Don't mess with a Storm Mage, son.

Nalia scratches at a square-shaped scar on her shoulder.

Kanivara peers at Nalia suspiciously.

Nalia tilts her head curiously at Kanivara.

Nalia rubs at the scar with irritable movements.

Nalia leans on Kanivara seeking consolation.

You take a long drag from a lit dark cigar, holding the masculine, apple-like smoke in your lungs for a moment.

You exhale a thick, solid cloud of smoke, redolent with brawny, oaken scents.

Spell Weaver Nalia Sor'Tirivan asks you, "Good?"

You say to Nalia, "Hmm?"

Nalia points at your cigar.

You say to Nalia, "New blend. It's...alright. Still not -quite- sold on it, but it's good."

Nalia seems to think for a moment before nodding slowly.

Nalia snorts arrogantly.

Nalia scratches at her scar again as it glows a faint red.

You have emoted: Tekias glances at Nalia, frowning some. "You alright there?"

Kanivara peers at Nalia suspiciously.

Nalia starts to nod, but her breathing seems to be coming in difficult gasps.

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "Ugh, shit, not again."

Looking more than a little concerned, you say to Kanivara, "Again?"

A nightmarish figure says, "She gasps again, I'll knock her out and move on."

Nalia loses consciousness and, consequently, starts to fall to the ground.

Kanivara grunts noncommittally.

You stare at Nalia and blink.

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says to you, "Something the Nazetu did to her. I'm... not versed enough in Urrop's practices. Heh."

Kanivara calls aloud as she positively glows with vitality.

Kanivara thinks a moment... then shrugs and sits on Nalia. She's careful not to hinder the Tsol'aa's breathing.

You say to Kanivara, "What...are you doing?"

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "Sitting on her. F***'s it look like?"

You say to Kanivara, "Ok, -why- are you doing that?"

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "So she stays right the Pit where she is."

You say to Kanivara, "She gets up like this."

You say to Kanivara, "She gets up like this?"

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "Yep."

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "And she'll torture herself."

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "So if I sit on her... she won't -do- that."

A nightmarish figure says, "If she f***s herself up, just knock her out."

A nightmarish figure inclines his head politely to those around him.

Nalia groans and her eyes flutter open. She tries to twist, but her sister's weight keeps her in place. She glances up at Kanivara, expression absent on her face.

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "Yep. Here we go."

Kanivara reaches down to boop Nalia's nose. "Nala. It's me."

You have emoted: Tekias watches the pair of sisters, frowning some. "Huh."

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says to you, "She was conditioned by the Nazetu. When her scar itches, expect a fugue state."

You say to Kanivara, "Well shit...thanks for the heads up."

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "Well shit is an understatement, last time she was like this I found her naked in her lab cutting herself up."

Nalia stares blankly at Kanivara before a mass of shadow coalesces and moves the Tsol'aa off of her. She stands and starts walking away with oddly calm strides.

Kanivara squeaks. Despite her state, though, she lunges at Nalia to tackle her.

Nalia manages to avoid being tackled with a light jump to the side and disappears to the north.

Nalia leaves to the north.

Kanivara falls, twisting in midair and using her wings to avoid crashing to the ground. "F*** f*** F***," she squawks, flying north.

***mad dash into the Southern Tundra***

(Tells): In the back of your mind, you hear Kanivara saying to you, "Found her."

Endless tundra.
Dawn rises upon a cloudless sky, the dim, reddish rays of the sun shining down upon the land. A Sinnetok tribesman is here, inexplicably far from his village. Its armored plating covered in an icy coat, an enormous tlingor lumbers about on powerful legs. Heads occasionally snapping at each other, a three-headed direwolf roams here. Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet is here, shrouded. Spell Weaver Nalia Sor'Tirivan is here.
You see exits leading north, northeast, east, southeast, south, southwest, and northwest.
You have reached your destination.

l nalia
She is a hardy Tsol'aa standing at about 5' 4" short with ears that extend about 2" behind her head. Thick, obnoxiously red hair reaches past her butt with strays that fly wildly around her soft, heart shaped face. The most prominent feature of her small face is her eyes. The left is a soft violet colour, and the right is very vividly green. Below this is a button nose and full, softly pink lips. The only visible mar on her skin is a long, thin scar cutting across her throat. Her body is slim but undeniably curvy, and easily betrays her youth with its fair skin and still unhardened features. Blackened from the tips to midway to the knuckle, her fingers strongly contrast with the light hue of her skin. Translucent strands of spiderweb periodically weave around her form, empowering her with Iosyne's blessing.

