Hi. So, I've been trying to come back to playing for a few years now, but found it hard to find the motivation, what with so much changing and not knowing where or who my friends are anymore.
However, I am really enjoying the series of crazy decisions that resulted in my joining the Sentinels/Duiran, and it's difficult to express how happy/relieved I am that that particular decision wasn't completely awful. It's been a blast so far, and I love all the conflict about the exterminations and what it means and what should be done about it. I even find the forum arguments and complaining about it fascinating to read. Honestly. I don't know what's wrong with me, but it's made me want to play again. I also wrote a couple neat little scripts the past few days that I'm proud of... so it's all been good.
That's about it. This has been my attempt at being social and saying that I'm looking forward to playing more when my classes end and I have more time to figure stuff out(which is all of four days from now). Hello again or for the first time.