color_table = { snow = {255, 250, 250}, ghost_white = {248, 248, 255}, GhostWhite = {248, 248, 255}, white_smoke = {245, 245, 245}, WhiteSmoke = {245, 245, 245}, gainsboro = {220, 220, 220}, floral_white = {255, 250, 240}, FloralWhite = {255, 250, 240}, old_lace = {253, 245, 230}, OldLace = {253, 245, 230}, linen = {250, 240, 230}, antique_white = {250, 235, 215}, AntiqueWhite = {250, 235, 215}, papaya_whip = {255, 239, 213}, PapayaWhip = {255, 239, 213}, blanched_almond = {255, 235, 205}, BlanchedAlmond = {255, 235, 205}, bisque = {255, 228, 196}, peach_puff = {255, 218, 185}, PeachPuff = {255, 218, 185}, navajo_white = {255, 222, 173}, NavajoWhite = {255, 222, 173}, moccasin = {255, 228, 181}, cornsilk = {255, 248, 220}, ivory = {255, 255, 240}, lemon_chiffon = {255, 250, 205}, LemonChiffon = {255, 250, 205}, seashell = {255, 245, 238}, honeydew = {240, 255, 240}, mint_cream = {245, 255, 250}, MintCream = {245, 255, 250}, azure = {240, 255, 255}, alice_blue = {240, 248, 255}, AliceBlue = {240, 248, 255}, lavender = {230, 230, 250}, lavender_blush = {255, 240, 245}, LavenderBlush = {255, 240, 245}, misty_rose = {255, 228, 225}, MistyRose = {255, 228, 225}, white = {255, 255, 255}, black = {0, 0, 0}, dark_slate_gray = {47, 79, 79}, DarkSlateGray = {47, 79, 79}, dark_slate_grey = {47, 79, 79}, DarkSlateGrey = {47, 79, 79}, dim_gray = {105, 105, 105}, DimGray = {105, 105, 105}, dim_grey = {105, 105, 105}, DimGrey = {105, 105, 105}, slate_gray = {112, 128, 144}, SlateGray = {112, 128, 144}, slate_grey = {112, 128, 144}, SlateGrey = {112, 128, 144}, light_slate_gray = {119, 136, 153}, LightSlateGray = {119, 136, 153}, light_slate_grey = {119, 136, 153}, LightSlateGrey = {119, 136, 153}, gray = {190, 190, 190}, grey = {190, 190, 190}, light_grey = {211, 211, 211}, LightGrey = {211, 211, 211}, light_gray = {211, 211, 211}, LightGray = {211, 211, 211}, midnight_blue = {25, 25, 112}, MidnightBlue = {25, 25, 112}, navy = {0, 0, 128}, navy_blue = {0, 0, 128}, NavyBlue = {0, 0, 128}, cornflower_blue = {100, 149, 237}, CornflowerBlue = {100, 149, 237}, dark_slate_blue = {72, 61, 139}, DarkSlateBlue = {72, 61, 139}, slate_blue = {106, 90, 205}, SlateBlue = {106, 90, 205}, medium_slate_blue = {123, 104, 238}, MediumSlateBlue = {123, 104, 238}, light_slate_blue = {132, 112, 255}, LightSlateBlue = {132, 112, 255}, medium_blue = {0, 0, 205}, MediumBlue = {0, 0, 205}, royal_blue = {65, 105, 225}, RoyalBlue = {65, 105, 225}, blue = {0, 0, 255}, dodger_blue = {30, 144, 255}, DodgerBlue = {30, 144, 255}, deep_sky_blue = {0, 191, 255}, DeepSkyBlue = {0, 191, 255}, sky_blue = {135, 206, 235}, SkyBlue = {135, 206, 235}, light_sky_blue = {135, 206, 250}, LightSkyBlue = {135, 206, 250}, steel_blue = {70, 130, 180}, SteelBlue = {70, 130, 180}, light_steel_blue = {176, 196, 222}, LightSteelBlue = {176, 196, 222}, light_blue = {173, 216, 230}, LightBlue = {173, 216, 230}, powder_blue = {176, 224, 230}, PowderBlue = {176, 224, 230}, pale_turquoise = {175, 238, 238}, PaleTurquoise = {175, 238, 238}, dark_turquoise = {0, 206, 209}, DarkTurquoise = {0, 206, 209}, medium_turquoise = {72, 209, 204}, MediumTurquoise = {72, 209, 204}, turquoise = {64, 224, 208}, cyan = {0, 255, 255}, light_cyan = {224, 255, 255}, LightCyan = {224, 255, 255}, cadet_blue = {95, 158, 160}, CadetBlue = {95, 158, 160}, medium_aquamarine = {102, 205, 170}, MediumAquamarine = {102, 205, 170}, aquamarine = {127, 255, 212}, dark_green = {0, 100, 0}, DarkGreen = {0, 100, 0}, dark_olive_green = {85, 107, 47}, DarkOliveGreen = {85, 107, 47}, dark_sea_green = {143, 188, 143}, DarkSeaGreen = {143, 188, 143}, sea_green = {46, 139, 87}, SeaGreen = {46, 139, 87}, medium_sea_green = {60, 