Announce post #3182: Shamans
4/28/2021 at 4:13
Keroc, the Starborn
Just trying out some changes for Shaman here. I don't really consider this the final version, but we need to get the ball rolling somewhere so we all stop looking at each other dimly about what to do.
Some notes:
- I may tweak the conditions on Reclamation some more. I'm not 100% certain how much I like it as is, but we'll see.
- I still need to work on changing Ice fetish, but I'm leaving it open for now.
Hopefully some of you guys will give it a test and let me know how it goes. Send me logs! I've also barred Shaman from Sect in the mean time just until things look stable.
- Reclamation reworked:
* No longer a channel.
* Now requires 5 phobia afflictions and premonition in order to kill someone.
* Afflictions considered phobias are fear, agoraphobia, claustrophobia, vertigo, loneliness, shyness, paranoia, and superstition.
* The actual kill has a slight delay to it, but it will disable the target during it.
- Vinelash is no longer blocked from using the curare venom.
- Lightning can no longer be used to target yourself.
- New Skill: Divulgence.
* Providing the target has three mental afflictions, you can afflict them with a phobia of choice.
* Additionally drains a little bit of mana from the target.
- Omen damage is no longer increased by spiritbane, instead it is now increased by paranoia.
- Stormtouched is now a curable affliction that can be cured with the panacea pill.
- Feather fetish activation delay is now 3 seconds, down from 5.
Penned by my hand on Gosday, the 13th of Haernos, in the year 494 MA.

I think the changes are interesting and I appreciate the idea of looking at it via 1v1 for moving into an interesting momentum kill (sort of reminds of Archivist), but I will say that I'm not exactly the happiest seeing yet another finisher with conditionals easily applied by multiple classes added. If premonition is attuned to a specific shaman, however, that alleviates some of its concern in a group setting.
Edit: To add, the reason I have concern in group setting is: Abundance of impatience on demand (Luminary and Sentinel), the access to the phobias needed by Shaman (both classes again), and if premonition is not attuned to a specific shaman, that means we are in the boat we are with Sentinel: Bring many, as one can give the heartflutter while the other spinecuts.
Edit: Now that I think about it, it's even more counterable if people actually play support on the target. Syssin using that new ability that wipes a mental every 5 + fool sounds like it could deter this pretty easily, especially since the target wouldn't be getting hindered in theory.
slender tips of the creeping plants pierce through her skin at points along the major veins in the
wrists, neck and legs as they continue their parasitic spread throughout her body. Finally, the
vines burst forth from her mouth and gut in a grisly display, the tearing of skin and muscle and
cracking of bones audible. She produces a thick and sickly gurgle just prior to losing
consciousness, her body slumping downward.
Didn't there used to be a bit at the end where this beautiful flower blooms from their corpse? That was a nice touch and I'd love to see it in reclamations.
(Web): Abhorash says, "Nerds."
(Web): Abhorash has left your web.
Alela's Affirmations