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Cassomyr Ash'aji-Tetzauh

I've been here about a month at this point, I think. How am I doing, those of you I've had the chance to speak to?

(With apologies for odd quotes, slow posting, and any random question marks in my writing, I've been stuck on Mobile since I rolled Cass up, and will be until Mid-June.)



    I accept that my feedback is... going to be gushing because it is. Cassomyr's character was well-developed from the start and has only shown more depth. The entire Ash'aji family that has shown up in Spinesreach has done an excellent job of establishing a Djeirani family dynamic and creating a believable experience of Djeirani peoples moving from an underground existence to an above ground one. It is full of little things that make a huge difference ("What is this... creature? Oh. A... bird? I read about those").

    As for Cass directly... Sai is absolutely mad about the lad. I am excited for when you are no longer on mobile to see what Cass can do in the city and guild, as the interactions within both have shown a promise for more robust contribution to both organizations.

    A+ big brother to a group of unruly young adults. I do not have enough praise. Gush is over for now. (For now).
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