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Seeking Shop/Stocking Coder Thing

ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
As I add more and more forging designs, stocking my shop is becoming more and more of a headache.

I will pay someone in many credits to write me a thingy that will do the stocking for me, be it CMUD or Mudlet (which I would hop to for stocking purposes because weep).

Automatically price items by type and stat. Some voice in my head is telling me a table would probably be required? Ideally off of Weaponlist and Armourlist by item type, drop all of the item type, then put them onto the appropriate shelves (anything with damage over 140 would go to shelf X, anything with damage under 140 would go to shelf B, all armour and shields to shelf Y), etc.


**********************************[ Bastard ]**********************************
ID Damage Pen Speed Has Rune Decay Artifact
#155416 139 75 127 No 78 No
#30069 140 74 127 No 78 No
#176835 136 74 127 No 78 No
#122357 180 94 77 No 78 No
#235235 177 94 75 No 78 No

- then drop all of the bastard swords and price the first three there to shelf B, the second two to shelf X.

If any of you are up to helping me out, please let me know! I'll be incredibly grateful.


  • IshinIshin Retired Lurker Virginia
    I might could help you with that, Areka, but the other coders might be able to do it faster than I can. I'd have to test stuff and whatnot as I go, since I haven't owned a shop since Resi's toy shop in delos like RL years and years ago.
    Tell me and I forget, teach me and
    I remember, involve me and I
    -Benjamin Franklin
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    Any help at all would be appreciated! I just keep wanting to design more things, but it gets a bit unwieldy!
  • NalorNalor UK
    edited December 2014
    Does it always have to be the first three, or will it be random? @‌Areka

    As you can make a trigger to capture all of the different #numbers into a stringlist and pop them out when you price them

    So alias will be like ' bprice 3 b ' and ' bprice 2 x ' etc
    Mudlet Bashing System for sale. Message if interested
  • ArekaAreka Drifting in a sea of wenches' bosoms
    I want something that will price things for me, rather than me manualling each item.

    It won't always be the first 3, but they will be grouped, as that is what I forge in, groups of stats.
  • NalorNalor UK
    edited December 2014
    Nalor said:


    #additem pricestock %1



    #var pricestock %null
    weaponlist %1
    armourlist %1



    price @pricestock.1 single %2 shelf %1
    #delitem pricestock @pricestock.1


    so it'll be - viewstock "name" - to weaponlist said item.

    then to price you can look at the stats from weaponlist and just do

    bprice "SHELFNUMBER" "PRICE"

    like bprice 2 5000

    Granted thats one at once but... its less typing
    Mudlet Bashing System for sale. Message if interested
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