(worn on head) : a circlet spilling over with chakra blossoms
(slung low around the hips) : a well-oiled, charcoal leather kitbag
(fitting the figure snugly) : a white sundress enlivened with macabre specks

Kanivara strides in, looking around warily.

Nalia is sitting in the cold snow, her skin already taking on a blue tinge around her bare toes. A screaming wind spins the snow near her before beginning to make a bloody line from her knee toward her upper thigh.

Kanivara shakes her head and aims a harsh strike at Nalia's temple with the oaken stave of her halberd.

You have emoted: Tekias mutters and holds his sleek, polished obsidian voidstaff out, throwing up a short, rough earthen wall to shield Nalia from the biting winds. "Kanivara? You know her better than I do when she's like this."

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "First I want to get her out of the snow."

Nalia's air blades deflect the blow, bouncing it back at Kanivara. She looks up at her sister, staring while her toes start to take on ice. Her thighs, which are uncovered, have started turning blue as well.

Kanivara stops her own strike from hitting herself. She growls low, swearing in Nazetu. "NALIA." she calls out. "Nala, it's me. Listen to me, please. Stop what you're doing and -listen-."

Something moves in the vast expanse, but it's impossible to tell what. Nalia tilts her head, the blade of air returning to its previous occupation: drawing slices down her thighs.

You have emoted: Tekias looks to Nalia again, seeing that blade of air. Turning his sleek, polished obsidian voidstaff to her now, a sharp, biting stream of Air extends out, shoving and holding the blade away from Nalia's flesh, the stream moving as the blade does.

mutter You think you can use Air? It's part of my being.
You mutter, "You think ... can use Air? It's .... of .y"

A furry moskant scutters in from the east.

Nalia's mismatched stare moves to you, her focus now changed. Something weird passes through her eyes and a blast of air sends a furry moskant flying at you, claws out.

You are wielding:
Left hand : an obsidian-streaked iron buckler.
Right hand: a sleek, polished obsidian voidstaff.

You have emoted: Tekias growls and raises his obsidian-streaked iron buckler, swatting the moskant out of the air, the poor thing glancing off and flying past him. All the while, his focus and intent with his sleek, polished obsidian voidstaff remains.

Kanivara glances off into the expanse, toward the motion. She sighs to herself and summons soul chains to try and bind her sister. "Tekias... bind her somehow?"

Nalia's face remains expressionless. A blast of air aims itself at you, the force enough to knock you off your feet.

You have emoted: Tekias conjures up some earth to mix with the air coming from his sleek, polished obsidian voidstaff, transfixing a pattern into Nalia's mind just as that blast of Air hits him. He groans, the Brand on his neck flaring as a sharp knife of Air forms from head to toe, cutting the blast in half before it truly hits him, staggering him back. "Don't f*** with a Storm Mage!"

Kanivara growls to herself. She summons one of her hounds and sics it on the -whatever- it is she sees out in the snows.

Kanivara lets out a sharp whistle for Satomiin, a sadistic, jade tainted warhound to return to her side.

Nalia stares at you a moment longer, the pattern you transfixed revealing that her mind seems to be asleep. Shadow begins to gather at your feet and writhes up your form while a wind spins around the man and isolates you from everyone else.

You have emoted: Tekias glances down as he regains his footing from being knocked back. Seeing the Shadow swarm at his feet, he jumps up, his Shadow wings lifting him up before he divebombs into Nalia, manipulating the Air around him to make his aim true, physically grappling her limbs as he rolls through the motion in the snow with her. "KANI!"

With nary a whisper nor a sigh, rosy-fingered dawn creeps into the land, stealing the soul of the night.
It is now dawn on Tisday, the 7th of Lanosian, year 473 of the Midnight Age.

Nalia doesn't physically react. Shadow begins to crawl over you, starting to bind her attacker. At that moment, the hound can be seen in the distance, dragging what sounds like a cursing nazetu.

You are holding:
"token250755" a black crystal warding token.

Kanivara lets loose a low growl and charges after the Nazetu. She calls out a command in Nazetu before yelling over her shoulder at you. "Do what you have to!" she calls to him. Her hound doubles its efforts, the Corruption-touched beast snarling fiercely as it fights with every fiber of its being to bring its quarry to its mistress.

You have emoted: Tekias growls and digs into his pockets, grasping at a black crystal warding token. Holding it between Nalia and himself, he looks around in the blowing winds. "Kani!" At that yell back, he turns his attention back to Nalia, the black crystal warding token warding off all tendrils of Shadow. "You, stop. NOW!" He takes his obsidian-streaked iron buckler to bash against Nalia's temple on the flat side.

