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Lycanthropy Packs - What role now?

It's been years since I played Lycan.

Are lycanthropy packs used at all these days? Are challenges?

Can Wolves join Bears or the other way around yet, or are they still restricted?

Anything else I should know that makes them useful or interesting?


  • They're used, but I think they end up being close-knit familial structures more than anything. Challenges are few and far between. And bears and wolves still can't mix.

    Packs still are exactly what they were when we were both Liaisons.
  • Thanks, @atrapoema

    Maybe the hinted at lycanthropy/factions changes will make things happen for packs. I always liked the idea, but somehow they never really got off the ground.
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    I'm pretty certain every pack challenge in the last two years was something I instigated.  I could have forgotten something, but I doubt it.
  • MacavityMacavity Chicago, Il
    once the guilds are gone and the packs become the focal point like Houses are with Vampires, I think the packs will become more then, but the question on this to the Pools is WHEN?!?!?
    “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
    Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” 
    ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

    Veritas says, "Sorry for breaking your system Macavity."
    Veritas says, "My boss fights crash Macavity's computer now."
  • When we all forget about it. :D
  • AngweAngwe I'm the dog that ate yr birthday cake Bedford, VA
    Yeah, we want it NAOU!

    *throws a tantrum*
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
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