Announce post #3119: Classleads July 2020 - part 3

7/19/2020 at 8:28
Keroc, the Starborn
Classleads July 2020 - part 3

- [2886] After the first unconscious proc of faintness, the threshold is increased to 500 endurance and willpower.
* This goes back to 300 when the affliction is cured and given again.

- [2842] Prism has been recoded to properly respect defences such as shield and the like.
* Please let me know if there is any strange interactions that shouldn't be happening.
- [2842] Each spell cast by Prism now costs you mana and willpower.

- [2919] Removed the equilibrium cost from turning on Spectre.
* It still requires equilibrium and balance to turn on and off.
- [2919] Spectre now has a 20 mana drain cost while active.

- [2866] Firewhirl can now be recast, although doing so will destroy the old firewhirl.

- [2907] Tiredness caused by the dreamscape Creator tarot has been cut in half.

- [2865] Carving tarot cards now creates 64 tarot cards from 1 wood.

Penned by my hand on Tisday, the 17th of Arios, in the year 489 MA.
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