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Cake? Yes, please.



  • If I could like your post a hundred times @Emelle, I would. I joined the Rebellion! Lots of good information over there and I jumped in on one of their six week challenges, even though it started two weeks ago.

    I am on my second fasting day and I found it a bit harder, but I was really hungry after doing the Beginners Body Weight Workout from nerdfitnness. Or at least making it as far through as I could. Plus I still went for my 20 minute walk this evening. But so far I've only had 395 cal so I'm still allowed another 105 in the next 9 1/2 hours. Hopefully I will be sleeping for at least some of those hours.

    @Aryanne, @Slyphe, @Sarita, I hope all of you are doing well too!
  • SaritaSarita Empress of Bahir'an The Pillars of the Earth
    The last two weeks have been sort of miserable for me thanks to a sinus infection from hell. There were a few days when I didn't want to do much more than sleep, let alone exercise.

    What I did find helpful was adapting the suggestion about putting fresh vegetables together with some healthy dip for easy snacks into a broader selection of foods that I could take to work, grab when I was too tired for much else, and that sort of thing. I made snack bags with things like pretzels, and actually counted them out based on whatever the serving sizes on the bags were. I think that sort of gave me a more visual way of keeping track of how much I was really eating. I can be one of those people who will just open a big bag of something and eat it while I'm on the computer and not paying much attention to the food itself, so maybe that'll help me eat less of those things.

    I also got in touch with some people working near me who go on walks every day. The core group seems to have a pretty long route that they do when the weather is good, with a backup that involves the tunnels that connect buildings, and a 12-story stairway. I'm working on getting my leg back into shape from ACL surgery, so I met up with some other people who do less strenuous walks. I missed a few days of work while I was sick, but I did one of the tunnel walks today when we all needed a stress break, and it seems like something that I might try to do at least a few days each week when I can.

    I definitely pigged out a little bit on pizza and cake last weekend, but I have lost a little over five pounds since I started weighing myself, so something is starting to work.

    Still no formal goal weight.

    I will be experimenting with the walking and some new meal ideas this week.
  • I haven't forgotten about you guys! I just moved and haven't had the opportunity (or extra cash) to pick up a scale yet for at this place, and I was using the one at home to weigh in!

    Next time I'm home, I'll be reporting in. I just went on an 8 mile walk and had an epiphany of just being over my current state, so I imagine things will be developing a bit differently from here on.

  • That's awesome @Slyphe, an 8 mile walk. I know exactly what you mean about the epiphany. I am ready and willing to work my butt off to get where I want. (I think I may have actually worked my butt off yesterday, my legs are sore from the strength workout. But I still went for my walk today!) I know I will have hard times and I hope I can keep coming back here to get inspiration and motivation to keep on going.

    Beyond the 50 pounds for this challenge there is another 50 waiting to be lost, but it doesn't scare me any longer, I'll get there. It may take a while and a lot of work, but I'll get there.
  • Weight lost: -1 pound

    Downside of the week: Despite going for my 20 minute walk every day, doing three body weight, strength training workouts and sticking to my two 500 cal fast days, I gained weight.

    Upside of the week: Even though I gained, I still feel good about managing to do all my workouts and eating better. I'm sleeping even less(If that is possible) but I feel like I have more energy.

    Status of last week's goal: I've learned my lesson, no more numbers that I can't control!

    Goal for next week: I have some really stressful stuff to deal with over the next couple days so my goal is not to turn to food for comfort and to keep up with my exercise. Seven 20 minute walks, three strength workouts.

    Total pounds lost: 11

    Pounds remaining: 39

    I hope others are doing better then I am.
  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    @Ianea‌: Seems like a tough period in general. I've had issues keeping to any form of schedule at all. Medicine is screwing with my sleep schedule, I'm still packing things and preparing for my move and I have 0 urge to control over my food habits as it is. I've been out on small walks, but not the long ones I had planned.

    I want this move to be over and done with, so I can perhaps get back to some semblance of normality. After I move, I also have to use my bike more, which is great!