179, 113}, MediumSeaGreen = {60, 179, 113}, light_sea_green = {32, 178, 170}, LightSeaGreen = {32, 178, 170}, pale_green = {152, 251, 152}, PaleGreen = {152, 251, 152}, spring_green = {0, 255, 127}, SpringGreen = {0, 255, 127}, lawn_green = {124, 252, 0}, LawnGreen = {124, 252, 0}, green = {0, 255, 0}, chartreuse = {127, 255, 0}, medium_spring_green = {0, 250, 154}, MediumSpringGreen = {0, 250, 154}, green_yellow = {173, 255, 47}, GreenYellow = {173, 255, 47}, lime_green = {50, 205, 50}, LimeGreen = {50, 205, 50}, yellow_green = {154, 205, 50}, YellowGreen = {154, 205, 50}, forest_green = {34, 139, 34}, ForestGreen = {34, 139, 34}, olive_drab = {107, 142, 35}, OliveDrab = {107, 142, 35}, dark_khaki = {189, 183, 107}, DarkKhaki = {189, 183, 107}, khaki = {240, 230, 140}, pale_goldenrod = {238, 232, 170}, PaleGoldenrod = {238, 232, 170}, light_goldenrod_yellow= {250, 250, 210}, LightGoldenrodYellow = {250, 250, 210}, light_yellow = {255, 255, 224}, LightYellow = {255, 255, 224}, yellow = {255, 255, 0}, gold = {255, 215, 0}, light_goldenrod = {238, 221, 130}, LightGoldenrod = {238, 221, 130}, goldenrod = {218, 165, 32}, dark_goldenrod = {184, 134, 11}, DarkGoldenrod = {184, 134, 11}, rosy_brown = {188, 143, 143}, RosyBrown = {188, 143, 143}, indian_red = {205, 92, 92}, IndianRed = {205, 92, 92}, saddle_brown = {139, 69, 19}, SaddleBrown = {139, 69, 19}, sienna = {160, 82, 45}, peru = {205, 133, 63}, burlywood = {222, 184, 135}, beige = {245, 245, 220}, wheat = {245, 222, 179}, sandy_brown = {244, 164, 96}, SandyBrown = {244, 164, 96}, tan = {210, 180, 140}, chocolate = {210, 105, 30}, firebrick = {178, 34, 34}, brown = {165, 42, 42}, dark_salmon = {233, 150, 122}, DarkSalmon = {233, 150, 122}, salmon = {250, 128, 114}, light_salmon = {255, 160, 122}, LightSalmon = {255, 160, 122}, orange = {255, 165, 0}, dark_orange = {255, 140, 0}, DarkOrange = {255, 140, 0}, coral = {255, 127, 80}, light_coral = {240, 128, 128}, LightCoral = {240, 128, 128}, tomato = {255, 99, 71}, orange_red = {255, 69, 0}, OrangeRed = {255, 69, 0}, red = {255, 0, 0}, hot_pink = {255, 105, 180}, HotPink = {255, 105, 180}, deep_pink = {255, 20, 147}, DeepPink = {255, 20, 147}, pink = {255, 192, 203}, light_pink = {255, 182, 193}, LightPink = {255, 182, 193}, pale_violet_red = {219, 112, 147}, PaleVioletRed = {219, 112, 147}, maroon = {176, 48, 96}, medium_violet_red = {199, 21, 133}, MediumVioletRed = {199, 21, 133}, violet_red = {208, 32, 144}, VioletRed = {208, 32, 144}, magenta = {255, 0, 255}, violet = {238, 130, 238}, plum = {221, 160, 221}, orchid = {218, 112, 214}, medium_orchid = {186, 85, 211}, MediumOrchid = {186, 85, 211}, dark_orchid = {153, 50, 204}, DarkOrchid = {153, 50, 204}, dark_violet = {148, 0, 211}, DarkViolet = {148, 0, 211}, blue_violet = {138, 43, 226}, BlueViolet = {138, 43, 226}, purple = {160, 32, 240}, medium_purple = {147, 112, 219}, MediumPurple = {147, 112, 219}, thistle = {216, 191, 216},
a_darkred = {128, 0, 0}, a_darkgreen = {0, 179, 0}, a_brown = {128, 128, 0}, a_darkblue = {0, 0, 128}, a_darkmagenta = {128, 0, 128}, a_darkcyan = {0, 128, 128}, a_grey = {192, 192, 192}, a_darkgrey = {128, 128, 128}, a_red = {255, 0, 0}, a_green = {0, 255, 0}, a_yellow = {255, 255, 0}, a_blue = {0, 85, 255}, a_magenta = {255, 0, 255}, a_cyan = {0, 255, 255}, a_white = {255, 255, 255},
dead_grey = {18, 27, 27}, dead_brown = {34, 23, 6}, dead_green = {0, 51, 0}, dead_red = {51, 0, 0}, dead_blue = {0, 0, 51}, dead_yellow = {34, 34, 0}, dead_magenta = {34, 6, 34}, dead_cyan = {6, 34, 34}, }
iecho = function (output) -- iecho, or infoEcho. -- This interesting little ditty will reformat -- echoes to insert symbols, colors, and other things.
