Announce post #3104: The Duel
6/10/2020 at 3:07
Keroc, the Starborn
The Duel
The Duel returns! Featuring a double-elimination format, can you make it to top to prove you are the best?
GMT Time: 2020/06/13 01:00:00
Read HELP THE DUEL for more information.
EVENTS INFO 239 will hold the time in your timezone, providing you have CONFIG TIMEZONE setup!
Penned by my hand on Closday, the 7th of Midsummer, in the year 488 MA.
Probably listening to this.
2) If any class is gonna win, I legit think it'll either be monk (Bene) or WF (Mazz).
3) I'm 99.99% positive the end result will be Mazz v Bene. If Mazz doesn't participate then it's 100% Benedicto (sorry, not sorry)
4) Unless Fezzix decides to play, then I think Fezzix would win (as Syssin)
Unbeatable cheese....