  • Weight lost: 3 pounds

    Downside of the week: Even though I lost I don't feel like I did as well, with my exercise especially. But it's been an extremely stressful week with a very cranky daughter.

    Upside of the week: Um.. well I did end up losing weight so that's good.

    Status of last week's goal: I did okay on the food part, keeping to my two 500 cal days but I did zero exercise.

    Goal for next week: I feel like I'm slipping with drinking water so focus a bit more on that and try to do the strength workouts this week.

    Total pounds lost: 14

    Pounds remaining: 36

    I wouldn't mind an update from everyone else, I could use the motivation!
  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    I'm so sorry, @Ianea‌. I'm in the middle of moving to a new apartment, almost everything is packed up, classes have started at Uni... Just too much else to think about, but I'm trying my best to eat healthier and of course move a lot. Last week we had the International food market in town, so it was a bit tricky to maintain calm. However, two dinners consisted of kangaroo burgers, which are low fat!

    Weight loss: No idea!

    Next week: Finally moving in to my new apartment!

    Go Go Go!!

  • First Post overview

    Beginning weight : 99lbs
    Goal weight : 115lbs

    Delays and Downs : Right now I'm horribly sick however that's not going to stop me getting into the rhythm and mindset of healthy eating and exercise. I've had a couple of comments on how much weight I've lost which I denied tooth and nail until my boyfriend picked me up and dumped me on a scale to prove his point.

    Upside : With my recent trip and sickness I've lost my sweet tooth. I have cravings for sliced apples for snacks instead of chocolate now. While I can't excerise fully yet I'm getting the eating thing down pat.

    Goal for next week: Next week I plan to gain 2lbs. Not eat any chocolate and be able to walk 500m without having to stop and rest for breath.

  • edited August 2014
    Okay so I got a phonecall and I'm not just sick, I have pneumonia and have been told to avoid strenous activity like all general forms of movement..... goal for next week is gain 1lb or stay level.

  • That sucks @Gwenith, I hope you're feeling better soon. It is not fun to be sick like that. So we've been busy this weekend but I thought I would sneak in and post since I have a minute.

    Weight lost: 2 pounds

    Downside of the week: Not enough sleep.. never enough sleep.

    Upside of the week: Still keeping up with my two 500 cal fast days. Fairly par for the coarse now. We're going away for a week in Oct, so I think the two weeks before I'll do three fast days instead of two, so I don't have to worry about it if I can't make it work while we're gone.

    Status of last week's goal: Back to fine on drinking water but I dragged my feet and didn't do the strength workouts. Bah.

    Goal for next week: Work out, on monday!

    Total pounds lost: 16

    Pounds remaining: 34

    I hung the hanger with the pounds remaining and pounds lost on it in my hallway. I feel a proud and happy every time I walk by it to the kitchen. It's looking much less cluttered!
  • Hrng, these last couple weeks.. Month? have been weird for my eating with a combo of being oversly stressed about work stuff, home stuff, kitchen remodel, general laziness... Awesome for you actually getting out and getting your exercise! You rock it, @Ianea‌! You've totally gotten me out of my rut here to start anew with your determination

    I totally fell off the good-eating wagon. Hrng. But, realistically it is good because I am trying to find a balance that doesn't feel like tremendous effort, because I'm not trying to be 'on a diet' but rather change my eating habits generally to be better.

    I definitely need to get back onto my good-lunch system. I've blown through WAY too much money and, well, calories, by forgetting my lunches and buying fast food, I'm almost too anxious to get back on the scale and see my backwards progress :(

    Goal for next week: Good lunches. Every day. Go BACK down another pound.

  • SaritaSarita Empress of Bahir'an The Pillars of the Earth
    So my good news for now is that I had a pre-insurance physical (for life insurance) where they did things like bmi, blood pressure, blood and urine samples for markers of heart disease, cholesterol, and all that good stuff. I got the lab results back, and everything, including the blood pressure (which has been one of those slowly creeping up issues for me) was in their normal range. Whether or not my doctor will agree is another matter, but it was definitely encouraging.

