When I support I break out Lucio or Mercy. Lucio has a cool passive but i can't ever seem to really utilize it. I tend to stick to the supportive/tanky playstyle. Offense isn't really my thing. I'm really starting to like Winston and Torbjorn.
"And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
Lovin' the game so far. 90% of the time I wind up starting as Reinhardt and alternating to other Tanks depending on the situation, but Lucio was my original favorite. He's definitely the most offensive support next to Zenyatta, and his knockback attack leads to some amazing plays.
I don't know a single game in which I've had a negative kda tyvm.
I like to kill people with Widowmaker, Hanzo, Reaper, and Ginji. Tracer is alright but I run interference more than killing people with her it feels like. Just show up and be a pest and -threaten- to kill someone for 2 minutes.
"You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.
I finally got my first POTG. Mind you i have plenty of triple kills and stuff in my highlights, but they're always overshadowed by Reaper's dropping in and pressing Q or lolbastion
"And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
I wanna save my highlight plays, but OBS makes the quality really awful and i can't figure out how to use Shadowplay.
Edit: I'm starting to develop such a deep hatred for Tracers that I just immediately switch to Roadhog or Mei as soon as I see one. I had a play today where I guessed really hard where she was going to rewind to and I fired my hook and snagged her as soon as she popped up. She accused me of hacking lol. "I'm a Tracer main and I've never had that happen before." was their reasoning. Tracer mains just leave a bad taste in my mouth, like people who main Riven or Vayne (if you know LoL) cause all they wanna do is show off their zomgwtf watch me 1v4 and get play of the game mekanix. But then when they die it's everyone else's fault but theirs.
And Zarya. She's much stronger than I initially gave her credit for. Believe it or not, I actually have fun dealing with Bastion. He's basically a noobcheck and you can wreck him pretty easily provided you don't just keep on funneling in to your death. Since I've been maining Reinhardt, I'll just wait for him to empty his chaingun, then just dash at him and 2-shot him with the crush-swing combo.
"And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
So. Mei is still stupidly broken. Had an argument with the person playing Mei and while Zarya semi-counters her and Tracer/Genji semi-counter her, she's the only champ who can perma-cc someone with her basic attack, snipe people with max-scope Widowmaker strength at long range, and has a teamwrecking 6 second aoe cc as her ultimate as well as unlimited range on her ice wall and the ability to get out of jail free by turning into an icicle and healing. People might not say that is tanking, but when the enemy team is focused on your popsicle because the moment you pop out, you'll perma-cc them, so they ignore your team and die as a result.. that's tanking.
She makes the game unfun to play and I am regretting buying it.
As soon as I see Mei I pull out McCree. Flashbang and a fan the hammer tears right through her tiny health pool. Or pop her from long range with Widowmaker. I wouldn't say she's "broken" though, just dangerous at close range and can heal if you can't burst her down quick enough.
Aight so I'm on the fence about this game. In every shooter I've played (Halo/CoD/BF/CS) I've almost always been at liberty to play how I want when I want and still win if I was good. I don't like this team comp shit in shooter format. I hate -having- to play a counter. I hate -having- to play support. I just want to pick Ginji and go to town, or Widowmaker and go for epic 360 falling headshots (can't no scope rip). Whatever. And I want to be able to win. This game is like playing CoD except I'm shooting down the AC 130's every life (picking Mercy or Reinhardt or hunting down Bastion/Mercy/Mei). It's fun when you're with friends, but I hate playing this game solo.
"You ever been divided by zero?" Nia asks you with a squint.
Aight so I'm on the fence about this game. In every shooter I've played (Halo/CoD/BF/CS) I've almost always been at liberty to play how I want when I want and still win if I was good. I don't like this team comp unicorns in shooter format. I hate -having- to play a counter. I hate -having- to play support. I just want to pick Ginji and go to town, or Widowmaker and go for epic 360 falling headshots (can't no scope rip). Whatever. And I want to be able to win. This game is like playing CoD except I'm shooting down the AC 130's every life (picking Mercy or Reinhardt or hunting down Bastion/Mercy/Mei). It's fun when you're with friends, but I hate playing this game solo.
