add a variety of details about how you say something by using this.
EMOTE: Another way to interact is called emoting. Through emotes, you can express an incredible range of action and attitude to other players.
The most simple form of emoting are the pre-made emotes. There are a ton of existing emotes to convey a wide range of things, allowing you to quick express common actions. For example, if you type in SMILE you will see Your mouth turns up as your face breaks into a smile. You can direct this at another player, as well - SMILE GRETEL would show you YOU SMILE AT GRETEL.
- EMLIST: Displays all the pre-defined emotes you can pick from.
- EMLIST *<word>*: Searches the emotion list for emotions containing that word. Eg, EMLIST *SMILE*
- EMSHOW <word>: Displays what an emote looks like to various recipients.
This is just the tip of the iceberg, though! You can express almost anything you can think up, using the custom EMOTE command. Simply type EMOTE <words> (or EM <words> for short) to have your character do a variety of things. For example, if I type EM LETS OUT A HAPPY SQUEAK everyone in my room would see Gretel lets out a happy squeak. You can integrate dialogue into these emotes as well. For example, EM LETS OUT A HAPPY SQUEAK AND SAYS, "HI!" turns into Gretel lets out a happy squeak and says, "Hi!"
What if you want to adjust where your own name appears in your emote? That's easy enough to do - simply use (xxx) just like with says to put text before your name. Your own name will then automatically be placed where the parentheses end. For example, if I typed EM (SQUEAKING HAPPILY,) SAYS, "HI!" everyone would then see Squeaking happy, Gretel says, "Hi!"
Next, you can target these emotes at specific people. Let's say that Hansel was hanging out in my room, and Slyphe came to join us. I can use $ before names of individual people to direct an emote at them, in order to make it clear who I mean with my yous and yours - for example, let's say that I typed EM SQUEAKS AT $HANSEL. Hansel would then see Gretel squeaks at you, while Slyphe would see Gretel squeaks at Hansel. Using $ is very helpful in a crowded room to avoid confusion! Here's a full table of all the different targetting options: