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Dragons? Sheep?! Madmen!?!?

Hey all!

   So some of you might know Daegon, or myself. If you do... Then I deny your ability to remember who I am >.>(Inside joke!) Anyways! So I'm starting to come back into Aetolia a little more then I usually can. Now most of the time I don't even do much in game. Just sit there and code myself, or about five other peoples >.> You know who you aren't!

 But now I want to get into actually doing some RP. To go from that transition of asking people to spar, or doing just basic Lesser/combat things I've come up with a good little RP bit for Dae. Which brings me to the point of this oddly pointless post, that turns out to have a point.

 I want to get Lady @Iosyne into some RP for later down the road when all of this comes to an 'end' obviously there won't be any actual end to this RP, but the major parts that require random acts of madness are all part of the bigger plot. 

  So this post, you ask, whats the point of it again? So far you've done nothing but manage to confuse half of us, and the other half switched webpages a long time ago!

  So the point is. Would anyone care to do some of these RPs with me? If @Iosyne doesn't want to/or get back to me in time about participating(PLEASE PARTICIPATE!) then I'll need a select few others to help with the transformation. In the end it'll probably take a Sciomancer, and Bloodborn to finish off this little bit. BUT YEAH! If you'd like to have some fun with some RP and wouldn't mind helping to bring an old player back to that new player feeling then get a hold of me ig.


     If you know Iosyne or talk to her/him often you should convince them to do this little bit of rp! Peace off!
'Those that do not attempt are those with the least stories to tell.'


  • Also, a little off topic. This new forum is the shiots!
    'Those that do not attempt are those with the least stories to tell.'
  • So.. you want to play your new character as if he had the mind of your old character? 
    Feelings, sensations that you thought were dead. No squealin' remember, that it's all in your head.
  • Ah, sorry. Didn't specify.

    Dae won't be changing bodies. Well he will be since the end will be a transformation of sorts. But he'll still be Dae, just right now he's going crazy thinking Dragons are telling him to locate some sheep and round them up for him.

    Currently in his RP he's lost his right arm.

     But yeah, at the end of it he'll still be Dae but he won't be bat shiot crazy and be changed a little.
    'Those that do not attempt are those with the least stories to tell.'
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