So, I take the bus as my daily commute, and I usually take this time to read Reddit. One of my favorite things about Reddit is customizing my frontpage to display subreddits I find interesting.
What are your favorite subreddits? I'm going to share mine, and hopefully I can find some interesting ones in this thread to follow.
My favorites are:
/r/oldpeoplefacebook - Old people trying to use Facebook.
/r/shaqholdingthings - Self-explanatory.
/r/foodforthought - Occasionally, really good articles posted here.
/r/internetisbeautiful - Randomly useful websites.
/r/wheredidthesodago - GIFs from old informercials.
/r/urbanexploration - for UrbEx enthusiasts
/r/abandonedporn - also for UrbEx enthusiasts, or maybe people who like the photos
/r/cinemagraphs - Those really nice pictures that have subtle movements in them
/r/nosleep - Creepypasta
/r/fearme - Basically where I find a lot of Iosian inspiration.
/r/seventhworldproblems - There's not really a good way to explain this one.
/r/shittydarksouls - because the darksouls subreddits have some bad in them.
/r/talesfromtechsupport - I live itttttt
/r/gifs - says it all
/r/funny - same here
/r/ConsagiousLaughter - yep, yep
/r/pics - random pictures
/r/aww - adorable things, how can you resist cute?
/r/videos - random videos
I use many others, but those are related mostly to video games and tv shows. So, no need to list them. Most of these are ones I have for when I just want a pick me up.
"The smell of dusty fur, sweet smoke, waiting and patience, a thing that time cannot kill. The moth that candles won't burn."
Base-jumping, skydiving, excellent low-angle action shots, or just snaps taken 500+ ft. in the air. Fun stuff.
As I said elsewhere, I've become kind of a bike nerd.
A cinemagraph is basically an animated GIF that captures a still moment in film, with just a subtle bit of motion thrown in. You've seen tons of them in user signatures all over these forums. They're beautiful!
victory ahead, but visions of pointless
Ever surf the comments on a thread and see that someone just went utterly balls-out and explained the living crap out of some cool subject? This subreddit is a collection of those moments.
Abandoned buildings, derelict machines, etc.
People ask complex questions and get simple, easily dissectable answers.
Discussions on transhumanism, emergent technology, and how our society might adapt to ever-increasing scientific advancement.
The Army Men are taking over the world, over.
This sub has become more and more of a circlejerk but still remains hilarious and involving. You can sometimes find limited-time mixtapes and Soundcloud links here.
Like the infamous IAmA threads, only people pose as a character from a novel or other work of fiction they're writing. (@Iosyne this is all you)
A subreddit for amateur illustration.
Artwork of heroes, villains, etc. etc.
I made a subreddit about Iron Realms! Too bad it sucks and is mostly abandoned. No really don't bother going here.
Stupid jokes about League of Legends.
Linguistic discussion: evolving language, dialectic quirks, etc. etc.
News articles with headlines that could be The Onion articles, but unfortunately aren't.
A subreddit where lots of users (usually on throwaway accounts) write something that's been on their minds just for the sake of getting it out. Sometimes banal, sometimes provocative, often heartfelt and interesting.
Probably one of the funniest subreddits ever. People post images with exploitable subjects and other people Photoshop them into ridiculousness.
Self-explanatory. Favorite subject of mine!
This sub's difficult to describe. Basically fantasy/sci-fi art of landscapes, vehicles, characters, etc. A good subreddit for inspiration.
A subreddit about deep water lurkers, abyssal depths, and Lovecraftian horrors in the real world.
The premise of this subreddit is that people will come up with a half-remembered song, movie, video game, etc., and give enough detail that other people can help them find it again.
Like the other "SFW Porn" subreddits, this one is all about water. Beautiful beautiful water. (@Slyphe lookit dis, also r/steampunk)
I'm not going to spoil this one. It's hilarious.
Also shout-out to @Iosyne from r/FearMe and r/seventhworldproblems! I love those subs.
i am rapture coder
Aside from that, I like r/science, r/chemistry, and r/physics. Also r/funny. I suppose I haven't delved terribly deep into some of the more niche subreddits.