I've got a pack with multiples of these sorts of things, and feel like selling them off for credits as I don't care about xp but for the first time in a long time, do care about lessons.
I'd like rough estimates of their values, please:
phoenix hearts
red bull's eyes
tattoo tokens
"iterator150666" a muffling vox iterator
"iterator290807" a sibilant vox iterator
"iterator296380" an arcane vox iterator
"scroll131103" a clumsy technique scroll
language token
Also, what is this?
"figurine166075" a figurine of a Dwarven archaeologist
Grimstims - market glutted, functionally worthless
Hearts and eyes - 1000-5000
Tattoo tokens - Can't be traded in or sold, iirc. Free arti tat though, 100cr value.
Iterators - can be traded in for cr, is the best use.
Technique scroll - 10-100k depending on the scroll, but clumsy is probably on the lower end of the scale
Language token - Can't be traded in or sold, iirc.
Everything on this list can be traded in for credits or iron coins. Try to PROMO TRADEIN item or ARTIFACT item VALUE (language token falls into this category.
You can claim the tattoo then tradein the tattoo for 66 credits.
Technique scrolls are worth around 3-5 credits (I don't have)
The Language token is worth around 12-13, but I forget.
Most of it isn't worth it, but if anyone is interested I've got 5 chalices at 20cr each.
As I said, I don't bash for xp anyway.
I'll keep the rest.