    I have some sort of stomach virus right now, so I don't have anything interesting to report of the changes front, although I imagine that skipping the weekend binge of things like pizza and alcohol entirely is a good thing.

    One thing I wanted to mention is that in the love thread, @Mariena‌, @Nevlar‌ and @Aarbrok‌ were just discussing some ideas and suggestions they'd been given. Two that emerged that I liked were tracking food that you eat with apps rather than diaries, and eating all your food off of those small, cute kid plates.

    Goal: Stop throwing up everything I eat or drink. Losing weight by being dehydrated isn't the way to do it. Ginger ale, pretzels and rice aren't the healthiest things to eat all the time either.
  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    Yay! I found my scale after moving so now I can actually try to regain some control over this thing. The first thing I did was hop on the scale and check if the last few weeks had been a complete disaster or not, which probably wasn't very accurate since one is supposed to weigh in at similar times of the day, but still!

    Weight lost since last check: 3 kilos!

    Apparently all that moving has made a difference. I still need to get control over my eating schedule, but now that I've finally moved in that should be easier.

  • MarienaMariena By a lake.
    Weekly Wrap-up: I don't have one yet, but will soon!

    Weight lost: 0 pounds - I posted the myfitnesspal little tracker on my sig so I can't conveniently forget to check in.

    Downside of the week: Being told one is morbidly obese is a rough conversation to have. It's blunt.

    Upside of the week: A new start is good, right?

    Status of last week's goal: -

    Goal for next week (sept 3- Sept 10) : Get over this death cold. Drink 8 glasses of water a day. Walk 1 mile at least 3 times before week is out.

  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    Go @Mariena!

  • Up 4 lbs myself. I don't weigh myself much, but I was sort of off-put that I hadn't gained ANYTHING after 3 weeks of lifting. Waited another 3, checked again, up 4. Which is nice, and I partially attribute it to actually having a schedule that encourages me to eat twice a day.

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • MarienaMariena By a lake.

    How do you deal with a late night sweet tooth? I have a horrid habit of waking up, comforting myself in the kitchen and going back to bed. Sometimes I don't even know I'm doing it :/.

  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
    Lately I have been using those little packets you add to a bottle of water that are like 5 calories and having like peach iced tea or raspberry lemonade, but winter time is coming and my goto is steamed almond or coconut milk with a little vanilla extract and cinnamon.
  • AarbrokAarbrok Breaking things...For Science San Diego, CA
  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    @Mariena: Keep a bottle of water next to your bed and a salty cracker. Usually when we have a sweet tooth it'snnot really the sugar we are craving, it's salt.

  • Mariena said:


    How do you deal with a late night sweet tooth? I have a horrid habit of waking up, comforting myself in the kitchen and going back to bed. Sometimes I don't even know I'm doing it :/.

    Going to echo @Aarbrok here and suggest the water-flavoring-things. I've always got like 4/5 different Mio/Crystal Light flavors in my cabinet at any time for this exact reason.

    I've been trying to stick with a low-carb type deal, and my go-to sweet though is definitely greek yogurt. Awesome source of protein, low carbs and sugar, and if you get the right kinds it's absolutely delicious.
  • edited September 2014
    So I kept seeing this thread being pretty active but.. never actually -looked- at it because I had it in my mind 'oh silly Aetolians, I wonder what they're doing now. Obviously nothing that could possibly concern me or my interests!'.

    Well I've learned my lesson, forums. Now I shall begin to dutifully check threads of every kind.

    I'm so far behind the rest of you in keeping up to date with one another in this thread, but my own journey of weight loss has been a continuous one! Which I've shared before with everyone. and now intend to yet again here. So I'm happily going to interrupt your cake party with my participation.

    Weekly Wrap-up: I'm joining in the middle of the week, so I guess you'll hear more from me at the end of it hehe

    Weight lost: -

    Downside of the week: I can't really say if there was one yet.

    Upside of the week: My activity levels have increased over the year, with getting a job where I'm standing from 7-8hrs a day 4 days a week, watering plants across a widespread retirement home for an hour twice a week, and I've just started back up jogging yesterday, actually. Which, is more a requirement for please-no-more-migraines than it is weight loss - but the two go hand in hand, so who am I to complain?

