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For one who has experience in coding, I am having problem on how to code targeting. Can someone help me or assist me on this please? many thanks


  • for mudlet this is for
  • ElyniElyni New Zealand
    edited August 2014
    alias pattern: ^t (.+)$
    alias code: target = matches[2]
    echo("\nTarget changed to: "..target)

    for whatever else
    send("attack "..target) - just an example, of course.
  • is there a Specific way to type out codes for attacking?
  • TragerTrager Raiding your underwear drawer.
    Type out codes for attacking? Could you elaborate?
    Indoran'i is back baby. It's go-... Oh.

  • TrigruTrigru the Bumberton's Delight
    edited August 2014
    The syntax for the attack will be covered in that skill's file. If you're trying to use the Hack ability in Savagery, for instance, you'd do AB SAVAGERY HACK.

    Savagery claims the syntax is "POLE HACK target", so in your script, you'd do send("pole hack " .. target)
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