These days I just can’t seem to say what I mean. I just can’t. Every time I try to say something, it misses the point. Either that or I end up saying the opposite of what I mean. The more I try to get it right the more mixed up it gets. Sometimes I can’t even remember what I was trying to say in the first place. It’s like my body’s split in two and one of me is chasing the other me around a big pillar. We’re running circles around it. The other me has the right words, but I can never catch her.
- Haruki Murakami, Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman: 24 Stories
-Henry Lawson
And, on the flip side:
"Seduce him. Give him your heart. Cut it out and put it in his ----ing hands." - Mrs. Underwood
(yes, I'm a total House of Cards obsessor)
Hannibal: I was curious what would happen.
― Ernest Hemingway, The Short Stories
i am rapture coder
"Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul." - Twain
"Heaven and hell suppose two distinct species of men, the good and the bad. But the greatest part of mankind float betwixt vice and virtue." David Hume
"Don't be humble. You're not that great." - Golda Meir
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." - Hellen Keller
Notably - "Ooh! I suddenly see him standing there, A beautiful stranger, tall and fair, I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face"
"Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret. "
"Amnesty, n. The state's magnanimity to those offenders whom it would be too expensive to punish."
"Mad, adj. Affected with a high degree of intellectual independence."
"There are four kinds of Homicide: felonious, excusable, justifiable, and praiseworthy."
"Battle, n., A method of untying with the teeth a political knot that would not yield to the tongue."
Jesus Ignacio Aldapuerta, The Eyes