Earthcaller Event - release of Teardrim mirror class of Luminary

MacavityMacavity Chicago, Il
edited October 2021 in Roleplay Logs
This is the log from my point of view, its VERY long so sorry about that....

Log of Earthcaller Class - Mirror Class for Teradrim Guild

(Bloodloch): The Earthcaller Khuzrol says, "We approach the close. The Earth strives against nature. Victory draws near."

(Teradrim): The Earthcaller Khuzrol says, "Young Teradrim. The time soon arrives to complete our works."

(Bloodloch): The Earthcaller Khuzrol says, "Tribute is paid to the Earth."

(Bloodloch): The Earthcaller Khuzrol says, "The amphorae are filled."

(Bloodloch): You say, "Thank you mighty Earthcaller!"

(Teradrim): The Earthcaller Khuzrol says, "Return to the Pillars. Bring your associates should you
desire it; their aid has proven valuable."

(Bloodloch): Gribbit says, "Yes, I would like my voice to return to being the only in my head."

(Bloodloch): Alela says, "I eagerly await further instructions, then."

(Bloodloch): You say, "The Teradrim have been called to the Pillars of Earth, those that wish to
join, may meet me at the amphora within the city, where the entrance of the Grotto is located, and I shall escort you all in."

(Bloodloch): Gribbit says, "Oh, excellent."

(Bloodloch): You say, "Prepare yourselves, the Teradrim do not know what we will find once we get to the Pillars of the Earth."

Alela says, "I'll do whatever I can."

Gribbit croaks out, "Follow Macavity, please."

You say, "Yes all follow me."

You say, "One thing to note, unless told otherwise do NOT EVER TOUCH THE PILLARS OF THE EARTH."

Alela says, "Understood."

Raggedly, Tetchta says, "Understood."

You say, "Let us go."

Beneath the gaze of the Earthen Lords (44078) - the Pillars of the Earth (282)

Spanning high above into the abyssal firmament, a chthonic prison of the eldritch sorcerer-kings looms here as if an island amidst the ever-present darkness. Its very bones and rock-shod flesh have been bound to the unyielding earth, stripped away by the gnawing bite of time itself. The stone is akin to a dark, yellowed crystal found deep within the earth, and its once pristine face has been hewn with an ancient binding writ of blood and bone. Odd glimmer-lights flicker in and out of reality around the colossal pillar, shifting with each passing moment as if in eternal watch of the dead kings. The hard earth surrounding the pillar has been stamped flat and etched with imagery of the great earthen wyrms that fly amidst the Pillars of the Earth, while yet other images show the Earthen astride them in ancient battles long since passed. Earthwarden Uzgrol stands before the vast pillar here, its great hands outstretched before it in binding rite. A skull-emblazoned leather banner of Ivoln hangs from a pole here. Erupting from the ground and engulfed by a funnel of sand and stray earth, a lesser, clay statue of a wyrm thrusts upwards, an ebon egg clutched in its maw.
Like a mountain, the Earthcaller Khuzrol has placed himself here.

Stomping once upon the ground, Gribbit lifts a hand towards the Earthcaller Khuzrol as a rumble echoes from deep below to join him in an Earthen greeting.

Mjoll says to Almol, "I wasn't gonna until you commanded me to."

Alela says to Almol, "I heard."

You say to the Earthcaller Khuzrol, "Greetings Great Earthcaller."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol clears his throat in a rasping, hacking cough, flecks of jagged stone flying free from his mouth. "Spare us the obeisance, Earthen Kin. Save it instead for the Earth."

"Mmmm..." Dreww softly utters.

Qelres' mouth twists oddly.

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "We observe the return of the Primes, who have toiled and brought many to the Earth in sacrifice."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "We ask the Earth to accept this tribute."

Earthcaller Khuzrol stamps a heavy foot into the ground, his motions deliberate and painstakingly controlled. He mouths a wordless litany, soundless and silent, yet a thunderous boom tears through your mind as his lips move.

Alela tightens her grip on her bone dagger as low clicking rumbles through her chest. She eyes the Pillars, then the Earthcallers, and awaits further orders.

