Affirmation/feedback thread version 2!
Dasha hasn't changed an awful lot since being made, though she's certainly run into a far broader assortment of people. Have you interacted with her and liked it? Let me know! Have you interacted with her and disliked it? Please please please let me know, and why! If you don't mind, that is.
I love me some Dasha. Your emotes are well thought out and intense and you deliver emotions like few others I have interacted with. There is a depth to Dasha that just draws you in. Fun and exciting character and never boring around you! I have nothing bad to say.
Keep up the awesome! Your character had a..charm that I can't quite describe, but always a good person to have RP around, that's for certain. (Especially when I'm bored phase and see Dasha and Konnorn be passive aggressive snuggly)