Teani may have been the technical victor, but I think you were the real winner because that was some A-grade RPing of being hit in the balls. Not many are man enough to do it!
I was actually pleasantly surprised when Ish came to Elea asking about Idreth- I won't lie, I didn't think you were really one for the RP thing at all. But you've definitely proved me wrong!
Moi should hate Ishin. They have a lot of history, and most of it bad - robbery, bad politics, warfare, etc - but they fact that they HAVE history is kinda something that draws her to him. Most people around Moi are young, most people haven't been a leader in their own right, and most haven't had that sort of intense emotional (even if negative) interaction with Moi - the end result is that she feels a bit of camaraderie and bond with him. They are both old veterans of the bygone terrors - the Kerrithrim, the Dreikathi, the Intra-Spirean Alliance (>____>) - and, at the end of the day, she's found a sort of uneasy peace with him. They both fight for the same side and they are both mellower than they used to be. They aren't friends, yet, but of everyone around right now, Ishin's the most likely to become her next pal, and Moi only has Toz, Aldric and kinda-Arbre as pals, so I guess that's saying something.
From a player perspective, I'm so glad you're back. It's no secret that I think you're a fun person (I miss Moi's relationship with Resiak sometimes!), your RP is top-notch, you're fun and you have a nice no-nonsense attitude - time has tempered that take-no-shit demeanor into a real, quality leadership trait. Yes, Ishin the character may go killing the Divine's babymommas, but OOC you're really chill and relaxed and it's so nice to have an experienced player who has done the CL/GM stuff before that I can kinda mentally lean on. I'm looking forward to see what kind of stuff you do with the Syssin.
Doesn't do anything halfway that he sets his mind to, tough and no-nonsense paired with a strong desire to see things improve in his org. The bastard bit of that has the potential to stir up some trouble, but the fact that there's a seemingly mature adult behind the character balances that out.
Second the looking forward to future Syssin evolution.
What can I say? Things went from Kat being stubborn in their first interaction to lots of amazing RP from there. It has been so fun seeing sides of Ishin I wager he doesn't rightly show many people if he can help it. The privileges of family?
Ishin really is a solid character. It doesn't take much to tell that he's been through a lot, seen a lot, done a lot - and likely more than Kat will in her time. Been quite happy with the way things have been unfolding, and look forward to more! Thanks for making her feel welcome, especially considering other crap going on in her life right now. Nice to have some people you feel you can count on.
I remember when Faerah was new and everyone was telling her (and me OOC) to stay away from Ishin because he was a (griefer|troll|womanizer|etc). He really was all those things at some point, but he has developed into such a multi-dimensional and wonderful character since then and I do not regret deciding to make a judgment call on him for myself. I am happy more people are giving him a chance now, because you really have earned it through a lot of hard work fighting against a legendarily horrific (and apparently well-deserved) reputation.
I like what I've seen of you so far. I really appreciate when people hang around in very public areas/gathering points and actually bother to jump into conversations or even just bother to portray a living, breathing character, and you do that well, so props for that!
I was actually pleasantly surprised when Ish came to Elea asking about Idreth- I won't lie, I didn't think you were really one for the RP thing at all. But you've definitely proved me wrong!
Doesn't do anything halfway that he sets his mind to, tough and no-nonsense paired with a strong desire to see things improve in his org. The bastard bit of that has the potential to stir up some trouble, but the fact that there's a seemingly mature adult behind the character balances that out.
Second the looking forward to future Syssin evolution.
Ishin really is a solid character. It doesn't take much to tell that he's been through a lot, seen a lot, done a lot - and likely more than Kat will in her time. Been quite happy with the way things have been unfolding, and look forward to more! Thanks for making her feel welcome, especially considering other crap going on in her life right now. Nice to have some people you feel you can count on.
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
"The smell of dusty fur, sweet smoke, waiting and patience, a thing that time cannot kill. The moth that candles won't burn."