The undying song of the Earthen is carried across the abyss in low, reverberating tones that
resonate to the very core of the Pillars.

Euphoria rises within you, lust for battle and conquest reaching a fevered pitch as the emissary of Azvosh concludes his war dance, invoking the verses of the Dirge to bring about a profound

Yet no sooner does euphoria manifests before it dissipates, leaving a yawning, ravening hunger
behind. Khuzrol nods his head solemnly, becoming still before speaking once more.

Almol just thought:
Is that the hunger of the Kings?

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "The Earth lends its assent to your sacrifice. Where once stood amphorae and modest shrines, now stand monoliths, fresh and thirsting."

Alela murmurs to Mjoll, "They speaking words, Commander? I don't understand any of it."

Frowning, the Earthcaller Khuzrol offers Alela a reproachful look, the blank implacability of stone worn deep into his features. "The inertia of that which is built is cured by one method alone."

Dark whispers gnaw at your senses, gibbering voices loosing susurrant screams far beyond the reach of your conscious mind.

"I like it here," Zima says softly, looking about the plane and observing all with curious eyes.
"It's.. Kinda cozy. Reminds me of home." Perhaps it is in her nature as a Carnifex to tighten her
grip on her weapon as her words fluidly shift between languages. "Can I live here?" She asks,
perhaps all, or perhaps herself.

[Primes.] The thought crashes over you like an avalanche.

Sounding almost sheepish, Alela says, "Eheh... sorry..."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "The Earthen monoliths await offerings of fresh blood, that they may spill forth the holy verses of the Apocalyptia and become empowered with the might of Azvosh."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "You will find this to be a... less arduous endeavour than the toil you have recently endured."

You ask the Earthcaller Khuzrol, in Earthen, "Is this method of blood offerings the same that the
Teradrim have always done for the Pillars here?"

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "You must spill your own blood and lay a hand upon the stone."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "Allow the Earth to
feast upon that which is sanguine. You will know in your bones if you are successful."

You nod your head at the Earthcaller Khuzrol sagely.

Gribbit croaks out, "Easy enough. I can always get more blood."

You say to the Earthcaller Khuzrol, in Earthen, "The Teradrim shall spread this message across the
lands, and let blood rain down on the monoliths."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "Nay."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "One offering, given freely, elicits a single verse."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "When the five chapters are writ upon the stone, it shall be done."

Almol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "Ah, understood."

You nod your head emphatically.

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "Visit each in turn and spill your blood. Begin beside the skull of the great wyrm, in the grip of the desert sands."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "There, you shall know Origin."

Almol asks in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "Must the Monoliths be visited in a specific order after that?"

You ask, in Earthen, "The same order we visited them with the pebble?"

The Earthcaller Khuzrol extends stony fingers, counting in tune with his words as he speaks in a
low, harsh growl. "The desert. The mountains. The grass. The depths."

You ask, in Earthen, "And the City last, I assume?"

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "Yes. The city is the final step, whereupon you may learn of Oblivion."

Almol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "From Origin to Oblivion. Understood."

You ask, in Earthen, "Shall we amass an army to face this last one?"

Awkward laughter resounds like cracking rock as the Earthcaller Khuzrol expresses amusement, the swelling tones lacking anything resembling true, earnest mirth. "Your armies are not necessary, provided the blood toll is paid."

You ask, in Earthen, "Understood, is there anything else we need to know before setting off on this new task?"

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "The Earth will accept the price only from those touched with the gift of the Great Father."

You ask, in Earthen, "Oh so only those of the Undead?"

Silent screams echo in the depths of your thoughtscape, anguish and torment writ into your psyche by an unseen hand.

Dreww rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "What about Consanguine?"

Tetchta rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "What of the Vampires? Are they close enough for their blood to suffice?"

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "Those who yet pay adherence to the noisome cycle shall not be permitted to spread their festering impurity."

Tetchta rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "That was clear enough, I think."

You say to the Earthcaller Khuzrol, in Earthen, "Understood."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "Dally no longer.

