Announce post #3121: Castles
7/21/2020 at 20:40
Tiur, the Gnosis
Castles are back on! I have updated their pricing. It is quite a bit higher, but less so than expected after I talked with some players. The goal here is to keep them special, but not make them priced out of sane game playing time via milestones.
So the new pricing is a slight bump at the beginning, and an increase ratio of 2 instead of 1.6. This keeps a house in a city fair, but moves wilderness houses into the realm of truly special.
Stone is unchanged.
House Deeds will be redeemed as they are and I'll update any further usage of them with newer pricing. I BELIEVE I built all houses that got in before the temporary hold, message me if not.
PS I really wanted to upgrade the building system a little before I did this, but I have had all cookies withheld already because I made you all wait so long. So that code can take its time, and maybe someday I can have a cookie again.
Penned by my hand on Kinsday, the 7th of Chakros, in the year 489 MA.

A custom entrance for your building. Note, the price quoted may be higher
depending on specifics requested.
- Buildings : 250,000 Gold.
- Player houses: 150/225/300 credits.
In their current incarnation, city homes seem like the best bang for your buck. While you are subject to the politics of the ruling regime (they can magically lock you out of your home), you have the general protections of the city guard and added security via access to a separate "neighborhood" area. However, with the other tiers, it feels like we're paying far more for less since village and wilderness homes lose access to the "neighborhood" feature and guard protections. I wonder if I'm not the only one thinking "coolness of location" is not enough for the price differences?
Some proposed fixes and cool features could be like:
*Note* They'd still have to pay the 300cr to get entrances customized like everyone else.
- NATIVE: Being a local has its perks; you know where to find the best deals and the best shortcuts. Your character receives a celerity bonus while inside the city and pays a reduced price to all denizen vendors in the city (i.e., post office letters cost 500g instead of 1,000g / amulets cost 7,500g instead of 15,000g / etc.)
- REKNOWN: Your wealth has brought you reknown in this community as an aristrocrat. Your character receives a special Fame line and title unique to the regional area. Special note: Some NPCs may respond differently to the presence of your character as a home owner in the area.
Stahl Sinclair <<Lakeside Beau/Belle>>
- DISCOVERY: The deeper recesses of the wilderness provides: Your character can now activate the WILDERNESS REFUGE defense. While the defense is active, upon true death, your character will respawn in the base room of your primary home instead of the Caves/Graveyards/etc.
This would give each tier a unique element to differentiate between them and offers an opportunity to expand the features into a ton of new cosmetics for credit purchases. Overall, it'd encourage more spending since these perks would still require players to pay for the original extra customizations without devaluing the homes of other players that came before them. Hell, the completionists might even gun for multiple home purchases to collect all the perks! Win, win all around. Thoughts?Fame: He has discerned the rumors of the Green Lake and settled in Attica.
Arbre Aquila <<Djeirani Aristrocrat>>
Fame: She has been recognized by the Djeirani nobility and raised above the rabble.
Vyxsis Qizzeke <<Wicked>>
Fame: She roosts among the Vice Lords in the El'Jaziran Oasis.
Random % chance local NPCs address you with: "Ah, greetings !" (Maybe it's positive or negative depending on regional RP!)
Random % chance local NPCs preemote @ you upon entrance/exit.
At the moment I see wilderness/village homes as just prestige. City homes make far more sense. I can be convinced otherwise, as it's one of the things I realize I'm not in line with most people on.
As to your ideas... maybe? The problem is the time it would take, and I'm unsure how popular it would be. Reknown is kinda a neat idea though.. I might want to put in a faction part of it to counter it being too close to paying for a title straight up.
Villages/Wilderness carry no such risk. Once it is down it is yours forever and ever no matter if you're enemied to every single city-state in the game. You control access and you decide who can come and go based entirely upon your whim. I thought this was an understood thing as to the capitalizing cost of housing from city to village to wilderness? Or is it that the risks that were once inherent in being part of a city state and possibly leaving said city-state for the opposite faction (Spirit to Shadow or vice-versa) is no longer any risk at all and the understanding of risk that went with it has vanished from the game?
While I don't have access to the numbers you do, I'm inclined to believe if the exclusive perks for the various tiers were made enticing enough and gradually expanded upon over time, the ROI would be worthwhile on multiple fronts from player engagement to sales potential. Cities offer general protection in the form of guards and because of the security lapses homes of inactive players caused the city in the era of raiding, player homes were eventually changed many years ago to different areas called "neighborhoods" which in turn added an extra layer of security for both the player and the city. The trade off with cities have always been that you are subject to the culture/laws of the time. At least until you ponied up more credits to have your home moved elsewhere. Aside from these two elements and the area type, anything you can do with city homes, you can do with the village/wilderness equivalent and vice versa.
Peeeeersonally, I do see where people are coming from. Looking purely at the material benefits, there are clear reasons to own a house in cities especially if you don't think there will be any risk or reason why you'll be losing access to it anytime soon. Sure, the roleplay freedom and lustre of owning a village/wilderness house is pretty awesome, but once that wears off, that's all there is.