    I've also been planning this, it just so happens that today falls in line with the most convenient timing for me to stop by and sign up at the gym. We've a few Planet Fitnesses in town, but one of my close friends has started going to one that's on the way to a weekly event I attend - so regardless, I'm heading by it at least once a week. 'Why not?' has become my theme question lately. I don't mind going to the gym, though I'm like a lot of people - I don't think I'd enjoy it so much by myself, but I've been learning to take initiative and do things by myself more.

    Status of last week's goal: -

    Goal for next week (Sept 3 - Sept 10) : I've always steadily aimed for 2lbs a week, and sometimes I end up losing more, but that's my goal. I'm a 'start small, grow big'.

    140lbs is my weight goal, still, from the 215lbs I started at. I was 5lbs from it at the beginning of the year but since then, I've gained on 17lbs or so. Frustrating! I want to lose those extra lbs and get to my goal, along with some strength training to tone it all up. My friend is getting married in April, so I'd like to at least reach my weight goal before then. December is definitely doable!
  • edited September 2014
    I'm double-posting, because I have some recipes to share with everyone that you guys may be interested in. I'm in that 'poor college-student' zone where my finances are about as budgeted as my freetime. So I'm always looking for quick, easy and deliciously healthy recipes. Here are a few:

    http://www.fifteenspatulas.com/crispy-oven-roasted-chickpeas/ (You can use sauces too, not just spices)

    http://www.eatingwell.com/ -- I'm putting the link to this actual site here, because I used it so much earlier on and it was wonderful.

    http://realhealthyrecipes.com/2013/07/12/popped-quinoa/ (There's a lot of other grains you can do this with. A suggested one that's even better for you is Amaranth)

    Those're just a few I've been looking at recently. I also love hummus. In general, I try to stay away from breads, dairy and starch as much as possible (so I don't drink milk, I drink almond milk. I don't eat bread if I can help it. I stay away from sweets as much as possible, but I've never had a huge issue with sweets, I don't drink soda and drink plenty of water, and I try not to eat potatoes or too much rice.) Too much sodium in your diet also leads to water retention that'll affect your scale results!

    My boyfriend's parents have started a low-carb diet recently. They've always been very healthy with their food, all organic ectr. But she told me that this worked out especially well for them, even when they weren't trying very hard and the calorie count ended up being near 2,000. I think that's something to consider.

    I hope there's something any of you can take from that! @Toz if you're trying to bulk up, I've heard that protein is the sure way to go as it helps you build muscle mass.

  • Nola said:

    My boyfriend's parents have started a low-carb diet recently. They've always been very healthy with their food, all organic ectr. But she told me that this worked out especially well for them, even when they weren't trying very hard and the calorie count ended up being near 2,000. I think that's something to consider.

    I can't possibly quote this any harder. Back when I dropped 50 pounds in a decent handful of months, I was absolutely on top of my game cutting carbs. There's no really constricting yourself to how much you eat, but once you're on it for a solid few days, you find yourself already eating less as a side effect.

    It takes a lot longer to actually get hungry, and then when you do eat it takes a lot less to fill you up. The only super downside is that having a "cheat day" can reaaaaally throw you off. A plate of pasta, or anything with a decent amount of carbs in it will have you craving them again pretty quickly.

    I think it's gotten pretty obvious who I am now, so I'm going to go ahead and start off where I was.

    Weekly (it's actually been like a month I'm sorry) Wrap-up:

    Weight lost: 2 pounds

    Downside of the week: So uhh, yeah, two pounds lost in the last few weeks, and that's not good! ...Or is it? My clothing is getting loose, and I've gotten to the last notch on my belt before I need to start drilling my own in. I've gotten compliments and have been asked if I've lost weight, but yet the scale wants to argue! That's the downside, but y'know what, it's just a number.

    Status of last week's goal: I uh, admittedly don't remember what the last goal was, but I can imagine it was a bit more than 2 pounds over a few weeks!