You say, in Earthen, "At once."

You say, "Those present follow me, or you will not be able to return."

You say, "Return me."
Uzgrol turns from the Pillar to regard you with flint-like eyes. Bringing his hands together with a thunderous clap, you find yourself standing within the halls of the Teradrim once more.
Alela, Almol, Blodwyn, Dreww, Meltas, Mjoll, Pietre, Qelres, Sheryni, Tetchta, and Zima follow you to the ether.

Off to the five locations in this order:
1250 - Before the ruined skull of a massive wyrm - Mhojave
2014 - Valley in the shadow of Dun Mountain - Vashnar
8829 - Dense pine grove near the Tarea Range - Tarea
54260 - A smooth cavern - Teshen Caldera
18503 - A stone passageway - Bloodloch

a towering monolith found at each location:

A rough stone dais rises from the sand here, shaped from large rocks that have set the foundation for a towering monolith that stands far above the average height. What was once jagged is now smooth; bone, rocks and gems have been whittled down to allow five polished sides, the streaks of drying blood impossible to miss from the hands that were used to smooth the monolith's faces. The coolness of the pillar belies a deep thrumming coming from deep within, pulsing with a life of its own that resonates with the very earth itself, possessing its own silent gravity that tugs at your mind and attempts to draw you inwards.

each person who is undead took the following actions:

Alela presses their bleeding palms to a towering monolith, the earth trembling in response.
A towering monolith rumbles ominously, sanguine script aglow upon its surface as a new line of the Apocalyptia etches itself into the stone.

Large amounts of the Consanguie were clawing many members at each monolith to shed blood to offer!

As each monolith blood offerings were made and we were able to READ MONOLITH to gather more and more of the Dirge

1250 - Before the ruined skull of a massive wyrm - Mhojave

This a towering monolith is written in Earthen.
You read what is written on a towering monolith:

It rang in the black before time was time, resonant silence wrought as a promise of purpose
unyielding and duty without end.

It was murmured in the fathomless depths of the yawning abyss, where the bones of the world rest upon shoulders of ancient stone.

It became a whisper set free to roam amidst the darkness, where in the eldest days the Great Father did bind primordial evil in mighty chains.

Its words were turned loose on those with ears to listen and minds to comprehend. And it was a song.

It was the song of war, its verses writ in sanguine strife; earth calls earth, earth feeds earth,
and from the earth, eternal life.

The Dirge began at the dawn and transcends time, a song of all voices and none, silent and sublime.

2014 - Valley in the shadow of Dun Mountain - Vashnar

You read what is written on a towering monolith of the Apocalyptia:

In war do the Earthen find strength. In battle do the Earthen become the rage of the mountains and the wrath of the sands. In blood do the Earthen find succour from stone.

On the bones of the great wyrms did the first ones build their citadel. They named it Azvosh Rakar, a seat of power at the very heart of the Domozvai Wastes.

From this fortress did we exult in the glory of war and from its earthwrought gates did we gather the warbands and sound the clarion call.

We bellowed aloud our challenge for all to hear, a quelling chorus to span the plane entire with its indelible refrain.

Violence spilled forth as if an avalanche unleashed from the walls of the great city, the footfall
of armies mustered in a booming promise of conquest come to stake its claim.

And so the sacred earth did tremble beneath the relentless thunder of drums beyond counting.

Too did all our foes quiver at the sonorous roar of battle hymns so savage as to still their hearts
with primal fear.

We spread across that great void to enforce the will of the earth.

We danced the dance of swords and spears in remembrance of the Great Father's battles of old.

And all who dared oppose our advance were sundered in twain by the might of earth, brought to heel by the conclave of war.

All shall bear witness to truth ineffable: the strong prevail, and the weak are remade by the earth.

For without strength, we are nothing. Without war, we are nothing. Without earth, we are nothing.

May we be harrowed unto eternity through battle unending.

Glory to the unforgiving earth!

May Azvosh gird the depths of our resolve and stoke the heat of our fervour.

