I've been thinking about starting this topic up for a while now, just because I enjoy hearing/reading sayings that have become 'Aetolian' and ended up as common parlance! I'm the originator of "Dhar's Balls!" (sorry
@Dhar) and I've recently coined "It takes two to polish Hadoryu's desk!"
What sayings have you come up with that you'd like to see make it into the mainstream?
What are your favourites that you've heard?
What ideas do you have for more?!
Tell me how I'm doing!
And thinking about it, I don't know if any of my sayings are actually pg-13 to share. One of them being a play on a Robin Williams joke...
The other night a conversation came up and I snapped off with "I'm harder than Numerology right now! Go away!"
Tell me how I'm doing!