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House Lunare!!

So this is probably one of the first and only posts I have made on the forums. I usually just sit and skim through the pages reading the others. I decided though, that I was going to make a self-affirmation post for House Lunare. Maybe set a few facts straight, after all if opinions are going to get spouted out and about, at least complain about the right thing. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, and I know full well that on this post, we most likely are gonna get bashed at even more, but its expected. Other than that, sure we'd love opinions, it's not like we are out to conquer the world left and right...or according to some we are.

1.) I want to start with my favorite bashing. The fact that the leader spit in the face of a divine. In referring to Kallah and Akimoto's eternal binding, is what I am assuming was meant by it. What you may not know, is the player behind Akimoto decided to quit of his own accord for good. It was talked about between the two of us, as well as talked about with the divine in question. A lot of ooc and ic issues arose and as agreed upon by the parties it was better this way. There was no reason for it to have escalated past that point. 

2.) I believe it was Ezalor in the Ankyrean Anguish who stated we openly bash and treat Sarita with discontent. This is entirely untrue. We have better things to do, than to spend it spouting off hatred openly IG about her or any of you for that fact. If there was any that occured, it wasn't our full house's doing and only those who actually did.  So sorry if you felt the brunt of it, but other than the Imperium stuff that arose, never had a problem with the other houses in any way shape or form other than the leader before Kallah chose to bring Lunare to Spinesreach. As far as the Imperium went, never said we did want it, only that we had thrown our names in for Viceroy. That was all. Never stamped our feet either. Sarita got it shortly after and this was fine as she was attempting to do things with it, even if one of those things landed us with an ultimatum. Which we acted upon by full house vote, so while words may have been slung back and forth, let's be honest that is nothing new in the land of Aetolia with people insulting others now a days. As we were on the 'chopping block' as they say, of course words got slung around. Lunare is a passionate house that genuinely cares for the house and at the time it seemed the others were out to destroy them, so we acted accordingly. Of course this does not mean that the name calling was necessary. As for the bloodhunt, Lunare went to Niuri because we assumed its what everyone wished for, only then to have it turned on, so apologies for it, but if so many would not have spoken so passionately of wanting one, we may have never gone about getting one. Erzsebet is right as well that Ve'kahi and Lunare butt heads more often than not. This is certainly true.

3.) Ah yes the living. This of all has to be one of my favorite ones I have heard and we continue to listen to. Had all of you let us explain their true purpose at the time, perhaps none of the misconceptions would have ever come to be. We even told Abhorash why we had them, something perhaps we should have been allowed to do to the others and did not get that chance before assumptions were made and gone with. Yes we had a ritual for them. This ritual was not similar to embracement. It was nothing more than branding those living in our ranks with a tattoo saying they belonged to Lunare. The misconception may have come from only the Sires being allowed to 'brand' that member with the tattoo. We had them in our house as we are Spirean a neutral city where it didn't matter, and once we were told it had to change back...we did not hesitate and booted them, most of them by Kallah's own hand. They were useful for progress and a vast majority of them we worked while they were with us to convert them. As for the Yeleni insult...we had one Yeleni, not like we jumped on a yeleni-bouncing bandwagon. She was removed even before any of the issues arose with her. None of the living ever held power save for one which was Aoi. She was a Senator on their council even before Kallah came to head of house. She also was wanting to convert and finally did so. Other than that, not sure what you thought...that we coralled behind them bowing down to them?? A good portion of the -FEW- living we did have was due to treaties within Spinesreach and that is all, on terms of furthering education for both organizations, and once this came about the treaties were made void, the members asked to take their leave.

4.) Abhorash and the Dominion: Firstly, we never said we did nothing wrong, and Kallah was more than willing to say so to the Primus. Saying we are acting as such, may be how you perceive it, but that doesn't make it true either. We know we did something wrong, and we also accepted everything thus far laid down by him, adapting to each and every change to better the house. As Kallah was told directly from him, only reason he did not invite us into the Dominion was due to our horrible standing with Loch. Well this is why we had our ambassador send our messages to the overlords. Azrael I believe posted something about this in anguish as well. We can not fix something when not given the chance to do so. We were asked to fix relations with Loch, and the first step in that is trying to speak with the heads there before anything else. So far we have been ignored, and I was unaware of any mutual hatred between Loch and Lunare to be honest. Sure a few of our members hate Loch, but they were booted and angry. However that is but a few, not us all. Kalls for one never had an issue with Loch. Some of our members reside in both. To set the facts straight on the matter about our newbies, NO we do not tell them to automatically leave Loch. We even have listed in our hhelp scrolls that you may choose either city, only that we are currently aligned with Spines. The option is theirs to make, not ours. There is no one in the house chasing down thralls with a giant stick saying "OH MY GOD LEAVE LOCH OR ELSE" So apologies if it's how it looks, but we don't. As for the Primus, we have tried nothing but to abide by what he has asked each and every time he has met with Kallah or the house as a whole. That's all there is too it. To continue to work for our house and to survive as the rest of the houses are doing and working on. How this is seen as a problem, I am unsure? We are an active house for the most part, and only doing what each and everyone of the other consanguines are and trying to survive.

5.) Being power hungry?!? I saw Sarita had mentioned that those of Lunare who join other organizations swiftly take them over? Kalls was a Senator in Spines a long time before any of this arose, and rose to Chairwoman with a council vote. Yes we may have a good deal of Lunarian's in the senate of Spines, but this still was something that happened long before. Each and every one were voted in, and not by brute force. As for other organizations, a good bit of us also were a part of the Rout/Atabahi long before. This is nothing new? Nor has it caused issues. We don't intentionally send out our members and say here...take this over would ya...thanks. If you were referring to the Teradrim..that had nothing to do with Lunare, and still doesn't. Its a Loch guild, and as has been made clear we have nothing to do with Loch. So if others have been griefed on grounds seeming as such was the case, I do apologize. Rest assure, we have no world conquering dreams in our plans, nor have we ever. If brute force was used...I had no idea it was. We have no problem keeping city/guild/and house matters each separate and on their own. 

-All that being said, we as a house have only ever worked to stay active and working for our goals. Anything specific members have achieved such as positions elsewhere and such, they worked for themselves with encouragement from the rest of us.  Considering we are Spirean and not Lochian, we are sheltered from outside hatred or gossip. As for any insults still continuing...if you want them made known, perhaps trying to bring them up IC instead of arguing over the forums about them? As I restate a lot of what I have seen...Kalls ic-wise has been completely unaware of, as well as many of the house as has been proven several times lately when a member comes with something they heard and are utterly confused. Something many of you don't know is Kallah was begged to take over the house from Infin, but she waited until he was ready to step down to do so. The house seems to genuinely follow her and approves of her decisions. When the ulitmatum was offered...you can ask any of them, I asked if they wished for m to step down and do what they asked. They wished for her not to, and in hopes that would continue to thrive and endure. We don't consider ourselves better than everyone else, only wishing to remain when this purge is up, much the same as the other houses. If you feel we should meet with the other houses, then we can, not a problem, but being treated with hostility when we attempt to is the same as accusing us of publicly slandering everyone else, which we don't as a House. Even we can learn to change and adapt for the betterment of us. Progress is what Lunare works for and always will. We work hard for what we do have and what we wish to see done further. So feel free to send your opinions, even if they are nothing but harsh bashings..trust me well used to it at this point. Useful opinions are most appreciated as I am sure they can help us grow more. :-)


  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    This is why we can't have nice things.

    All seriousness though, who gives a damn.  Its a roleplay game with roleplay that not everyone is going to agree with, So long as we have fun, those with us have fun and we create an interesting and involved gameplay experience that brings in more cash for a now considered niche gaming community by prolonging a characters stay and encouraging the arts which require credits to purchase.  Gods be damned what monsters we are.