-- Default to Aetolian grey. output = "<a_grey>" .. output
-- Differentiating slashes, colons, etc. output = output:gsub("[\:\/\(\)]", "<a_darkgrey>%1<a_grey>")
-- Player/NPC names. output = output:gsub("#(%w+)", "<a_cyan>%1<a_grey>")
-- Parameter names. output = output:gsub("&(%w+)", "<a_green>%1<a_grey>")
-- Special characters. output = output:gsub("!o", "<a_green>" .. string.char(7) .. "<a_grey>") output = output:gsub("!x", "<a_red>" .. string.char(7) .. "<a_grey>") output = output:gsub("!<", "<a_darkcyan>" .. string.char(171) .. "<a_grey>") output = output:gsub("!>", "<a_darkcyan>" .. string.char(187) .. "<a_grey>")
cecho(output) end
Anyone else got any neats scripts... or, know where to find a Add to Queue thingy?
#echo %cr
#echo %ansi( 1)a 1
#echo %ansi( 2)a 2
#echo %ansi( 3)a 3
#echo %ansi( 4)a 4
#echo %ansi( 5)a 5
#echo %ansi( 6)a 6
#echo %ansi( 7)a 7
#echo %ansi( 8)a 8
#echo %ansi( 9)a 9
#echo %ansi( 10)a 10
#echo %ansi( 11)a 11
#echo %ansi( 12)a 12
#echo %ansi( 13)a 13
#echo %ansi( 14)a 14
#echo %ansi( 15)a 15
#echo %ansi( 16)a 16
#echo %ansi( 17)a 17
#echo %ansi( 18)a 18
#echo %ansi( 19)a 19
#echo %ansi( 20)a 20
#echo %ansi( 21)a 21
#echo %ansi( 22)a 22
#echo %ansi( 23)a 23
#echo %ansi( 24)a 24
#echo %ansi( 25)a 25
#echo %ansi( 26)a 26
#echo %ansi( 27)a 27
#echo %ansi( 28)a 28
#echo %ansi( 29)a 29
#echo %ansi( 30)a 30
#echo %ansi( 31)a 31
#echo %ansi( 32)a 32
#echo %ansi( 33)a 33
#echo %ansi( 34)a 34
#echo %ansi( 35)a 35
#echo %ansi( 36)a 36
#echo %ansi( 37)a 37
#echo %ansi( 38)a 38
#echo %ansi( 39)a 39
#echo %ansi( 40)a 40[/spoiler]
Edit: This is for CMUD.
pNum(number/string): This function is for aesthetic displays. It will string numbers along with commas (I am American, after all) to enhance readability. It will cleanly accept both strings and actual numbers, spitting out a string as a result. Performance note: Despite my clumsy use of string concatenation, it processes -very- quickly. Even when using it in spammy displays like the tables shown in OFFERINGS LIST, there was no noticeable lag.
You'll need these scripts, just put them in a new script window called Library or something:
You'll need these functions:
These triggers:
Pattern - ^ \#(\d+) (.+)
Exact match - An unseen presence whispers in your ear, "There is no more, friend."
Pattern - ^Type MORE to continue reading\. \(\d+\% shown\)
And finally, these Aliases:
Pattern - ^lcs$
Pattern - ^lss (\w+)$
How this works is that when you enter the "lcs" alias, it will scan the entire library and store all the book titles with their corresponding numbers. You can then use the "lss" alias to do something like:
"lss Consanguine"
And it will return all book numbers with the word Consanguine in the title. It will also provide a link that you can click that will read the first page of the book (as well as show you the title of the book) for you lazy people.
