Hey guys, it seems like every once in a while we have a thread for a new IRC channel. I thought I'd use something more ah, modern.
I started a Discord server for anyone to use. You can join via
https://discord.gg/3SX7aXxIf you haven't used Discord, it's a very elegant chat program. Think of it like a Skype and IRC hybrid. It's awesome!
Important Things to Know:
- Language isn't moderated. It can get a little wild. If swear words or the occasional bit of naughty talk aren't your thing, you will not enjoy it here.
- You can mention (sometimes called ping) other users just like on here: @name. You can type either their chosen nickname, or their actual Discord username if you happen to know it.
- Because of the above, it's recommended you use /nick if you want to change your name on the server. It will change it only for that server - if you belong to another one it will stay the same. Please don't change your account name, it makes it hard to notify you!
- Type a forward slash ("/" if you're hopeless) for a brief list of commands. There are more if you click the lil' question mark in the corner.
- You can type code blocks by entering three backticks (```), hitting enter, pasting/typing your code, hitting enter, then typing three more backticks. If your first series of backticks is followed by a language name, it'll even auto-color your code (```Lua, ```C#, etc.)!
- Alt+Up/Down to change channels. Shift+Alt+Up/Down will only change channels if there's a new message, otherwise it'll just make the app shake a bit, which is fun.
All in all it's worked out super well. We're still lively!