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The Nose Knows-I smell like..what?

edited June 2018 in Idea Box
@Kavithe and I spent the evening coming up with new perfumes and colognes. We started thinking about ther scents that would be great to see in the game. Our four or five ideas turned into the following list. I am sure some of you had ideas for other scents too, lets hear them or give feedback on the ones we came up with.
Sidenote: I am not saying in anyway any of these would actually come to the game, but all know admin do read threads so you never know what the future holds!


Cherry...........Bittersweet.......Floral(blossoming).....Overwhelmingly Tart
Peach............Sweet.............Cloying................Subtly Floral
Pineapple........Mildly sweet......Subtly Tart............Mild bite
Lime.............Bitter............Bite...................Overwhelmingly Acidic
Grapefruit.......Bittersweet.......Acidic.................Warm Citrus
Passion Fruit....Warmly Sweet......Tropical...............Lightly Floral
Grape............Mildly Tart.......Crisp Winey?...........Sour

*The coppery is to add a scent in there for Vampires that has a ‘bloody’ smell.
**The idea of the base category for this list is these are scents most everyone knows, and many perfumes and lotions are based off of. This way we can make a sugary strawberry smell if wanted.
***Estery being a kind of alcoholish fruity-ish scent.

(I do not know why I am having so much trouble lining these up sorry if it is a bite off)


  • edited June 2018
    Cherry.....................Bittersweet......Floral(blossom)....Thickly Tart
    Peach.........................Sweet................Cloying...........Subtly Floral
    Pineapple...............Mildly Sweet........Subtly Tart..........Mild Bite
    Grapefruit..............Bittersweet.............Acidic............Warm Citrus
    Passion Fruit........Warmly Sweet.........Tropical..........Lightly Floral
    Grape.....................Mildly Tart..............Crisp..................Sour

    But we also want scents that maybe don't smell so good (rancid meat, rotten eggs, etc.)
  • KynaKyna Victoria, Australia
    edited June 2018
    The forums kinda makes the formatting feel like a roller coaster! But, some of those really jump out at me, so I will keep an eye on this thread!
  • Oh my goodness yay, someone started a thread for this!

    I just have to admit I was sort of sad (as Paz is an Omeiian) that myrrh wasn't included in the initial batch of scents. Or really all of the old cures plants for that matter, as it would have seemed a commonly used theme by players for years, now you could finally smell like all the skullcap your character smoked for 300 years!

    I will have to admit though I am not the best at figuring out what all those would smell like though. Google gives a few real world examples I suppose. (Myrrh - Warm, earthy, wooden, balsalmic, etc) but I think it would be neat to have all of these available. I know there more than a few I would put to use in things
    By the divine might of Omei, you are restored to life.
    Omei gives the corpse of a headless cadaver to you.
    Omei offers you a quick wink.

  • KynaKyna Victoria, Australia
    Well, you can always suggest an ingredient you'd like to see! At the moment, perfumery does not accept any ingredients that aren't oils, outside of the reeds, butters and the like. But, adding a utility that allows you to use a flower or a herb or some such is something I'd like to eventually implement. I just don't have a time-frame for it right now.
  • Oh! That'd be even more cool. I had just meant making oils for them, I suppose I should have specified that >.> But using the plants themselves (or other gatherables as well like the mentioned flowers/herbs/etc) would be all the better, at least in my opinion. However far off it may be it's an awesome idea, that will be tons of fun to play around with! Thanks @Kyna!
    By the divine might of Omei, you are restored to life.
    Omei gives the corpse of a headless cadaver to you.
    Omei offers you a quick wink.

  • CeraenCeraen Funky TownImmortal
    Here it is, neatly formatted. You can use <pre> and </pre> around text to make it monospaced (the "code" style in the comment box doesn't work as well for multiple lines).
    Oil              Primary           Secondary              Base**
    ================ ================= ====================== =========================
    Strawberry Sweet Savoury--Tart?? Strawberry
    Plum Savoury Sweet Fresh
    Apple Crisp Sour? Floral(blossom)
    Cherry Bittersweet Floral(blossoming) Overwhelmingly Tart
    Peach Sweet Cloying Subtly Floral
    Pomegranate Sweet-tart Winey Pomegranate
    Pineapple Mildly sweet Subtly Tart Mild bite
    Mango Tart Tropical Mango
    Banana Sweet Estery*** Neutral?
    Lime Bitter Bite Overwhelmingly Acidic
    Grapefruit Bittersweet Acidic Warm Citrus
    Passion Fruit Warmly Sweet Tropical Lightly Floral
    Honeycomb Sugary Cloying Floral
    Maple Buttery Sweet Nutty
    Celery Earthy Astringent Bland
    Bacon Smokey Salty Coppery*
    Grape Mildly Tart Crisp Winey? Sour
  • @Ceraen you are my hero, thank you!
  • RumRum Enorian
    I want a perfume that smells of a bakery or kitchen. Warm baked bread, ground pepper, and flour. Warm and comforting <3

  • I want a perfume that smells like briny ocean, or swamp.
    Please consider, thank you
  • Something that has an acidic bite, like fresh blood. Scents of the dead, of rot, dirt, alcohol and the like. Where's my Eau de toilette for the necromancer on the go?

  • PhoeneciaPhoenecia The Merchant of Esterport Somewhere in Attica
    The god specific anointing oils can be used with Perfumery, and I'm assuming they all have some really unique scent tags, but they're still a bit broken at the moment, so I don't know what those scents are just yet.

    @Rum: You can already make a bakery-smelling scent. I actually made one with existing scent oils. :3
  • @Kyna any idea when those anointing oils will be fixed?
  • KynaKyna Victoria, Australia
    edited June 2018
    If you mean for perfumery, Esme sells base oil bottles, (not to be confused with the essential oil bottles), that you can pour your anointing oil into for your stations, as they only accept certain types of bottles. You only need to do this for the OLD vials of anointing oil. From today forward, they will spawn in their proper oil bottles, so nothing will need to be done with them.

    If you're using them without a station, you should be able to keep them in their vial.
  • PhoeneciaPhoenecia The Merchant of Esterport Somewhere in Attica
    edited June 2018
    Ooh! Yay! Thanks @Kyna!

    If anyone has any anointing oils they've used in perfumery, please let me know what the scent qualities are and illI add it to the list of scents in the perfumery project in Crafters.

    EDIT: So, I'm still getting an error with the anointing oils even after pouring it into an essential oil bottle. I can add it to an eoil mix just fine, but when I go to make it, it says I don't have the ingredients to mix it.
  • @Phoenecia is the only way to find out is by using the oil?

    Also does anyone know if there are base, primary and secondary for the Divine oils? Last question, for now at least, how many applications are in the vial for the Divine oils?
  • KynaKyna Victoria, Australia
    edited June 2018
    Darn! It worked for me. Likely the station being finicky. I’ll get it poked at my tomorrow, as I am overdue for sleep. Thank you for the update.

    To answer the questions, there is a primary, secondary and base for each. You will have to find them with trial and error as all the other types of oils. Part of the fun! As stated in their original post, there are two (2) “sips” in them. 
  • PhoeneciaPhoenecia The Merchant of Esterport Somewhere in Attica
    Alathesia said:
    @Phoenecia is the only way to find out is by using the oil? Also does anyone know if there are base, primary and secondary for the Divine oils? Last question, for now at least, how many applications are in the vial for the Divine oils?
    You can figure out what the base, primary, and secondary scents are by just setting the main oil as the base. It's how I forumulated the perfumery list project. A looot of trial and error and using ingredients.
  • edited June 2018
    (edit) --- Never mind, realized I was repeating already stated information 
    By the divine might of Omei, you are restored to life.
    Omei gives the corpse of a headless cadaver to you.
    Omei offers you a quick wink.

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