    Conflict is the only thing a roleplaying MUD has to rely on, to incite combat, to encourage the mind to desire to "Win" an un-winnable game.

    Cheers to Lunare and the fun we have, and allowing a batshit crazy wolf character to be part of it.
    or as I like to call myself the "Secretary of getting drunk and pissed off"

    Much love though to those who make the experience a damn good time despite the common belief..
  • I still want my plaque for the castle that says " This is why we can't have nice things!" It's honestly Lunare's motto!
  • Yes, yes indeed this is why we can't have nice things.

    While many of you know this fact, there are many who don't know as well. My character, in game, may be Kallah's son, but IRL we are married, so pretty much whenever someone pisses her off, makes her feel uncomfortable, or generally is a complete idiot at her, it tends to rub me the wrong way as well. Take Akimoto for example. The three of us have been friends out of character for a good few years, but the things that escalated from him and Kallah's marriage/RP in-game got way out of hand and he decided to finally make a right choice. He took this game way too seriously, both IG and OOC, and it just simply had to stop.

    Well, felt like putting my two cents in. 
  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    One of the things that get to me is how people who speak of these matters lump it all together with House Lunare. Just because someone is part of an organization, it doesn't mean that that character's attributes, ideas, ways of dealing with something is the general idea of the organization. To then say that everything done by the members of said org is the responsibility/fault of the leader is just plain wrong.

    For instance, I believe Kallah has been accused of a great deal of things she hasn't even been part of/possibly not even known about.

    I know some people have spoken up about things they have no facts about simply because they wish to have an opinion or they've heard someone else raise their opinion without speaking to those involved. (Or just don't like those involved for some reason and wants to gain support for their own opinion by flaming)

    Yes, I'm speaking in general terms, which is annoying and frustrating, but my point is this:

    Don't blame the acts of an individual on an organization as a whole.

    Also, facts are a good thing to include. If you don't have them, find them. Don't fabricate something that sounds good for the moment.

  • EzalorEzalor Emperor D'baen Canada
    edited March 2013
    Well, I just got done ranting at Macavity in the other thread. Let's do it more positively here.

    I'll preface this with OOC: I know you are a genuinely nice person Kallah. Aarbrok is a funny guy. Macavity is cool. None of this is personal.

    Now, if you want a real self affirmation? Lunare has little to no respect coming for it from nearly every other facet of the game. Every single one of Abhorash's Edicts targeted something Lunare was doing. -Every- one. You guys made a mistake and you were -wrong-, that can't be denied.

    Now, I don't mind mistakes. I make a lot of them myself. I don't even mind (well, I do a little) that you guys rampantly insulted us when we were trying to do the exact same thing Abhorash is doing now. What I do mind is that there is no acknowledgement or show of remorse or indication that Lunare has learned its lesson, that it has changed. Maybe you have but it sure as hell doesn't show ICly or OOCly. You had Macavity spouting the same line that we are all jealous of Lunare just now. Can you honestly still say and believe that with a straight face? No House, not even Dar'sroth, would trade reputations with Lunare. What I, and Ezalor, expect fully from you guys is that another problem will arise in the future and you'll be the same entitled, insulting, refuse-to-listen-or-compromise House that you were in the Imperium. Is this perception accurate? Maybe, maybe not. But it's not up to me to find out; you are the ones who created that image for yourselves. And I know I am FAR from the only one who feels this way and who sees Lunare this way.

    Take your point about Bloodloch. You don't like Bloodloch, Bloodloch doesn't like you. Now insert ANY other organization here. You don't like D'baen, D'baen doesn't like you. You don't like Bahir'an, Bahir'an doesn't like you. You don't like Ve'kahi, Ve'kahi doesn't like you. You don't like the Bloodborn, the Bloodborn don't like you. Do you see a common pattern here? You've managed to alienate everyone outside your own House. And this is no one's fault but your own; you did it through your own actions, the way you completely scoffed at any signs of diplomacy when you wouldn't get your own way. The first step is to stop deluding yourselves that this is born out of jealousy or any nonsense. There is a real problem here, a real problem that Lunare created itself, a real problem that Lunare is responsible for. And this problem has Lunare in a position of weakness, yet you all still act like you have the upper hand in any interactions. Abhorash favours us, not you guys. Maybe act accordingly. You may believe you are the victims here and that our sanctions and dislike of you make you the victim but you brought this all on yourselves. You are not victims. 

