Announce post #3129: Classleads July 2020 - part 4
8/12/2020 at 2:19
Nalus the Liaison
Classleads July 2020 - part 4
- [2932] Servant will now automatically grab the corpses of players you land the final blow on.
- [2818] Intertwine reworked: Now lets you paint a second Earthpaint colour to have two Earthpaint effects at once. Refer to AB file for syntax.
- [2818] Earthpaint gold has been removed.
- [2818] Earthpaint blue chance raised from 20% to 33%.
- [2818] Earthpaint red chance raised from 20% to 33%.
- [2818] Earthpaint green changed to be its old intertwine effect instead.
- [2818] Earthpaint purple increased from 2 reflexes to 3, and allows an extra vigilance slot. Refer to AB file for syntax.
- [2699] New artifact power available: fast_aegis
- [2880] Erosion will now destroy barriers created by Manipulation Aegis.
- [2946] New artifact available: an Amulet of Roan.
- [2867] Woodcrafters can now make dhurive designs. These designs are a bit special in that the Woodcrafter can't actually CRAFT/CARVE them to make the item. Instead, a Sentinel that has been given access to the design can use the ASSEMBLE command to specify the design, refer to the AB file for syntax. The dhurive design uses special tokens that will be replaced by the wood obtained during the COLLECT STAFF portion of creating a dhurive. If the design calls for additional ingredients beyond the piece of obsidian and the collected staff, you will need to have those on hand as well. The crafter can also turn the design into a diagram, that can be sold in shops. Crafters, refer to the Craft news for more details.
- [2867] I've updated the Collect AB file to let you know what environment gives what type of wood for the dhurive.
- [2867] Decay time on Dhurives has been increased.
- [2785] Efreetis can now be submitted for customization. HELP ASCENDRIL RP has been updated with some notes about the efreeti to keep in mind when doing so. See HELP CUSTOMISATION for more details.
- [2871] The ice_encased affliction is now cured by the caloric poultice.
- [2871] Frostbrand will instantly deliver the ice_encased affliction if you are already frozen and get hit with a freezing ability.
- [2871] The effect of ice_encased has been changed to increase limb damage taken by 50%.
- [2871] Hypothermia is now cured by caloric. Refer to HELP CURE ORDERS.
- [2871] Curing hypothermia is no longer blocked by torso damage.
- [2871] Curing hypothermia now uses more poultice balance the more bodypart damage your torso has.
- [2871] Shatter's requirements have been changed to frozen, icicled and two damaged limbs.
As this is a rather large change to the Ascendril shatter route, we might make further tweaks as needed outside the classlead scope.
- [2874] Codexes can now be crafted via Papercrafting. An Archivist will need to mark the codex as theirs once obtained, refer to AB CODEX.
- [2942] The ylem_gauge artifact power now works correctly for hotspot during a major focus. It already worked with nodes.
- [2785] Shadelings can now be submitted for customization. HELP SCIOMANCER RP has been updated with some notes about the shadeling to keep in mind when doing so. See HELP CUSTOMISATION for more details.
- [2876] There is now a 10 second cooldown applied to the Transfix ability.
- [2699] New artifact power available: fast_aegis
- [2848] New ability: Merge.
- [2935] New ability: Tremorsense.
- [2938] Formation now has an extra syntax in its AB file that lets you turn 'a wooden club' into a stone club.
- [2941] Runemark's minor yellow now increases bleeding by 30% from all Teradrim abilities.
- [2882] When Dissonance strips a defence, it will cause the thunderbrand's damage effect to proc if the victim has that brand on them.
Penned by my hand on Gosday, the 9th of Niuran, in the year 489 MA.

also I sent a message on this but wanted to put this here as well... the fast_aegis ap info says it also quicken dampen, but wondered if this might affect ab survival dampen as well? Long shot I know but thought I would ask.
Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”
― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax