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So, am i right in my understanding that to get comms currently we are to buy out all the comm shops across the land? If I'm correct in my understanding of the way it works at present, then basically a single person could just run around all day buying out all the comm shops for their city. 

Is this truly the only way? I ask because when I survey I get this intriguing message that the area I'm in (Stathan's mom's house) is capable of producing abundant wood but I'm told that no longer really serves any purpose. 

Is this entertaining anyone? I'm just curious because I can imagine some other ways comms could be directly gathered from the land which might be a little more interesting. ie. certain monsters having a % chance to drop leather based on how rich with leather the area is, stone that could be mined from mountains and cave areas, wood that could be harvested from forest areas, etc. Those are just some quick ideas but seriously..  there has to be some way to make this a little more interesting. 

This would also make room for new harvesting skill trees to spend my massive amount of useless lessons on. 


  • AloliAloli Between Books
    edited January 2019
    We were talking about this earlier, I really like those ideas.

    Mob loot is always the biggest way to keep an economy afloat in most other games I've enjoyed. I also thought appropriate farming quests having a chance to reward with comms is a good way as well.

    The harvesting skills could actually be as simple as talents like fishing, maybe? I can already imagine lumberjacks all over Duiran...hrm.

    Also, I think the whole monastery is going on a field trip after supper, Stathan's mom's house needs a visit.

    Edit: @Stathan
    Between what is said and not meant, and what is meant and not said, most of love is lost. - Khalil Gibran
  • StathanStathan Hot springs
    1. You don't buy them all out because then it takes longer for them to respawn and raises the price.
    2. Stathan's mom doesn't really log in anymore.
  • 1) Stathan's mom has got it going on
    2) Stathan's mom's house provides abundant wood?

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • ZailaZaila Pacific Time
    As Stathan mentioned, the prices for the comms is all relative to what the current stock levels are and how long it has been above 0/1 left. And the very frequently used comms are usually at low numbers. This means (easy example numbers here) that if you buy all 5 remaining cloth in Saluriaar 100 gold each, when it restocks, the cost will raise to 110 for the one new piece that comes in. And if you do that again, 120. This also means that if you only buy 4 of those 5, you have to hope that no one desperately need more cloth that you are scalping, or else someone might snag that last cloth and the price will go up anyway. So leaving 2-3 is a better choice if you are trying to build your own stockpile. 

    Basically: comm shops are a fun mini game of economics! 

    The shops don't just restock once a howling like they used to, but rather at staggered times throughout the day, which means that you don't really have an effective way to just go run around once a day and buy everything new out without leaving opportunity later for someone else to do the same.

    All that said, I agree that it would be nice to see more options for comm creation or harvesting. But, the comm availability is a very carefully managed part of the IC gold economy, so I don't know if the producers think more comms would overall help or hinder. 
  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    People buy them out because they figure better their org gets a trickle than anyone else buys them out first. I used to know who the culprit is, if they're still doing it like 6-7 years later that's some dedication.
  • In the effort of spurring more discussion, haven't they been trying to drain cities of commodities for a while in order to update or revamp or something? Feel free to keep me honest @tiur @razmael.
  • edited January 2019
    Aishia said:
    People buy them out because they figure better their org gets a trickle than anyone else buys them out first. I used to know who the culprit is, if they're still doing it like 6-7 years later that's some dedication.
    That's exactly what I'd expect based on what I've seen in other games. So the question is, are you all happy with this system? Just buying from comm shops that generate comms slowly over time as opposed to some other way to gather them yourselves? From my perspective it's rather generic and limits something that could be much more interesting and involved but if everyone is content with the way things are I don't want to bother putting an idea up in game. 
  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    @Kalinaar well tiur hinted in his end of year thing the other day that comms was a thing this year that we might finally see fixed.
  • ZailaZaila Pacific Time
    A more active-player-participation (e.g. harvesting, etc) way to generate comms instead of / in addition to comm shops would be awesome!

    But I've long learned not to hold my breath or really put too much investment into fringe project ideas like this when there are still really big projects like mage revamps to be done. Priorities gotta be had!
  • TiurTiur Producer
    Comm system is totally on schedule for this year. And by that I mean both that we plan to do it, and that it is hitting its milestones.
  • AloliAloli Between Books
    That's such great news!

