NPC Wares vs Player Wares: Price and Decay

Several weeks ago on the Discord, we talked about NPC vials being significantly better than player made vials. 

There is presently a mob in Enorian (at v55864) who sells vials that range from 700-1500 gold a piece. Most of us obviously would never buy these at that price. However... Let's look specifically at the 700g one. It has 150 days until it decays. Yes, you read that correctly, 150 days. 

Let's compare this to a transcendent woodcrafter, without artifacts or boons of any sort. Freshly made vial? 45 days. 

Using Enorian's current wood price let's compare cost to price:

Price to buy wood: 180
NPC price per 1 vial: 700

Wood needed to craft a vial: 2
How many times you'll have to remake your vials before NPC vial decays: 3

NPC Price for a full 8 vials every 150 days: 5,600

Player Price to make vials every 150 days: 8,640 (2,880 every 45 days)

Using average price for BUYING vials from a shop (avg price is 300 gold): 7,200 every 150 days. (2,400 every 45 days)

As you can see, there is a glaring problem here. Or at least it's one to me. In a economy where commdoties are already high priced and often times hard to get, an NPC is out there making BETTER items for significantly cheaper. 



  • inb4 npc vials nerfed
  • As Per Bossmans request, if any one finds NPC's that have similar/same things with various wares, please sound off here too!

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