New to Aetolia, old to IRE
Hello! Been around IRE for forever, always hear mixed things about Aetolia. Basically, looking for roleplay, people welcoming to newbs, and activity. Flexible in roles/beliefs I can do, I have been across the board. Without getting into it, started out in a city/guild that really just doesn't seem very welcoming/helpful to newbs. If anyone has some suggestions on where I might enjoy my start, I'd like it!
Spinesreach is a huge RP city. We have tons of opportunities for newbs to RP. You can literally get a gold grant/your own room/lab in our Institute for "researching" a topic of your choice. We do tons of activities and one of my constant goals as CL is to promote RP interactions.
Carnifex RP a lot. Most people in our guild will throw out emotes and we have a lot of ceremonies/rituals/etc that are basically emote scenes. Obviously I think we're great, as the GM, but I do think there is truth to that claim. At pretty much any random point in time, there is a Carnifex RP/getting drunk (same difference?) with someone. We're a dark evil death knight guild. We capture souls and use them against our enemies, and smash people's heads open with hammers. And we have war hounds.
Cabalists are also great for RP. Eleanor is one of the game's best RPers, as is Akaryuterra, Aarbrok, Teani, etc - huge gang of solid RPers in there. They are a scientist/scholar guild.
Syssin also have a ton of RPers and they have such a fun concept - shadowy spies? Hello, so much potential there.
Areka does great stuff with Templars. If you're interested in the good guy role, I'd pick them. She's an absolutely stellar GM who really goes out of her way to interact with newbs. Templars are a good/holy knight guild.
Mariena is also another great GM. She leads the Shamans and is super motivated and enthusiastic, and Shamans as a concept are REALLY COOL. Ancestral magic, animating plants to do wild things, summoning spirits, it's cool stuff.
The undead, houses and stuff are all entirely new to me, so wrapping my head around anything like that may be a bit too much right now.
Thanks to you folks that roleplayed and helped me out with my decision, by the way! It was so awesome to be met with a group of unique individuals that were able to answer my noob questions!