Totally agree. I've only played a few matches solo, almost every other match was with a full or nearly full premade. I don't mind playing filler roles (usually support or tank) so it doesn't bother me as much. In fact, I actually feel like I carry my team to victory way harder when I play Mercy and get several consecutive clutch rezzes than I do when I play 76 and get a bunch of frags.
It sucks when you play solo though, because then you're not playing support/tank to supplement your friends who you're actively communicating with, you're playing support/tank and trying to herd around a bunch of random clueless peons most of the time, and it's not really fun or rewarding.
Plus, if your friends are much friends at all you guys will switch roles up so one person isn't stuck playing the same thing 20 games in a row. Definitely don't recommend this game for solo play with the reason you provided, the team comp reliance makes you too susceptible to other people's selfishness.
As soon as I see Mei I pull out McCree. Flashbang and a fan the hammer tears right through her tiny health pool. Or pop her from long range with Widowmaker. I wouldn't say she's "broken" though, just dangerous at close range and can heal if you can't burst her down quick enough.
It isn't a matter of not being able to kill her, at this point. It's the fact that she fills every single role in the game by herself. Pair her with a Mercy and Zarya to stand in front of her and she's basically god incarnate. Fan the Hammers tends to tear through everyone, tanks and squishies alike, so health pool is insignificant vs. it, anyways.
Every day I play this game, I see bugs and bull**** anyways. It's becoming less and less fun to play. Today, I got shot through my shield as Winston by a Widowmaker and went from 300 hp to dead by it. The other day, I was dueling Widowmaker as Widowmaker and she was standing still. I shot her in the head, and it missed 'somehow' despite the projectile going through her. Then she shoots me without moving, still, and headshots me. It's stupid stuff like that. Playing Tracer and unloading an entire clip into someone yet every shot misses. I'm growing more and more disinterested in this game.
And I'd like to politely request that people refrain from calling me 'bad' at this game, because due to the fact that I take games fairly seriously, I am liable to get myself banned from the forums in my response.
It is also worth noting the full clip spray effect for hitscan weapons (tracer and soldier 76 in particular) is rather large. I think I recall someone saying the first 5 shots in a burst from 76 are pretty accurate after that it starts to vary wildly. I believe it is very true with tracer as well. She's a character that rewards short bursts and accuracy. Unless you're shooting a roadhog to charge your ult.
It is also worth noting the full clip spray effect for hitscan weapons (tracer and soldier 76 in particular) is rather large. I think I recall someone saying the first 5 shots in a burst from 76 are pretty accurate after that it starts to vary wildly. I believe it is very true with tracer as well. She's a character that rewards short bursts and accuracy. Unless you're shooting a roadhog to charge your ult.
This guy pretty much got it. Tracer is meant to get in and out, meaning that one of her weaknesses is trading at long ranges. Short ranges are what she prefers since she can just dash in, unload a clip, then E back out. In terms of bugs and things like that - the game has only been out for a week. Give them some time to get things sorted out. No game company has ever released a bug free game on release. It's going to take time and refining before they get a lot of them sorted out, let alone discovered.
In terms of Mei, I do feel like she's strong in a wide variety of situations, but you could make that argument about a lot of the heroes. I personally haven't had that much trouble with Mei, so long as you know how to deal with her. Tracer can outmaneuver all of her CC. Reinhardt can rocketdash out of it. Roadhog just needs to land a hook. As previously stated, McCree dumps on her pretty hard whether you catch her on guard or off of it. Also, if a Hanzo or a Widowmaker can't outsnipe a Mei, they're doing something very wrong. For them, outtrading at close range is the only thing that's gonna be nigh impossible. Pharah wrecks her as most of her stuff is short ranged and Mei is highly immobile which is what Pharah loves. Just position yourself behind Mei and catch her off guard and as long as your aim isn't all that bad, you'll wreck her every time. Yes you can still be potentially sniped with her right click, but you should be able to out trade her fairly reasonably. Reaper can potentially dump on Mei too. His Blackwind(hue) ability breaks her freeze before it lands and resets the timer. There's plenty of outplay potential there. Of course, good ole Zarya shield blocks it all out - although I feel like Mei is a very strong tank duelist. The only two she struggles against really badly are Roadhog and Zarya imo. Also i'm not trying to harp on you @Satomi but if you put Zarya + Mercy on quite a number of champions, they'll become dramatically worse to deal with (Roadhog, S76, Pharah, Bastion, just to name a few).
To @Draiman getgud. But no, from what i've been seeing, proper team comps seem to win you more games. Still, i've been stomped my fair share of times by enemy teams full of nothing but offensive heroes cause they straight outplayed us.
I think at the end of the day, we're all noobs that don't have the deepest understanding of the game just yet, as it hasn't been out for very long. We all should just chill and just wait to see what happens.
"And finally, swear to Me: You will give your life to Dendara for you are Tiarna an-Kiar."
I'll give it a go. A large amount of the frustration is probably due to the fact that everyone on my team tends to play like a soloer, which means we get stomped on by anything resembling teamwork... it's actually why I hated Smite, too, tbh. And most MOBA games in general.
I always give this game a try, and find myself hating it again within the first 5 min of the first game I play. Maybe this game wants me to hate it, so it throws BS at me. (First game, it was 5v6. Of course.)
My roommate invited me into a game and it was less painful to play.
I know this pain from trying to LoL. Or pretty much any game that involves some sort of teamwork. It's par for the course in any game like this if you're not playing with your posse.
This is why I love asynchronous PvP. Say what you want about Watchdogs singleplayer, but I enjoyed the thrill of sneaking into other peoples games, or having mine sneaked into, and the delicious game of cat-and-mouse that followed in its multiplayer.
Now with 253% more Madness. Cute-Kelli by @Sessizlik.
This is why I love asynchronous PvP. Say what you want about Watchdogs singleplayer, but I enjoyed the thrill of sneaking into other peoples games, or having mine sneaked into, and the delicious game of cat-and-mouse that followed in its multiplayer.
One of my favorite games with a multiplayer element was actually Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. I absolutely ADORED Assassinate mode and put so many hours into it. It was insanely rewarding and fun for me.
But, back on topic, pubbies gonna pub. All you can really do is accept that or wait for your friends to roll around. Them's the breaks when you're running with a group of people you've never met--it's sucky, but not much to be done about it.
-edits out depressing bits- You're totally right in Overwatch being a team game. My last game had 3 widowmakers trying to attack the enemy's objective. I can probably only solo queue 2 games before I'm done.
BNet is Kaeus#1652 if you want to add me!
I like to kill people with Widowmaker, Hanzo, Reaper, and Ginji. Tracer is alright but I run interference more than killing people with her it feels like. Just show up and be a pest and -threaten- to kill someone for 2 minutes.
Cute-Kelli by @Sessizlik.
I suck, don't play with me.
Edit: I'm starting to develop such a deep hatred for Tracers that I just immediately switch to Roadhog or Mei as soon as I see one. I had a play today where I guessed really hard where she was going to rewind to and I fired my hook and snagged her as soon as she popped up. She accused me of hacking lol. "I'm a Tracer main and I've never had that happen before." was their reasoning. Tracer mains just leave a bad taste in my mouth, like people who main Riven or Vayne (if you know LoL) cause all they wanna do is show off their zomgwtf watch me 1v4 and get play of the game mekanix. But then when they die it's everyone else's fault but theirs.
And Zarya. She's much stronger than I initially gave her credit for. Believe it or not, I actually have fun dealing with Bastion. He's basically a noobcheck and you can wreck him pretty easily provided you don't just keep on funneling in to your death. Since I've been maining Reinhardt, I'll just wait for him to empty his chaingun, then just dash at him and 2-shot him with the crush-swing combo.
She makes the game unfun to play and I am regretting buying it.
It sucks when you play solo though, because then you're not playing support/tank to supplement your friends who you're actively communicating with, you're playing support/tank and trying to herd around a bunch of random clueless peons most of the time, and it's not really fun or rewarding.
Plus, if your friends are much friends at all you guys will switch roles up so one person isn't stuck playing the same thing 20 games in a row. Definitely don't recommend this game for solo play with the reason you provided, the team comp reliance makes you too susceptible to other people's selfishness.
Every day I play this game, I see bugs and bull**** anyways. It's becoming less and less fun to play. Today, I got shot through my shield as Winston by a Widowmaker and went from 300 hp to dead by it. The other day, I was dueling Widowmaker as Widowmaker and she was standing still. I shot her in the head, and it missed 'somehow' despite the projectile going through her. Then she shoots me without moving, still, and headshots me. It's stupid stuff like that. Playing Tracer and unloading an entire clip into someone yet every shot misses. I'm growing more and more disinterested in this game.
And I'd like to politely request that people refrain from calling me 'bad' at this game, because due to the fact that I take games fairly seriously, I am liable to get myself banned from the forums in my response.
It is also worth noting the full clip spray effect for hitscan weapons (tracer and soldier 76 in particular) is rather large. I think I recall someone saying the first 5 shots in a burst from 76 are pretty accurate after that it starts to vary wildly. I believe it is very true with tracer as well. She's a character that rewards short bursts and accuracy. Unless you're shooting a roadhog to charge your ult.
In terms of Mei, I do feel like she's strong in a wide variety of situations, but you could make that argument about a lot of the heroes. I personally haven't had that much trouble with Mei, so long as you know how to deal with her. Tracer can outmaneuver all of her CC. Reinhardt can rocketdash out of it. Roadhog just needs to land a hook. As previously stated, McCree dumps on her pretty hard whether you catch her on guard or off of it. Also, if a Hanzo or a Widowmaker can't outsnipe a Mei, they're doing something very wrong. For them, outtrading at close range is the only thing that's gonna be nigh impossible. Pharah wrecks her as most of her stuff is short ranged and Mei is highly immobile which is what Pharah loves. Just position yourself behind Mei and catch her off guard and as long as your aim isn't all that bad, you'll wreck her every time. Yes you can still be potentially sniped with her right click, but you should be able to out trade her fairly reasonably. Reaper can potentially dump on Mei too. His Blackwind(hue) ability breaks her freeze before it lands and resets the timer. There's plenty of outplay potential there. Of course, good ole Zarya shield blocks it all out - although I feel like Mei is a very strong tank duelist. The only two she struggles against really badly are Roadhog and Zarya imo. Also i'm not trying to harp on you @Satomi but if you put Zarya + Mercy on quite a number of champions, they'll become dramatically worse to deal with (Roadhog, S76, Pharah, Bastion, just to name a few).
To @Draiman getgud. But no, from what i've been seeing, proper team comps seem to win you more games. Still, i've been stomped my fair share of times by enemy teams full of nothing but offensive heroes cause they straight outplayed us.
I think at the end of the day, we're all noobs that don't have the deepest understanding of the game just yet, as it hasn't been out for very long. We all should just chill and just wait to see what happens.
My roommate invited me into a game and it was less painful to play.
This is why I love asynchronous PvP. Say what you want about Watchdogs singleplayer, but I enjoyed the thrill of sneaking into other peoples games, or having mine sneaked into, and the delicious game of cat-and-mouse that followed in its multiplayer.
Cute-Kelli by @Sessizlik.
But, back on topic, pubbies gonna pub. All you can really do is accept that or wait for your friends to roll around. Them's the breaks when you're running with a group of people you've never met--it's sucky, but not much to be done about it.