    There isn't an easy fix like "patch things up with Bloodloch and all is fine." If anything, you'd have to patch things up with every small organization first before even considering Bloodloch. We all have treaties in place to have BL remove ally status and enemy those we don't like. The Dominion treaty is likely going to afford even more power.

    You have a very tall task ahead of you to regain the respect of everyone you're going to be interacting with in this new Dominion. Right now, you don't have respect from -any- of them. And by continuing to believe stuff like we are all just jealous of your numbers you are not helping your situation at all. Maybe the first step is to admit that there actually is a problem and Lunare actually did go wrong somewhere along the line.

    As I said in the other thread, I want to like you guys. I really do. But that effort has to come from your side, not mine. I did not one day blindly decide "I hate Lunare," it was your actions that brought it to that stage. And, as I said, I am far from the only one that feels this way. I have no desire to grief you and try to keep you out of the Dominion or Bloodloch but neither am I just going to hand you everything you want after the way my Housemates have been treated by you guys.

    I know you guys want your individuality and all but really, the Consanguine have a set guideline (which Abhorash is hammering back into place). If you really want to keep all the non-Consanguine stuff you were doing, maybe it's not the right path in the game for you. Or, if you really want to come back into the proper Consanguine path, make peace with the rest of us. There has to be a compromise somewhere here on your part.
  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden

    @Teani part of being a leader is taking responsibility for the actions of those you lead.

    Of course they have to do that if it's a House matter.

    However, claiming, for an example, that House Lunare's leaders have to take responsibility for how the Teradrim guild is run, because the GM there happens to be part of the House... not really House business, is it?

    And if someone does something incredibly stupid that reflects poorly on the House, how do you know the leadership condones it or not? Maybe it's sorted out in some other way, rather than tossing someone out on their ear. Just saying. I don't know, since my character is no longer part of the House and hasn't been since just after the Primus returned.

    On another note though, while being part of the House, my character had fun. It was a good place, lots of things happening, people to interact with and learn things about. I've never had a character belong to a House before, and it was interesting to see something about what it was like.

    Even though my character disagrees with me, I think the changes are good. I've always been part of the group thinking Vampires and Undead shouldn't be able to reproduce, for example, as it makes sense. That these things are being worked on quickly to accommodate to the Primus's edicts is great. They are trying to make amends in some way.

  • IllikaalIllikaal Pray Area
    edited March 2013
    Their leader is a vampire who got pregnant by another vampire and gave birth to a (vampire?) baby. The administration have already said that this is mechanically impossible, yet LOL FUCK DA POLICE I'M HAVING MY VAMPIRE BABY. 

    Strike one. 

    Any constructive criticism that other houses have to offer you gets put off as "Lolhaters." and you're trying to turn what could have been an incredibly powerful vampire house into Duiran 1.0

    Strike two. 

    You took over an entire City with sheer numbers (and stupidity) only to rotate orgleaders every week for what nobody else can help but think of as an excuse to grab an honors line. You also put off the orgleaders that were actually advancing the city towards something appropriate out of place when they did nothing wrong cause LOL HONORS LINES. 

    Strike three.

    Aarbrok has breasticles.

    Strike four. 

    And no, don't take a base. 

    Also the fact that a bunch of Lunares are forum RPing in this thread = lollarskates. 
    "And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
  • You know. This is starting to look, from everything, like a whole bunch of forum RP, and I just can't take this self-ff seriously until that changes. 

  • All I will say is this:

    I tried making a Lunare alt, because I wanted to try undead and I knew that they were an active house.

