Announce post #3364: Mirror Mirror...
5/30/2022 at 0:07
Ictinus, the Architect
Mirror Mirror...
Hi folks!
As some of you may have noticed a few quirks and oddities in abilities recently, I wanted to formally announce the following:
The next two classes currently being mirrored (and the first set for this year) are SHAMAN for Shadow, and TERADRIM for Spirit!
I don't have more to share on the specifics yet, except to say that the development is well underway and I'll have more to say on the subject soon.
For now, feel free to discuss in the forum thread (and please report any more quirks you see with existing skills)!
Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 19th of Slyphian, in the year 502 MA.
Good times, good times.
Anyway, gib Archivists Shadow Shaman with cursed relics instead of fetishes and out of control experiments for familiars, plz kthx.
Pretty excited to see what the flavor for them both will be.