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Style Ideas

BraxBrax Immortal
edited February 2021 in Harpy's Head Tavern
Hi friends.

My name is Brax, and I have a confession: I kinda love writing styles. It all started when Keroc said, "Hey Brax, why don't you do those Sciomancer/Ascendril styles while you're waiting for more mirror class messages to write?" Before I knew it they were done, but then.. I needed more.

And now here we are! While the majority of my online time lately has been spent writing mirror class messages (sorry Order, still love you I swear), every now and then Tiur lets me out of my cave to work on something different. Styles are a nice little change of pace when all you can think about anymore is WHY DO WARHOUNDS HAVE SO MANY TRAITS IT'S LIKE A WHOLE EXTRA SKILLSET TO WRITE DEAR LORD MAKE IT STOP.

I can crank out style messages no problem, but the actual conceptualizing of the style theme itself slows me down a bit. That's where you come in!

Please use this thread to discuss potential new style ideas. If you've been dying for a specific style, here's your chance to get it out there!

Fun part: If I end up using your style idea, I'll give you one free style scroll of that type upon completion.

  • These will be more of a "chip away at this between projects" type deal. I make no promises that this will happen fast if your idea is accepted. No Soon^TM or promised timelines.
  • I can't guarantee where style ideas will be used! Maybe they'll be in a promo, or a holiday event, or something altogether unrelated.
  • I already called dibs on a LOUD style


  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    A Companion Style that incorporates an ent name may be impossible, but would rule. Examples being "doggo of the fex bites person's arm" or "your angel boops the enemy on the snoot" etc etc. This might be outside the scope of styles and require too many checks to work, but, hey, maybe it'd be really easy, idfk haha. I always was bummed when classes that got ents could never use them in pve directly, and seeing some flavor that brought them in would rule.

  • Supervillain style all about posing dramatically, evil laughter, and exposition nobody asked for
  • BenedictoBenedicto Tentacles Errywhere!
    A true @Xavin style that hits any of your allies in the room with you before it hits the target.
  • Benedicto said:
    A true @Xavin style that hits any of your allies in the room with you before it hits the target.
    Thought this was @Czcibor xD

  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    Petition here to unban @Iazamat so he can suggest epic Tera styles plz.

  • - A passive aggressive style! "You bring your weapon down towards $target, but then decide they really aren't worth the trouble."

    - Styles for each of the cities.

    - Spirit styles for all of the Spirit-aligned classes with Shadow styles for the Shadow-aligned classes.

    - A 'dancer' style? Not dancer, necessarily, but a style that highlights a fluidity and gracefulness of movement.

    - A fancy or 'showoff' style which highlights you adding unnecessary footwork, flips, etc. to an attack
  • Everyone just wants to look stylish. However, what do you think about an unstylish technique scroll? Not every practicing monk is going to look super cool or elegant while he sends a kick and a punch flying, nor is every Knight class going to swing that weapon in those tight, practiced motions. Worse still, although Crux is a simple shape, there are just those who can't concentrate their intent enough to produce the expected effect! They're not clumsy; they're just inelegant creatures. 
  • Not exactly a style request but an idea I had regarding styles:

    I say you take Elene's idea and the clumsiness scrolls and apply it to every classes bashing skill as default and have it tied directly to the skillrank of the skill involved (or level). As you level up/invest lessons you move on to the current default messages and then at Trans you get either a class specific one for your guild or you get one at random (for your class/guild still)
    Copperhead of the Third Spoke says to you, "Intelligence matrix in moniker Bulrok reveals above average results when compared alongside proximal presence."
  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    Dude bul that's sexy as hell

  • A prideful style. Where the first-party message suggests that you're crazy super special awesome at bashing lizards into the dirt, but the third-party message makes it clear that you're a Gildenroy Lockhart through and through.
  • RijettaRijetta Nowhere Important
    Brax said:


    Welcome to the Carnifex, Cadet. Report to the Keep for your soulstone.

    Also, every god should have a style scroll, and maybe some heretical albedi ones.
    A low, sultry voice resounds within the depths of your mind, "I look forward to seeing your descent."
  • An "aloof" style. Every attack includes a yawn and/or looking off in another after the attack.
    Didi has expressed her esteem of you for the following reason: Smart organized leader.
    Experience Gained: 47720 (Special) [total: 2933660]
    Needed for LVL: 122.00775356245
  • edited February 2021
    Let us also appreciate the hard work put forth by farmers. Ceaselessly have they been plowing the land for our ravenous need for comms and plants production. Proletariats, rise up! I present to you with a need for a farming style scroll.