    Aside from the drama on the house channel - constantly, I seriously felt like I was being forced to say I was in love with my Sire in order for them to actually embrace me. And forget forcing my character to do something like that, especially when the character I created was basically an ice princess. 
  • MacavityMacavity Chicago, Il
    @ezalor yes it is true that you all in the Imperium started to do what Abhorash is doing now, but the fact remains it was too late by the time you all tried to do something.  The Imperium has been around for 10+ years and for 7 or 6 of those years it sat there collecting dust and did nothing with no power.  That is why Abhorash is back doing what he is doing, and its not just against Lunare its for all the Houses.  He even said in the starting event when he killed me that it was not just Lunare but all Houses had displeased him.  If a log is needed of that to remind you, I will be happy to post it, but it has been posted on another thread as well.  Also how about you let who ever is playing Abhorash speak for himself about how he feels about Lunare and not put words in his mouth.  Abhorash has met with Lunare a few times and is rather pleased at what they have done and feels they are on track, with the exception of the Bloodloch alignment which we are working on.  And by the sounds of things here on the forums in other threads seems to be denied from the leadership but has yet to speak to the Leadership of Lunare....And you claim we metagame?  Also your claims about groups not liking Lunare....  Currently in Bloodloch there are aids in place who are Lunare, Bloodborn has a Secretary that is Lunare, Teradrim and Atabahi has a GM that are Lunare, Bloodborn has also lifted the ban on rituals being done for Lunare.  So if people in those groups did not like any of us then we would be contested and voted out or removed from positions within the City.  The same applies for Spinesreach as well, any leader can be contested and is not as hard to replace them like it is in Bloodloch.  So if people did not like what was being done in Spinesreach then they would contest and vote them out as well.  After that you have the Houses you mentioned, which in the past Houses have always not liked each other for one reason or the next.  Its always been a mini competition and have had a few wars against Houses several years ago.  As for the rest of the realm like the Lifers well why would Lunare ever care about them.  The only ones Lunare ever cared about were the ones that supported Undeath and Consanguine which they were in the House and now are gone.  Ve'Kahi had just as many Living members within their ranks but yet they are not getting half the smack as Lunare is and was welcomed with open arms.  

    its no secret that this game as its clicks and people will make it harder or easier to get things done based on if they are or are not within said clicks.  Even if there is not an IC reason to let them have whatever it is they want.  But we are all human playing a game for enjoyment and such human traits will always be part of any character regardless how hard you try.
    “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
    Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” 
    ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

    Veritas says, "Sorry for breaking your system Macavity."
    Veritas says, "My boss fights crash Macavity's computer now."
  • MacavityMacavity Chicago, Il
    Meskhenet said:
    All I will say is this:

    I tried making a Lunare alt, because I wanted to try undead and I knew that they were an active house.

    Aside from the drama on the house channel - constantly, I seriously felt like I was being forced to say I was in love with my Sire in order for them to actually embrace me. And forget forcing my character to do something like that, especially when the character I created was basically an ice princess. 
    care to name names on this??  I would be interested to know who would force one to say they "love" their sire.  I know Macavity IC would never force one to do this.
    “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
    Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” 
    ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

    Veritas says, "Sorry for breaking your system Macavity."
    Veritas says, "My boss fights crash Macavity's computer now."
  • I just wanted to point out that 'having Lunarian members in power in other orgs' does not = 'other orgs liking Lunare'

  • EzalorEzalor Emperor D'baen Canada
    edited March 2013
    Ve'kahi had living members but Erzsebet was mature and reasonable in discussing it. Nowhere did she turn into the raging, temper-tantrum-throwing children that Lunare members did when confronted about it.

    You really don't get it Macavity. Clearly you still think you are doing nothing wrong and have done nothing wrong despite hordes of people telling you otherwise.

