Backstory:Xenia was an Atavian prior to her ascension. She has an interesting backstory that revolves around her leaving her family and home for the sake of preserving her wings. Upon ascension she was really upset that they were lost, and has been silently fretting about the sacrifices she made early on in life were in vain because in the end she lost the wings anyway. Well, she's noticed nubs growing from her back and upon a brief, informal evaluation with Dr. Anfini, she confirmed that she was indeed growing her wings back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Xenia, Bakhtuh, Satomi and Draiman discuss on how they can help Xenia with her wings:
Bakhtuh does even more soul experimentation in forming the wings:
Bakhtuh transfers the souls to Xenia
Draiman Arcan says, "Oh, sorry."
Draiman Arcan says, "You can lower your shirt."
That Draiman guy, what a perv.
On a more serious note:
Oh shit I completely forgot about this XD