I'm pondering moving back to Aetolia from Lusternia. Very few of you remember or know me, and I wasn't very famous to begin with. I played in the Teradrim when their skills first got changed, and dabbled in combat as well as playing around with designing here and there. I've had a few other random characters (a luminary and a sciomancer) that have some credits invested in them, but nothing major. Quite frankly, I don't remember much about the game besides the basics.
How active are these three guilds? I'm leaning more towards Aarde, as he's trans terramancy and has two tradeskills (luthier and ventier), Are the teradrim very active?
Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”
― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
For me, it's not so much that Lusternia is getting boring, it's that it's becoming predictable. I haven't seen very much in the way of conflict since I've been back, but Lusternia conflict has a way of snowballing; an organization on top tends to stay on top for a while. The lesser-performing orgs lose players to apathy, and it keeps going until some little spark, something small triggers a reversal.
(As an aside, I decided to just start completely over with a character in the Shamans)