    Goal for next week: I'm not going to be putting my goals in numbers any more, because I don't have access to a scale yet unless I stop home! It's on my "to-buy" list though. I'll update the actual numbers whenever I stop home.

    With that said, goal for this week is to make it through the entire week logging every meal/bit of food on My Fitness Pal. I just reinstalled it yesterday and am doing well so far, but hey, that's easy for two days.

    Total pounds lost: 14

    Pounds remaining: 36

    To the people joining us: Welcome! Have fun, you'll find out the support here is super, and by posting every week you're holding yourself accountable for what you've done (or didn't do!).

    As a conclusion, here's something for you guys:

    There are 16 weeks until Christmas. Many of us have set our goals to be hit by then! Are you going to use those 16 weeks to your advantage? As easy as it is to say, "Oh I'll start taking this seriously again next week" those are valuable days you're missing out on!
  • Exercising: The crux that I always need to work on.

    I've been really trying to find some exercise activity that I actively enjoy, not merely can-suffer-through. Walking is better-than-nothing, but realistically, I need to step-up my game for how little time I want to spend doing the exercise. Cost of the activities is also an issue. I don't really have more than 50-ish bucks a month I can spend on being-more-fit. My best ideas so far have been:

    Swimming- I really don't know how calorically-burning or health-increasing this option is since I don't really know how to swim beyond "Wheee water! This is fun! Look I'm moving!"

    Group exercise - like various classes at a gym or whatever? People rave over the enjoyableness of Zumba/Yoga/Palates?

    Martial Art - These always LOOK like they'll be tremendously enjoyable and good exercise, but as someone who's experience level is 0, I have no idea how I'd go about finding a place to do this, let alone one that won't laugh at me for being 26 and having the coordination of a drunk toddler.

    Suggestions? Opinions? Critiques?

  • I'm so glad to see more people joining us! Woot, I'm so excited even though I feel horrible at the moment. My daughter has been sick for about 4 days, so that means very little sleep for me and this morning I woke up with a sore throat, headache and my body hurts. Uuughh.

    @Mariena, The middle of the night sweet tooth. My absolute downfall, I'm pretty sure 80-90% of the weight I put on since my daughter was born nearly 3 years ago was from feeding stress and exhaustion at night, without really realizing how much I was eating.

    What worked for me was to have water front and centre in the fridge and fruits/vegetables cut up and ready to eat. If I feel like I need something from the fridge I take the water first and drink it. If you don't like just water as they said above, sweeten it with something. At the beginning I was using green tea ice cubes and lemon slices in my water but now I'm fine with just the water.

    I remember reading, I think, years and years ago.. all these sweeteners and sugar in everything it's like a rush to make everything even more so, better, more concentrated. Then they said, 'When did an apple not become sweet any longer?' I don't know why but that has always stuck with me. Now I love sugar, chocolate and sweets as much as the next but I try(don't always succeed) to cut back on adding unnecessary sweetness, even if it's only a few calories because then I just want more of the same. And fruit doesn't seem to sate that craving as easily if I've had a lot of sweet stuff.

    16 weeks to go and 34 pounds remaining. Here's hoping we all make it!
  • Aryanne said:

    Exercising: The crux that I always need to work on.
    Suggestions? Opinions? Critiques?


    I was using that, they've got some decent stuff. Doing something else now, but it's hard to beat free!

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • EmelleEmelle Dreamshaper Tecpatl's Cradle
    @Aryanne, I don't have much specific advice to offer, other than that I think it's really important to choose something you actually enjoy doing. It seems like the prevailing school of thought for a long time has been "just suffer through it," but I think this is akin to the trend of dieting to lose weight, where it can actually be more damaging in the long-term. It's all about lifestyle changes. The people I know who have been really successful at getting healthier/losing major weight have found some kind of exercise they really like, whether that's running marathons, joining a roller derby team, road biking, or whatever!
  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    @Aryanne: Swimming is really good exercise. I wish I could afford to go swimming, because that is my preferred way of working out. There's no better way to cleanse the brain of troubles than to swim laps, feel the cool water around you rather than running sweat and just focus on the breathing and counting how many turns you've made.

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