Announce post #3430: Inquisition!

10/31/2022 at 2:54
Ictinus, the Architect

Hi folks!

I'm pleased to announce the release of a new arena game: Inquisition!

Inquisition is a Mafia-style game in which players are divided into two teams: Sapients and Shadowbound. There are a number of roles themed to an Aetolian slant including Carnifex, Templar, Syssin, and Sentaari.

If you're familiar with Mafia, you'll have no trouble figuring this out and picking it up, but if you aren't familiar, HELP INQUISITION exists for your enjoyment!

City leaders can file an orgreq in order to purchase the new arena game at the cost of 2 million gold.

HELP ARENA HOSTING has been updated to reflect this, and there is no cap on the number of players that can participate.

The COMMISSION ability in Gaming has also been updated to support Inquisition games.

Thanks to everyone who helped test things out in the trial run, we've made a few updates that should resolve all the bugs and/or concerns:

- The Templar can no longer defend themselves.
- The name of the person whom the Templar protects is now anonymised. Only the Templar, the intended victim, and obviously the people that tried to kill the victim will know who the intended victim was.
- You can no longer use premotes at night or while dead.
- Inquisition deathsights now announce to the world, respecting the arenadeaths config.
- Dying in Inquisition now flags you as if you were a spectator, allowing you to use the SPT channel to talk to other spectators/dead people.
- The shrunken artifact no longer works if you're in an Inquisition game.
- Who had what role is now announced at the end of the game.
- The number of uses the Carnifex has left is now shown on status.


Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 18th of Haernos, in the year 505 MA.
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