Announce post #3422: Treasure Hunt
10/16/2022 at 17:22
Ictinus, the Architect
Treasure Hunt
Hi folks!
The birthday treasure hunt is coming up in a few hours (see EVENTS), and I wanted to outline how the chests work again since their update in January.
HELP TREASURE HUNT has all the basic details on the game format - of particular note are:
- Artifact shovels don't give any actual bonus to digging.
- You will receive the tendonitis afflitcion for a short while after digging up a chest.
Note that scoured environment and similar will be able to spawn chests, but chests only spawn on the Sapience mainland.
There'll be around 750 chests in total to find; all chests contain some gold as well as a chance at the following:
Bronze: various commodities, inks, curatives, consumables, ylem shards, and ylem amulets.
Silver: credits, minipets from a variety of sources, customisation certificates, chocolates, various consumables, and giftbags.
Gold : Gold chests always contain an artifact valued anywhere from 50-2000 credits!
Platinum: There will be only one of these chests in the world, and it is guaranteed to contain a hood of elusion!
Good luck for later!
Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 6th of Lanosian, in the year 505 MA.