Glory to the unspoiled earth! May impurity be scoured from the sacred lands and laid to dust amongst the shifting sands.

Glory to the perfection of earth!

And may we never know peace.

8829 - Dense pine grove near the Tarea Range - Tarea
You read what is written on a towering monolith of the Apocalyptia:

The earth must be fed, for it is a vast and hungry beast, pitiless and cold.

Blood and bone would be the tithe. And blood and bone would forge an everlasting prison for the damned.

Hubris swelled within the kings of old, their hearts consumed by greed.

They did seek to break the will of the Pillars, to purloin the power of the rapacious eons.

But infinity is not so easily tamed.

Where the Sorcerers perceived weakness they faced only strength indomitable.

The wrath of Azvosh is great.

Where they saw opportunity they courted only damnation inevitable.

The vengeance of Azvosh is terrible.

And as they roused the ire of the earth they knew only ruin inexorable.

The fury of Azvosh is absolute.

And so those ancient kings were summoned to face judgement before the earth.

Verdict was rendered and sentence passed: captivity without end, bound in blood, bound in bone, shackled to the Pillars and cleft from the rapturous union of the endless song.

Thus were their voices stilled to loath quiescence evermore.

And they would know only weakness and torment, their will sapped to slake the thirst of ages.

In darkness they dream, striving for freedom. In darkness die their silent screams, despair their
lone companion. Gibbering madness is their lot, a noisome curse to spoil the whole.

Withering wastage is our fate, 'less that great void be paid its toll.

The blood price spares the faithful few, and thus the earth shall have its due.

'Ware the perils of avarice and pride, for it is these that drove the Sorcerer sovereigns to their

54260 - A smooth cavern - Teshen Caldera

You read what is written on a towering monolith of the Apocalyptia:

No longer would all the voices of all the earth be joined as one.

Yet ever does the Dirge abide, immune to time, a searing lullaby to staunch the wounds and mend the skein.

The will of the earth is unyielding; implacable we must remain.

The will of the Earthen is unyielding; vigilant without refrain.

We bestride the brink of finality with hearts of stone and minds of steel.

We gaze upon the inscrutable empty to know the end of the beginning and the origin of the end.

So do we gauge in solemn observation. And so are we measured in turn.

We are the jailers of the accursed, the bulwark and the bastion. Architects of bone and blood, we ward the stone and guard the sand.

All who break faith shall stand trial, and the Council of Ash will preside.

May the faithless repent or be broken, and the penitent shorn of their pride.

Steep is the price for transgression, the judgement unflinching and cold.

Woe be upon the accursed, atonement from iron and gold.

18503 - A stone passageway - Bloodloch

You read what is written on a towering monolith of the Apocalyptia:

And should we falter, so shall the Devourer's ancient bonds be shaken; to stir from sleep dreamless, and in the darkness waken.

And lo shall He open wide His abyssal maw and snap shut His jaws about the world of man to feast.

Our sacred charge shall break upon His ravening hunger, the worldspine rent to dust in the depths of a pitiless void.

And so shall all the peoples of all the worlds weep gelid tears, as Prime collides with Earth in
fatal union.

The Pillars will crumble as hope dies. But He shall never be sated.

What was made will be shattered; what was sung will fall silent; time and life and memory shall be but ashes on the wind.

All shall return to Chaos. And it will be the End.

After the monoliths offerings were completed

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "Enough."

Alela asks, "Strength in Slaughter?"

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "Cease your fidgeting."

(Bloodloch): You say, "Come to the Grotto entrance post haste! (v18503)"

The Earthcaller Khuzrol moves to linger beside the great monolith of the Apocalyptia, drawing
himself to his full and impressive height. He lays a hand against the stone, frowning in
concentration. "The toll is paid, and the bargain is struck."

In a tone reminiscent of song, the Earthcaller Khuzrol declares, "Upon these great monoliths do the verses of the Apocalyptia now linger. The empowerment of the Earth begins to restore that which was broken."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "There is a final
matter to resolve, one requiring strength and brutality."