    We won't have to raid Stathan's mom's house for wood anymore.
    Between what is said and not meant, and what is meant and not said, most of love is lost. - Khalil Gibran
  • MoxieMoxie USA
    edited March 2019
    Bumping to address an issue cities have trying to get popular commodities such as steel, stone, and wood. Right now, nobody is selling anything to the cities (at least in enorian), so I'm forced to go to the npc stores and buy the commodities which is fine...but usually it is like 7-8 pieces a rl day. -.- this is pretty ridiculous and unsustainable. Is it at all possible to have these stores release more at a time??

    (Illuminai): Saltz says, "Moxie is just doing the Moxie thing to do, often misinterpreted."

    (Tells): Sir Iames Gallant, the Executioner tells you, "The one Illuminai beyond prayer, I swear."

    Valingar: "How could a daughter of me, the most noble man in the south, be so heartless?"

    (Tells): Haven Locke, Illuminai Khimaira tells you, "Be that as it may, I've also seen the strength in you. You can take care of yourself."
  • RhyotRhyot Bloodloch
    They can.... but you have to give them 3-4 rl days before they start producing a lot of comms at a time at a reasonable price.

  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    As Rhyot says, the shops produce more comms, but people are buying out too quickly, or buy up all comms, which makes them return more slowly. It's tricky to find a balance, because everyone is running out of things, or stocking up.

  • Teani said:

    As Rhyot says, the shops produce more comms, but people are buying out too quickly, or buy up all comms, which makes them return more slowly. It's tricky to find a balance, because everyone is running out of things, or stocking up.

    Yes this is what I'm definitely finding, I took on trade minister but I've had to increase our prices four times already because I'm coming back every couple of days or so to see our appropriated stone, steel, and wood gobbled up. I'm allowed to go and buy these commodities but when I do go to the npc stores every few days I keep just stumbling on a diminished quantity. So I'm faced with should I just buy what is there and leave two pieces behind so that the prices aren't driven up or not buy at all and risk not having a chance in the future.

    So what I'm trying to figure out is if there will be a balance anytime soon? These 3 items are very competitive and used in many things that keep our cities running. Especially steel. If all 4 cities are competing for them, I'm going to find my stock pretty much dead. :#

    (Illuminai): Saltz says, "Moxie is just doing the Moxie thing to do, often misinterpreted."

    (Tells): Sir Iames Gallant, the Executioner tells you, "The one Illuminai beyond prayer, I swear."

    Valingar: "How could a daughter of me, the most noble man in the south, be so heartless?"

    (Tells): Haven Locke, Illuminai Khimaira tells you, "Be that as it may, I've also seen the strength in you. You can take care of yourself."
  • edited March 2019
    There's supposed to be some sort of plans regarding commodities and they had been purposefully draining the cities of comms, but I don't know if that is over or if it's still in effect or what. I could be mis-remembering, to be fair, but this is definitely gotten to be more of a problem in recent memory.

    Edit: I'm a dummy and should've scrolled up. @Tiur said it was on track to be re-worked back in January.
  • can we get bandaid comm trades with npc villages? Maybe something with the Ophidians/Mitrine?

  • TiurTiur Producer
  • How about we incorporate the new instanced dungeon system into commodity generation?

    Let's say we get a 3 person dungeon revolving around ambushing a Dreikathi or slaver supply caravan in the Clawhook range on Albedos. In the final boss fight, the caravan catches fire, and each participant can pick a "crate," which is essentially an option for that player to get 150 of whatever commodity they want.

    This is something repeatable that can have high level bashers contribute to either their personal stock or sell to the city. The reward could also give the option of sending the crate directly to the city and get a sum of gold, similar to the Rowan Box giving gold and ylem. Sure beats camping village comm stores.
  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos

    ... sorry. 
  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    @Tiur Halfway thru the year how is the commodities getting fixed this year thing going?
  • TekiasTekias Wisconsin
    Formerly: Spiegel. Eidycue.


  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    Sorry! Missed it!
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