2/1/2022 at 0:01
Ictinus, the Architect
February in Aetolia!
Hi folks!
February has arrived and while the main Year 500 celebrations have died down, the year isn't over... yet. Days of the week bonuses and the party barge will remain in effect until 1st Variach 501, and as we say goodbye to giftbags, we welcome back arrows! Much like previous promotions, I've conducted a review of arrow purses and while the gold were and remain very good value, bronze and silver suffered from low minimum values. I've tuned these up now, and the former average stated is now the minimum value a given purse is worth.
Arrows can be purchased from the Aetolia website at www.aetolia.com/credits and can be fired at others using a Heartstring Bow (see below for all the syntaxes). Being shot will get Easy Katy's attention! She will find those that have been hit with arrows and pass out a bag of prizes for them (limited to once per Howling). In addition, the person who shoots the most targets before the Howling, and the person who has been shot the most times will both receive 25 credits. In the event of a tie, these are split.
At the end of each real day, Katy will start looking for people who have been shooting her arrows and will begin passing out gifts. Single arrows reward a bronze purse, 5 reward a silver purse, and 25 arrows nets a golden purse. If you've shot a lot of arrows and the totals don't divide evenly, you'll receive a mix of purses in descending order of value from gold > silver > bronze respectively. This count resets at the Howling, so you'll want to avoid spreading out the shots too much if you want to target a gold purse!
The PROMOTIONS command has all of the syntaxes, but for clarity:
- SHOOT <target> to shoot an arrow at someone in your room or in LoS (some combat restrictions apply)
- PROMOTIONS STATUS to display arrows owned, arrows shot, prizes rewarded and so on
- PROMOTIONS HURRYUP to call Easy Katy early and receive your rewards without waiting for the Howling
With that out of the way, let's look at prizes. Remember that the minimum value stated is the absolute minimum you will receive from a purse - and multiple prizes may be selected to make up the value. Arrows are quite a simple promotion in terms of reward structure, but are now one of the best for raw value.
Bronze purse, minimum value: 30 credits
Credit prizes ranging from 15-100, iron coins, bags of chocolates, flowery sachets (these contain Valentine's shop currencies and can be traded in for 12 credits), seductive flair pieces, perfection phylactery pieces, conjoined globes of twin elemental energies*.
Silver purse, minimum value: 150 credits
Credit prizes ranging from 75-500, iron coins, xp chalices, sachets, bronze purses, lovebird minipets, reflection wands, wormhole sticks, nocontactemote and transmogrification power orbs.
Gold purse, minimum value: 750 credits
Credit prizes ranging from 750-3000, tokens of passage, level 2 wormholes.
* Conjoined globes of twin elemental energies are a new type of globe themed around group hunting!
- DRAIN GLOBE <partner> to share it with someone else:
* This will give both of you the <element>_infused defence for half the timer of normal globes.
* As with normal globes, there is a maximum of four drains.
* Will summon an elemental for both you and your partner, draining the timer from both of you, with some differences from normal globe elementals:
* One elemental can only be damaged by the person that summons, and the other by your partner.
* To make this easier to coordinate, the first elemental will always be damageable by the summoner, and the second by the partner. (e.g. target elemental.2)
* You and your partner, and only you two, will gain experience from both elementals, at a 40% bonus to standard group xp.
Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 11th of Midsummer, in the year 500 MA.