Tetchta rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "Will they require special protection? They are quite exposed on our plane."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol acknowledges Tetchta's question with a minor tilt of the head. "They will require vigilance. As do the Pillars."

You say to the Earthcaller Khuzrol, "Anything that is demanded upon us, we shall over come it!
Strength in Undeath, Strength in Earth."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "While the impurity of elements and the imbalance of Earth has begun repair, there linger yet children of the Great Father upon this Plane who are restless and broken."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "You have attempted to destroy them, but this power is beyond you."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "You call them shades, yet they are known to us as vessels."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "Our ancient
adversaries are using these weak and pitiful undead as their puppets, conduits through which they struggle to break free. It is this that those of you who bear the gift have heard in your minds."

You ask, "Shall we subjugate them?"

The Earthcaller Khuzrol offers Almol a decisive nod, shale scattering from his form with the sudden motion. "The means exist, now that Earth is strong here."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "Do not make the error of pitying them. It is their frailty, their inability to endure, that has made them this way."

Tetchta rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "The weak do not warrant pity."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol intones, "If we are weak, we are not Earthen. And if we are not Earthen, we are remade by the Earth."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "They must be broken and bound, as our foes of old were broken and bound."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "Bring your might to bear upon them."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "When they are
sufficiently weakened, lead them to one of the sacred monoliths."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "There, you may
subjugate them to the will of the Earth and unbind them from this place."

Tetchta looks resolved as he cracks his knuckles in preparation for the task ahead.

You say to the Earthcaller Khuzrol, "Strength in Undeath, Strength in Earth!"

Dreww says, "Strength in Undeath, Strength in Earth!

The Earthcaller Khuzrol rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "Strength in the
Pillars. Strength in Earth."

You raise an eyebrow at the Earthcaller Khuzrol.

You yell, "Strength in the Pillars, Strength in Earth!!"

At this point the subjugation of the weak progressed and each person after leading a shade back to one of the Monoliths, which has now changed to their new forms:

a towering monolith of the Apocalyptia

subjugation of the shades proceeded:
You reach out with your mind, preparing to exert your unfathomable Earthen will upon a dark shade.

A dark shade trembles in horror as your implacable will impresses itself, the effort of the
subjugation draining you in body and mind.

A haunting rattle of indignation erupts from the mouth of a dark shade as it struggles in vain
futility to resist the will of the Earth. The nearby monolith trembles in ominous refrain as the
verses of the Apocalyptia glow in a sickly brown hue. Loosing a final wail of defiance, the
ephemeral spectre dissipates into non-being, consumed in a harrowing libation.

this continued relentlessly until....

(Teradrim): The Earthcaller Khuzrol says, "Return, Teradrim."

The air stirring slightly, Dreww resounds loudly, "Strength in the Pillars, Strength in Earth!!"

(Bloodloch): You say, "To all citizens, the Teradrim have been called back again by the

(Bloodloch): You say, "Come to the Grotto entrance post haste! (v18503)"

You exclaim to the Earthcaller Khuzrol, "Strength in the Pillars, Strength in Earth!"

The Earthcaller Khuzrol says, "We detect that the libation is made."

You exclaim, "Those weak Shades didnt know what hit them!"

Gribbit croaks out, "I hope they did...I was proud of our work."

Awkwardly, visibly unpracticed in the common tongue, the Earthcaller Khuzrol says, "No more will these onerous shades stalk the Earth in plaintive, mewling weakness."

Nipsy rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "Give them the what for with our might and strength, Earthcaller Sir. Glory in the Earth!"

The Earthcaller Khuzrol says, "The weak have tainted the gift of our most great and mighty Father."

Mjoll says, "Don't trip over your tongue on our account, Earthcaller. We're here for The Mission, as long as someone tells us what to do, it'll be done."

You say to Mjoll, "And the Teradrim thank you, and everyone else present for your assistance in this matter."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol wears a look of faint surprise as his eyes land on Mjoll. A curt nod
follows, but the Earthcaller continues to soldier on in common nonetheless, seeming to grow more confident. "Much has been imparted throughout this trial."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol makes a gesture toward the monolith of the Apocalyptia. "The holy verses of the Earthen Dirge exist as both past and portent." He pauses a moment, falling silent in contemplation, yet his stalwart gaze never falters, vigilance alight in the burning sockets of
earthforged eyes.

