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So long!

I had several people message me in-game or on discord, so just wanted to say somewhere public I'm not playing Aetolia anymore. I started playing largely due to lockdowns keeping me from my usual hobbies, so I decided to rekindle my interest in IRE games. I've played Achaea on and off for years but this was my first big dive into Aetolia.

Was fun for a while! Though, my enjoyment of the game has dwindled for a number of reasons. I was never a hugely influential player, but I greatly enjoyed being a part of the world of Aetolia and getting to interact with all of you. Thanks for everything!
[Insert annoying gif here]


  • AW! so sad to hear you go, but I hope life's journey goes well for you! :) Definitely will miss RP'ing with you, you are a gem. We'll miss Arche's creative (sometimes scary) twists on food and inventive mind!
  • Take care, was a blast playing with you.

  • All the best! Enjoy your return to normal!
    Didi has expressed her esteem of you for the following reason: Smart organized leader.
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