I've been messing around more with nexus when I can't be on my pc (waiting for the mechanic to finish on my truck for example) and I was wondering if anyone has any tips on building an effective defup reflex package for it. I don't want to reinvent the wheel if I don't have to, and it's always nice to save a bit of time in the process.
I have a defup alias, which runs: stand`deathsight`touch allsight`insomnia`sip levitation`thirdeye`nightsight`eat stimulant;qeb recall @mount`order @mount follow me`mutate
...basically all my non-BAL/EQ requiring defs.
(` being my CONFIG SEPARATOR character)
Once I get the 'Your active class has been switched to *' message, I run an if check for my current classes. In this case, when it sees my class is Shapeshifter, it sends: qeb unwield left`qeb unwield right;dodge melee
Then I run down a few of my shapeshifter defs (triggering each def to QEB (next def) upon def gain line), and one I gain Heatsight, REVERT and go back to my primary class, where it runs that Your active class trigger again. Currently, it's Teradrim, so...: dodge melee;qeb wear splintmail
Then once again, upon each successful message (in this case, wearing splintmail), I QEB (next balance/equil requiring def) and chain it along.
Yes, this requires a fair bit of triggers, I'm fairly certain it's inefficient, but it works.
Oh, and if I want to remain in Shapeshifter, I chain the rest of the shapeshifter defs on the 'you already have Heatsight' line.
Tek is onto a good start, but with my system I literally only have a trigger to change class and a trigger to defup in order to get the maximum deffing process. It's possible, but it takes a bit of time to put in.
I have a Discord channel that shows basics if you want. HMU with a message in game with your Disc and I'll add you in. I know that others have a GMCP made, but I'm not really good with that. If you enjoy building with boxes, I can help there.