"A taste of euphoria has been granted to you," the Earthcaller Khuzrol resumes, becoming animated once again. "War as the Earthen experience it is the highest of glory attainable."

Solemnly, the Earthcaller Khuzrol says, "Strength in the Pillars. Strength in War. Strength in

The Earthcaller Khuzrol says, "If we are not Earthen, we are remade by the Earth. Attend me now in the desert. There we shall impart the final lesson: the dogmatic verses of the Earthen Apocalyptia."

Off to 1250 - Before the ruined skull of a massive wyrm - Mhojave

Stomping once upon the ground, Gribbit lifts a hand towards the Earthcaller Khuzrol as a rumble echoes from deep below to join him in an Earthen greeting.

Implacable as a mountain, the gravelly tones of Earthcaller Khuzrol resound with sombre intonation as he ordains, "Dwellers of the Prime Material. The Earthen extend a call to conclave in the Mhojave Desert, that you may bask in the majesty of Azvosh and hearken to the dogmatic verses of the Apocalyptia."

Awkwardly, the Earthcaller Khuzrol says, "One of you with greater eloquence in the primitive tongue of the Prime may wish to clarify our call to conclave."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol says, "We wait a moment longer for the ponderous to traverse."

Gribbit just thought:
Maybe we will get to spill the lifers blood across the sand.

The Earthcaller Khuzrol says, "We request silence until the call to respond is made."

You see Almol raise his voice and shout, "ALL are welcome to WITNESS the MAJESTY of AZVOSH and hear the APOCALYPTIA. COME!"

The Earthcaller Khuzrol maintains a stone-faced expression, void of emotion or amusement as he allows his eyes to wander over the crowd. Moving at a slow, deliberate pace, he comes to rest beside the skull of the great Earthen wyrm before growing still, clearing his throat with a harsh cough.

"All that talking smack and Hunting nonsense and look at the folks who show," Zima murmurs under her breath, shifting her stance upon her boar as the words are whispered against the great beast's left ear. When finally it seems the crowd's education will begin, the Dwarfling uprights herself and gives her mount a few rough but fond pats on the rear, falling into silence to listen.

As the Earthcaller Khuzrol begins to speak, his voice becomes a rumbling lilt, austere restraint
yielding to a song-like reverence. "Our song began at the dawn and transcends time. A song of war for those with ears to listen and minds to comprehend."

Rising in volume by a fraction, the Earthcaller Khuzrol's voice deepens in timbre and severity. "A
song of strife before strife was Strife -" At this, the Earthen's gaze once more pans out over the
crowd, taking care not to eye anyone in particular. "For those with strength to take up arms and

In a dour voice, the Earthcaller Khuzrol says, "In war do the Earthen find strength."

Decisively, with voiced fervour, the Earthcaller Khuzrol says, "In battle do the Earthen become the rage of the mountains and the wrath of the sands."

More softly, the Earthcaller Khuzrol says, "In blood do the Earthen find succour from stone."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol crouches low, scooping a handful of sand before exhaling a rasping breath and blowing it into the air in a scattering of fine grains. "It is by the grace of the earth that the warbands of old found strength to conquer all that stood before us and build our great city on the remains of those we cast down."

Taking a momentary pause, the Earthcaller Khuzrol says, "We will not proffer apology for failing to match the pace of your repetitious weekly worship."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol says, "We do not kneel for true children of the Great Father yield to no man or creature save that which made us."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol says, "The earth is nothing short of perfection. Existence without blemish or impurity. Life unshackled by the odious rhythms or cycles."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol says, "It is through the earth that we taste freedom - freedom from the
vagaries of nature or the lies of light that stifle strength and sue for peace. Freedom from

The Earthcaller Khuzrol opens wide his jaw and spits a fleck of molten rock at the ground in disgust as if to reinforce his point, his gravelly voice climbing in volume while deepening yet further in tone. "For without strength, we are nothing. Without war, we are nothing. Without earth, we are nothing."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol says, "Its gifts are many, its wrath great and terrible. Honour it always
and you shall ever know its grace. Betray it, and become grist upon the wheel in cold vengeance."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol mouths a silent litany, absent sound yet a thunderous tremor rages through your mind as his lips move. "Listen, if you know not the words - give answer, if you do." He finally roars in a melismatic crash, inviting response from those gathered.