Special thanks to @Lin for helping me with some of the code, and also for formatting the post for me. XD
#ALIAS ANSI {$a=1;$b="";#15 {#ADDI $b {%ansi(high, $a) $a};#ADD $a 1};#PRINT { ANSI:%replace($b,"|","")};#CR}
local escape_exits = {} for k,_ in pairs(gmcp.Room.Info.exits) do table.insert(escape_exits, k) end send("qeb " .. escape_exits[math.random(1,#escape_exits)])
Are there 3 scripts called library = library or {}, library.list = library.list or {}, and library.scan = false ?
Which scripts do the fuctions go into?
The second function has an error on the echolink line.
Can anyone help this newbie at lau scripting?
A function is just a variable where the value is a set of instructions.
Copy the parts called scripts/functions to the script editor, all into one script 'object'. Or multiples - it makes no difference.
The triggers are a separate object in mudlet, so create those there.
Go to command line and type:
lua display(library)
This will display the contents of the table you just created, called "library". It will be a mix of information, and functions.
library = {} --creates a blank table
library = library or {} --creates a blank table ONLY IF it doesn't already exist.
library.scan = false --creates a variable, nested in the table, called 'scan' with a value of false
function library.whatever()
-- creates a variable 'whatever' nested in the table, with a value that is a set of instructions
^All of that goes into a script object in the script editor.
The triggers are a separate thing
echoLink(library.list[t].number, [[send("read " .. ]] .. library.list[t].number .. [[, false)]], "Read "..library.list[t].title.")
In Mudlet, create a multiline trigger. The first trigger's pattern is:
You have the following on cooldown:
I call it "cooldown header." Set the "fire length" to 50-100 more lines. We're going to close this trigger when it hits prompt.
Then, nest a trigger in it called "cooldown capture" or whatever you like. Use the following lines as perl regex:
1: ^(:?(:?\w+)|(:?\w+) (:?\w+))\s+(\d+) minutes and (\d+) seconds$
2: ^(:?(\w+)|(:?\w+) (:?\w+))\s+(\d+)\s+(minutes)$
3: ^(:?(\w+)|(:?\w+) (:?\w+))\s+(\d+)\s+(seconds)$
Then, as an example body:
local cd = matches[2]:lower():gsub(" ", "_")
local cap = tonumber(matches[6])
local cap2 = matches[7]
if cap2 == "minutes" then
local time = tonumber(cap*60)
fs.oncd(cd, time)
elseif cap2 == "seconds" then
local time = cap
fs.oncd(cd, time)
cap = tonumber(cap*60)
cap2 = tonumber(cap2)
local time = tonumber(cap + cap2)
fs.oncd(cd, time)
What the functions do is pretty obvious, so you should be able to adapt this to your own scripts.
the way she tells me I'm hers and she is mine
open hand or closed fist would be fine
blood as rare and sweet as cherry wine
table = {
} if the value isn't a variable, like matches[2] or some sort, enclose it in "" for headaches.
additem(table, "value4")
function gmcp_enabled() local path = getMudletHomeDir() .."/current" local most_recent, mr_time, file mr_time = 0 for file in lfs.dir(path) do if file ~= "." and file ~= ".." then local f = path .. "/" .. file local attr = lfs.attributes(f) assert (type(attr) == "table") if attr.mode ~= "directory" then local time = attr.modification if time > mr_time then most_recent = f mr_time = time end end end end print(most_recent) local f =, "r") local t = f:read("*all") f:close() local b = string.find(t,[[mEnableGMCP="yes"]]) if not b then return false else return true end end
First trigger pattern:
-- Regex
-- Fire length 10
First trigger script:
if not dlg_opt_num then dlg_opt_num = 1 else dlg_opt_num = dlg_opt_num + 1 end if not dlg_opts then dlg_opts = {} end dlg_opts[tostring(dlg_opt_num)] = matches[2] for k,v in pairs(dlg_opts) do if tonumber(k) > dlg_opt_num then dlg_opts[k] = nil end end selectString(matches[1],1) replace("") resetFormat() echoLink("\[" .. dlg_opt_num .. "\]" .. matches[2], [[send("]] .. "say " ..matches[2]..[[")]], "Dialogue Option")
Second trigger pattern:
return isPrompt()
--Lua function
Second trigger script:
dlg_opt_num = 0
You can set up keys for the dialogue options using dlg_opts["1"], dlg_opts["2"] and so on.
I don't know how important it actually is to consider performance but 'gating' regex trigs like the above with a substring trig on 'say' will stop the regex from testing any line except ones with 'say' in it.
Two ways to do it, supposedly equal in efficiency.
1. Create a simple substrig trig with the pattern 'say' and no script/command. Drag the other trigger onto this new one.
2. Alternatively make the existing a multi pattern 'AND' trigger, with 'say' as the first pattern and the regex as the second.
Anyway, I hope someone finds that useful. I wasn't picking apart the above really nice script, just using it as an example to talk about efficiency.