Announce post #3099: June Promotion
5/31/2020 at 23:57
Tiur, the Gnosis
June Promotion
Happy June!
It's time for the Wheel of Fates!
Tokens are on sale at
Every 500th skull token spin gives the spinner 500 credits!
Every 50th skull token spin gives the spinner 50 credits!
PROBE the Wheel to see how long until those key points are met.
You'll also get a free spin with 60 minutes of online time.
The outer wheel determines your prize category, and each skull token may spin the outer wheel three times. Then you spin the inner wheel to find your actual prize.
There's, of course, a lottery attached. At the moment the lottery prize is a seekrit, because I broke it and need to fix it. But it's crafting oriented, and new!
There'll also be a skull token in the milestone shop.
For those of you who wanted the Crate Hide? I couldn't quite get it working correctly... so I'll leave crates up for an extra week if anyone wants, and I'll schedule EITHER a Treasure Hunt or Crate Hide in the later part of the month. Keep an eye on EVENTS.
Penned by my hand on Gosday, the 2nd of Chakros, in the year 488 MA.