    Anyways, I'm clearly wasting my breath (fingers?) with trying to help point out Lunare's problems and how to fix them. You guys can continue being as Illidan calls it Duiran 1.0 and the laughingstock of everyone. All I can say is good luck, and I look forward (sarcasm) to the temper tantrums that are going to erupt when you see the consequences of your actions in Bloodloch and the Dominion. This is exactly why everyone hates dealing with your House. You guys don't seem willing to see and admit to problems until the very moment they come to bite you in the ass like Abhorash did. Illidan nailed the point exactly with his "strike two."

    Just like the ordeal with the living and the Imperium, you have other Houses trying to tell you ICly and OOCly how to make things better. But just like last time, you'll continue with your hands over your eyes and this "we're better" attitude until, just like last time, someone -forces- you to see the problem. But mm, let's just watch history repeat itself I guess.
  • IllikaalIllikaal Pray Area
    Still waitin' on Abhorash just to obliterate the lot of Lunare, honestly. Curse them all from ever rejoining a vampire house, or something. 
    "And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    edited March 2013
    Point one: Org leaders changed twice, Once due to the fact Arthas challenged Aarbrok as leader of the City, I then was not certain that if he was to win if he would get city leader by taking my Senator seat, o by majority vote of city leadership we handed it to Aoi, who only agreed to take it as a temporary position.  When it came time to take back my leadership position after the election was over Luna refused to allow me to reclaim my seat and instead I suggested Kallah for the position as Luna herself did not want it and did not want me to have it.

    Clarified, just so you do not think we were "Handing around an honors line"

    Point two: Vampire pregnancy.  In no instance did a vampire get another vampire pregnant.  Kallah and Akimoto asked me if I would be able to create a child, you know as a doctor of sorts.  I said I could not do so with an undead womb.  Also at this time Akimoto was still living, he did not go vampire until I kicked him into a hole later on because his wounds were too dire...another discussion.  That being said they acquired a vial of....well life jizz, and a living ovary for me, I then proceeded to see if I could grow a child for them which mind you ended up going terribly wrong in the creation, abomination of the blood...blah blah, enter a pack of hungry wolves who devoured the creature in the end for not being proper.

    But yeah, you can keep spouting how our vampires got each other pregnant.

    If there is someone in the House who is Roleplaying pregnancy as two dead people, you got 99 problems and a kid aint one.

    PS: I love my breasticles :)
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    Aarbrok said:
    Point one: Org leaders changed twice, Once due to the fact Arthas challenged Aarbrok as leader of the City, I then was not certain that if he was to win if he would get city leader by taking my Senator seat, o by majority vote of city leadership we handed it to Aoi, who only agreed to take it as a temporary position.  When it came time to take back my leadership position after the election was over Luna refused to allow me to reclaim my seat and instead I suggested Kallah for the position as Luna herself did not want it and did not want me to have it.
    I had unanimous support as Cityleader when Damonicus challenged me.  So that, in case he won, he couldn't just SUPPORT DAMONICUS and get Cityleader, I had Xavin support himself.  That left me as Cityleader during the contention, but would automatically roll it over to him should I have lost.
  • EzalorEzalor Emperor D'baen Canada
    edited March 2013
    Hey, you can sit here and explain your reasons and they may be perfectly valid. But it's not any one issue that's brought things to how they are now, it's a culmination of everything. 

    When this many people have a negative opinion of your House it's time to stop justifying things and time to start exploring just why these opinions exist and how to change them. They may be wrong opinions, of course, but when it's as widespread as this something went wrong somewhere along the line. No one joined this game thinking "man I don't like Lunare's name time to hate them." These conceptions exist about Lunare, rightly or wrongly, and simply doing the bare minimum that Abhorash forces you to is just a band-aid solution. 

    One last time, I want to like you guys. My character might not ever, but he's made posts on D'baen's board and told Abhorash that he's willing to welcome Lunare back if they show they've reformed. I make these big OOC posts on the forums to try to offer a solution. I've done everything on my part, OOCly and ICly, to make things better. But at the end of the day it's not my responsibility to do so. At least try to meet me halfway here?

