Hi Everyone,
I'm starting out here in Aetolia and have run into a strange problem with using the in-game aliases. When I try and string together an alias followed by a command, it doesn't seem to recognize the second command I type. An example would be setalias abn abilities necromancy. This works in and of itself, but when I try something like abn deathsight it won't recognize the deathsight portion and just brings up my necromancy skills again. Another one is alias hrs honours. I can't type hrs (player) and get this to work. I haven't run into this with other IRE games so I was wondering if one of you had any suggestions?
I realize the majority of aliases will be made in a client, but I like some basic ones made that I can use when on a smartphone, etc. Thanks for your help!
So for example:
HELP ALIASES goes into more depth if you're interested, specifically the information under aliases and substitution.