"Glory to the unforgiving earth!" The Earthcaller Khuzrol exclaims in the rumbling tongue of the
Earthen, offering thanks and praise to the Great Father for His gifts of strength and fortitude.

"Glory to the unspoiled earth!" The Earthcaller Khuzrol proclaims with sonorous exultation, the
notes of the Dirge harmonising as both booming chorus and uplifting timbre in sublime synchronicity.

Nipsy rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "Glory to the unspoiled earth."

"Glory to the perfection of earth!" The Earthcaller Khuzrol declares in a voice of rapturous
thunder, the solemn verses of the Dirge climbing to a coda of unmatched magnificence before plunging to a low, authoritative exhortation.

Gribbit croaks out, "Glory to the perfection of earth."

Amarita rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "Glory to the perfection of earth!"

You exclaim, in Earthen, "Glory to the perfection of earth!"

You see Zima raise her voice and shout, in Dwarf, "GLORY TO THE UNSPOILED EARTH. GLORY TO THE PERFECTION OF EARTH!!"

Saidenn listens, silently, his tail slowly flicking behind him, albeit slowly. Paws stay tucked
under a draped jacket of the Mejevsavelnel, his ears angled toward the Earthcaller Khuzrol as he

Silence reigns momentarily, hanging with thick, portentous weight in the air as the Earthcaller
Khuzrol concludes, "And may we never know peace."

Uncertainly, and well out of time, Alela mumbles: "Glory to the unspoiled Earth. Glory to the
perfection of Earth."

Gribbit croaks out, "And may we never know peace."

Almol exclaims, "MAY WE NEVER KNOW PEACE!"

Emerald agleam, whole eye roaming over the Earthcaller Khuzrol slowly, Maeve's brows rise briefly, though the Consanguine otherwise remains silent, though at that last bit a callous smile forms.

Dreww exclaims in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "May we never know peace!"

"May we never know peace," Alela adds hastily.

You say, in Earthen, "May we never know peace."

There is recognition to the end of the Dirge, something that draws Elene's attention as she turns her heterochromatic eyes towards the Earthcaller Khuzrol.

The Earthcaller offers you a glimpse beyond time and memory, the glory of ancient conquests
suffusing you with incredible euphoria. Bloodlust surges in your veins with profound intensity, the rapturous revelry resonating like drums within your mind as the urge for war drives away all other thought.

Amarita rumbles in a tone that resonates with earthen power, "Strength in the Pillars. Strength in Earth."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol says, "By the will of the Council of Ash, we remain here, in this land of
water, fire, and air, suffering impurity on behalf of all that is the Earth. Our vigil continues,
lest oblivion open wide its jaws and swallow all it touches."

You exclaim, in Earthen, "Strength in the Pillars, Strength in War, Strength in Undeath!"

"Speaking on bloodlust," Zima calls out as deft hands swap from hammer to halberd with a single fluid motion. "What say we start here? There's enough guests to show the true meaning."

The Earthcaller Khuzrol says, "With the assent of the Teradrim, we ask leave to abide in the

Almol says to the Earthcaller Khuzrol, "The Prime thanks you for your suffering, Earthcaller.

You say to the Earthcaller Khuzrol, in Earthen, "We, the Teradrim, welcome you home."

Earthcaller class released! Macavity was the first to Transcendent all the skills and start passing it out to all who seek its knowledge.
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” 
― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

Veritas says, "Sorry for breaking your system Macavity."
Veritas says, "My boss fights crash Macavity's computer now."
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