I didnt see this as a post so thought it would be a good idea to start one where we can request gmcp additions for the Pool to see. Admins please move if I have put this in the wrong location. Thank you!
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot,Nothing is going to get better. It's not.” ― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
Veritas says, "Sorry for breaking your system Macavity."
Veritas says, "My boss fights crash Macavity's computer now."
Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”
― Dr. Seuss, The Lorax
GMCP is generally loaded down with vital and necessary information. I feel like trying to start adding in whether or not you have an artifact would be way to meddlesome of a thing to worry about.
Instead, utilize your Notes in Mudlet to annotate what levels your antiquated artifacts are at.
The antiquated artifact are fairly easy to maintain in Mudlet and I'd say for the ring, since it runs on charges as you know, just have a variable that you add and subtract from when you use a charge and when a charge is restored at howling. Then have notes, aliases, triggers, whatever you like for the different commands.
Instead of a GMCP addition, it would be nice to get a message when the charges are restored, that's about it.