So I accept a Sect Challenge, see that it is Xiuhcoatl, and instantly think, "Fuck."
But whatever, I'll play it out as best I can, right?
Anyways, after 3-4 minutes in, I'm thinking to myself, he isn't attacking. At all. He's just using hangedman... Finally I prod a bit:
You tell Xiuhcoatl, "(( Lmao, what is this nonsense ))"
Xiuhcoatl tells you, "The undefeatable indorani offense."
You tell Xiuhcoatl, "(( this is just... sad man ))"
You tell Xiuhcoatl, "(( all that's going to happen is I die of hunger ))"
Xiuhcoatl tells you, "Nope actually."
Xiuhcoatl tells you, "You're going to die to running out of mending."
Xiuhcoatl tells you, "And then being vivisected."
You tell Xiuhcoatl, "(( You're a trip, man. ))"
Xiuhcoatl tells you, "Oh it's fucking terrible, if I do this enough times and people bitch about it
enough we'll get needed changes though."
Xiuhcoatl tells you, "That's the really sad part."
So, is that what the Sect Arena is for? Basically trolling the other fighter? It was really aggravating to be a part of that, especially when I died just as he said I would, after a pretty long spam of literally -nothing- but Hangedman. I honestly don't see what he's doing wrong, but.. It just -feels- like he is doing something wrong.
enough we'll get needed changes though."
Or they're going to insta nerf Hangedman and make you rage even harder buddy.
The liaison ROUND you didnt put any normal reports in for was the time to put in liaison report for the dam class. not being pathetic little ...