    You've had all three Dominion House head players express on these forums that their characters don't like Lunare. ICly it would be even more vehement. Is it really the correct path to continue thinking we're all jealous and spiteful for the sake of being spiteful? Is it really the correct path to keep saying we are all wrong, Lunare has done nothing wrong?

    Barring something major this is the last post I'll make on this topic. This seems like it is just going to go in circles and it's probably best to exit while things are still cordial. All snarkiness and such aside, I do want Lunare to become friendly with everyone else and raise their reputation again. I've offered my viewpoint and suggestions but I won't claim them as fact or the only way to do things. It's entirely possible it's not even the correct way to do things. 

    But it is fact that the status quo needs to be changed or you're either going to see a lot of dislike/resistance or a lot of similar trouble in the future.
  • edited March 2013
    Macavity said:
    So if people in those groups did not like any of us then we would be contested and voted out or removed from positions within the City.

    Yeah, this part I have to disagree with. Here are reasons I disagree;

    1. The "aides" who are in Bloodloch were not of Lunare when they were appointed, else they would never have been appointed. Fact is, it has already been brought up to remove them after a member of Lunare contacted Bloodloch to "better" things simply because Big-A wants them to mend ties with the city. Bloodloch hasn't openly spoke to anyone in Lunare because the entire council is waiting to be heard from, hence you being informed yesterday that if you were to try to return to Bloodloch that your own request would be denied, even if you are the current Teradrim GM.

    2. The Teradrim GM being Lunare...lets face, that entire ordeal was discussed in another thread where Lunare inducted their own members, favored them up to voting ranks in just enough time to vote for your predecessor, metagaming gallore, and then you basically handed the position because there isn't any way possible that anyone else could have honestly taken the position from you given the voting strength of Lunarians who have been favored up.

    It's like I've said before, Az had always liked Mac, heck, Mac was one of the few who Az actually gave a key to his castle personally, 99% of the rest of Bloodloch received copies from other people who received copies so you know that I hold no ill feelings towards you or the character, but Az simply detests Lunare and it will take more than a nod from Abhorash and 2 weeks worth of RP to change his mind. Az would just assume have praenomen blood ripped from his body than to quickly forgive and forget. In Az's eyes, the house is an abysmal cesspool that stands against everything that he and the orgs that he's a member of actually stand for.

    Ezalor at least wants to like the house, Az on the otherhand has no interest in liking the house and that stems from current issues that were only resolved because Abhorash awoke, and other issues dating back when Lunare was a clan and was actually banned from Bloodloch years and years and years back which to be honest I cannot for the life of me remember why I disliked Lunare so much but I remember there being a dislike so just sticking with it haha. Az also use to hate Ve'kahi, but mostly because he was never a fan of Zoharim's temper tantrums.

    Last but not least...I lol'd at breasticles.

  • MacavityMacavity Chicago, Il
    @azrael anyone within the Guild was open to contest along with me and not just allow me to take it.  Honestly Macavity separates House, Guild, City, Order and the like because he understands there will be issues and what not that should not be used against another in other groups.  So if someone would have contested and won he would still be in the Guild working towards the Ivoln thing, which thankfully has been resolved!  yay!  heh  

    and I like azrael as well and Mac likes him too....  I wish more people liked Macavity.  He has not done anything that Lunare has gotten ripped on but I guess guilty by association.  Though he is trying to bring some changes within the House.  heh
    “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,
    Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” 
    ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax

    Veritas says, "Sorry for breaking your system Macavity."
    Veritas says, "My boss fights crash Macavity's computer now."
  • @Ezalor : First off I want to thank you for at least attempting to make it positive before it got turned negative -again- The reason I made this post was because I was tired of sitting back, others saying stuff for us and what not, and to genuinely get opinions.  I appreciate the opinions, because honestly no IC did not know any of those, only vicious rumors most of which were scewed perceptions of what you just said. It would have been nice for some contact is all I am saying, if that makes sense. Also if you would be so kind as to post like examples of how badly we treated your members or so? Because I am clueless. 

