Announce post #3407: Cause, PK, and Weaponising Issues
9/20/2022 at 16:54
Ictinus, the Architect
Cause, PK, and Weaponising Issues
I'd rather not do this but as things are heating up and I am seeing more examples of the following happening, let's clear some things up:
- Issues are entirely OOC in nature.
* If you threaten someone with an issue IC, it's not going to fly.
* If you threaten someone with an issue OOC, it will be summarily dismissed.
* This is not an appropriate way of resolving a conflict scenario.
- Cause is also an OOC term and extends beyond attacking someone or bounties or raiding.
- RP reasoning is sufficient cause so long as it is justifiable and not spurious, this includes shouting, boasting, or otherwise non-violently aggravating people.
- Yes, this means being bountied for participating in and being party to world-altering events which affect other players is legitimate.
Hopefully this helps clarify things going forward.
Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 25th of Severin, in the year 505 MA.