    EDIT: Someone (me) has been reading too much Overgeared. https://overgeared.fandom.com/wiki/Piaro
  • ArchelausArchelaus Alaska
    edited February 2021
    I second asking for style scrolls for all the Gods. The Sylphe and Iosyne ones are so cool! I at least want Ivoln!

    I'd really just like to see current styles fleshed out for all the classes. Let me use Bedrock and Stormy with my bonedagger!

    Oh, and I'd love a Chaos themed one. One that implied you were using energy from the Chaos Plane or one of the Chaos Lords would be awesome.

    Also a 'game' one would be neat, where each attack revolves around various games. Ex: Ascendril channels pure fire into a playing card before hurling it at the enemy. Teradrim smashes enemy with a giant chess piece of solid rock.
    [Insert annoying gif here]
  • Annoying! Kind of like taunting but in a very immature way! That would fit Ayastia perfectly!
  • Archelaus said:

    Also a 'game' one would be neat, where each attack revolves around various games. Ex: Ascendril channels pure fire into a playing card before hurling it at the enemy. Teradrim smashes enemy with a giant chess piece of solid rock.

    I love that idea!
  • Chromatic scrolls for Omei!
    Maybe a lil involved but like a set of them, that involve overwhelming people with the notion of colors and their possible meanings.
    So like

    Chromatic Blue - Shaman

    You conjure a bolt of vivid, impossibly blue lightning to dance beguilingly in your hand, enrapturing (poor shmuck) who screams in uncomprehending agony a moment later as tears well in their eyes.

    That one sucks a lil but I'm just trying to get the idea across.
  • Verbose styles - they're just way over written and excessively long for no reason. Big ol' chunks of text walls.
    Toz says, "Dishonor on you (Mjoll), dishonor on your family (Seirath), dishonor on your cow (Bulrok)"
  • Mjoll said:

    Verbose styles - they're just way over written and excessively long for no reason. Big ol' chunks of text walls.

    Have you had a look at Bombastic?

  • edited March 2021
    Xavin said:

    Mjoll said:

    Verbose styles - they're just way over written and excessively long for no reason. Big ol' chunks of text walls.

    Have you had a look at Bombastic?
    Bombastic for the monks is awesome! Switching between stances. It is definitely the 'anime style'
  • Xavin said:

    Mjoll said:

    Verbose styles - they're just way over written and excessively long for no reason. Big ol' chunks of text walls.

    Have you had a look at Bombastic?
    Doesn't support Carnifex
    Toz says, "Dishonor on you (Mjoll), dishonor on your family (Seirath), dishonor on your cow (Bulrok)"
  • Mjoll said:

    Xavin said:

    Mjoll said:

    Verbose styles - they're just way over written and excessively long for no reason. Big ol' chunks of text walls.

    Have you had a look at Bombastic?
    Doesn't support Carnifex
    It doesn't and it's dumb
  • Seeking to overpower your opponent, you shift your grip over (polearm) to one hand, your muscles rippling as you keep the weapon pointed at $(lname$). Encouraged by the insidious presence of death's chill creeping into your hand and allowing it to build into a swift crescendo, you leap forward with a fearless roar, letting loose a slash of crackling soul energy across $(lhis$) torso. The voices of the anguished spirits erupt into a cacophony of wails as the blade bites deep into its intended target, eliciting a spill of blood.

    Idk if that's bombastic enough, but here's a 1p suggestion for a polearm for Carnifex? >_>
  • BraxBrax Immortal
    Mjoll said:

    Xavin said:

    Mjoll said:

    Verbose styles - they're just way over written and excessively long for no reason. Big ol' chunks of text walls.

    Have you had a look at Bombastic?
    Doesn't support Carnifex
    I will not stand for this! This will be fixed.

    Also, didn't want you guys to think I'm ignoring this. I've seen a few ideas here that I love and must make a reality. As soon as mirrors are done, I'm planning to spend some time here and on orgreqs!
  • @Brax

    Have I ever told you you're my hero?
    You are the wind beneath my wings. 
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