    -Again I never said we didn't do anything wrong, so I wish everyone would stop saying that's the case, at least try to do what Ezalor tried to do and make it productive criticism in any attempts at helping us. Would have never asked if I didn't want it to begin with. All I am saying is what you are asking us to do can be done, but on the other hand we can't be ignored for trying those efforts to have the meetings, not saying this is going to be done like NOW, the outcome that is, just that we are legitimately are making the effort to try to pursue meetings to begin fixing things. Being ignored is not exactly helping in that aspect, even though yes tensions are high towards us. 

    @Illidan : Do you ever have anything positive to say? Your always so negative on every single topic. 

    @Azrael : Is fine your allowed to hate Lunare, Az has his reasons, again just restating that it would nice to have had some sort of feedback myself and not hearing word of mouth from others, when we all know the chain can sometimes be reworded or messed up and misworded as is a common thing to happen.

    -But if it is any bit of consolation that I keep getting accused of, Kalls does not HATE the other houses or its leaders. -shrugs-
  • ErzsebetErzsebet Altaholic
    Oh, Lunare.

    I agree with most everything Ezalor has said in this thread. I don't have a single character who likes Lunare, and I -have one-. I have characters who are indifferent, but none of my characters have positive opinions of the house. This isn't to say that I/My characters don't enjoy talking to/dealing with certain members of the house, but the overarching opinion is fairly negative for a wide assortment of reasons. It'

    In some instances, I think it's the execution of how they do things. I mean. Ve'kahi uses familial words to address each other at times and it's always been kosher. I've had a couple childer that call Erz mother, and Erz refers to all of Procell's other childer as Brother/Sister, and even members of other houses as 'Cousin'. Though in 'kahi it's just a way to address them, generally, rather than something that carries all the connotations it would with a mortal family. --maybe it's the difference between 'Mother' and the 'Mom' 'Mama' and 'Mommy' I've heard many Lunare members use? It gives the house more of a we're mortal-let's all hug and frolic under the sun because we're all twelve, sort of feel. Nixing that might help Lunare to break past the common conception that the House is full of mortal-loving, childish fools.

    ...as might the nixing of the childish temper tantrums some of the house are known to throw.

    As a semi-unrelated aside, I almost miss all the wars Ve'kahi has had with Lunare over the years. Somewhere along the way the House stopped being a worthy adversary. I mean, you still have the PKing membership that can handle that part of the warring, but somewhere you lost the ability to be interesting as a house to enter into conflict with. Just throwing that out there.

    Erz doesn't hate all of you indiscriminately--but those she likes, she likes DESPITE of them being Lunare.

  • This thread is going places
    Illidan said:
     if you ever see me killing someone (newbies especially) it's because I've had good reason to do so
  • edited March 2013
    5. Personal attacks are not allowed. 
    Debate the post, not the poster. 

    Please... Just don't.
  • LinLin Blackbird The Moonglade
    edited March 2013
    Kallah, an affirmation thread isn't used to clear the air or dispel negativity toward a player, god, or organization. It's for other players to give their honest advice, praise, commentary or critique. That said, I'm gonna have to ask everyone to chill the hell out or we'll need to close what is rapidly becoming a useless thread.

    Lunare is what it is, but sniping at fellow players for having opinions, however valid, isn't called for.
  • I would recommend just scrapping this thread. 

  • HavenHaven World Burner Flight School
    I think this thread has served its purpose and so I'm closing it.

    The community says: House Lunare, please work on better communication and presenting better attitudes in general. 

    House Lunare says: Please give us a chance by not ignoring us. We're willing to move forward even if we don't agree with everything said.

    Sounds like reasonable goals to me. Remember, it's a two-way street. Let's move on. Best of luck to all involved parties to working this out ICly and having fun.
    ¤ Si vis pacem, para bellum. ¤
    Someone powerful says, "We're going to have to delete you."
This discussion has been closed.