Nalia takes the hit, but uses a feeble cushion of air to soften it. A cut opens on her forehead, and her eyes slip out of focus. The nazetu, now in full sight of everyone, hisses something and her eyes turn a soft red. Suddenly, any air you had available to you dissipates, emptying the man's lungs and making it impossible to draw in a breath.

l me
He is an intelligent Idreth of Human heritage standing around almost six and a half feet tall, slender with almost no muscle or fat to his bulk, a beanpole in human shape capped off with a close-cropped layer of dark brown hair. Wisps of Shadow extend from his back, forming large, transluscent wings. His blue-green eyes appear to be clouded just slightly, a thin white veneer over the color. At his visible joints, a spiderwebbing tattoo can be seen, thin green lines tinting his pale skin. On the left side of his neck resides a thin, silvery-blue netting of elemental Air that is branded into his flesh.

(worn on a finger) : a lightning-patterned obsidian ring
(worn on a finger) : 2 red-hued obsidian rings
(worn on a finger) : a masculine gold and shadowcrystal wedding band
(worn) : a wrap of the Althasai
(worn on a finger) : 2 soot-black obsidian rings
(worn on the hands) : a ylem-binding gauntlet of the Parxian Order
(worn on the back) : an obsidian pack with extra pockets
(worn on the legs) : well-tailored, elegant trousers
(covering the torso) : a formal ivory shirt
(sharply fitted to the torso) : a tailored, obsidian suit jacket
(polished and securely laced) : a pair of classic, black dress shoes

You have emoted: Tekias gasps out as the air empties from his lungs, still grasping Nalia, keeping her body held down. The elemental netting flaring at his neck, wisps of Air slip into his mouth and nose, filling his lungs once more.

Nalia's eyes refocus, though now there's blood threatening to flood one of them. She reverses what she's done and forces your lungs to fill to their capacity, not allowing it to escape.

Kanivara yells obscenities in Nazetu, clearly cussing out the Nazetu captured by her hound with everything she has. She charges at the being and kicks them straight in the head.

You have emoted: Tekias' elemental Brand likewise reverses course, providing a direct, uninterrupted stream of Air from his lungs out against his neck. Grunting out, he continues to pin Nalia down into the snow, his eyes flaring a bright emerald green.

Nalia's legs and arms have turned blue and her digits may have frozen. A split second after Kanivara's foot connects with the nazetu's head, she falls back, eyes rolling up into her head and everything around her falls silent and still. The nazetu lies there, having had his bell rung and cracked, and she seems to no longer be conscious.

You have emoted: Tekias pants hard as all struggling has stopped. Looking from Nalia to Kanivara, he calls out. "You got it?" He quickly gets off of Nalia, lifting her up onto his shoulder.

Kanivara grabs the Nazetu by the hair and forcibly drags it back to her sister, using soul chains to aid her. And her own fury, of course. "Found the slimeless f***stain doing this," she growls, clearly pissed. "And I'm going to show it the meaning of Fear and Malice. You okay?" she asks, looking to Nalia. "She's... not. We need to get in the city."

***Rush back into the city***

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "We're going to my lab. Once within, lay her on the slab in there."

***More movement***

A stony laboratory.
Rolled up and bound with a yellow ribbon is someone's discarded diploma. A tiny glass jar sits here. Rolled up and bound with a red ribbon is someone's discarded diploma. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground. A small sign indicates that LIBRARY CATALOG will list the materials in this library.
There are no obvious exits.

You have emoted: Tekias pants out, laying Nalia down on the slab within the room, taking care with her limbs and extremities.

Kanivara throws the unconscious Nazetu down the stairs after you, waiting until you is out of sight and likely safe before doing so. She descends the stairs and proceeds to tie up the being before looking to her sister and checking her injuries.

Nalia's hair sounds icily against the table and hangs off the side of it. She lies still, barely breathing and her body temperature dangerously low. The cuts on her leg and forehead appear to be an odd confusion of frost and blood clot and her fingers and toes seem to be frostbitten. Otherwise, she simply has bruises from your attempt at restraining her.

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says to you, "Are you capable of warming the air in here any?"

You have emoted: Tekias slumps back against the nearest wall, almost stumbling backwards onto his ass in the process. Still panting hard, he looks to Kanivara, shaking his head. "No...tha-that's...Ascendril." He looks thoroughly worn out and drained, his eyes dimmed to the point of being almost pure white.

Kanivara gives you a look of concern. "SAHARE!" she calls up the stairs. Within moments, an elderly-but-spry Rajamala descends the stairs. "What?" she asks. "I need help," Kani begins. She explains what happened to the taller woman, who nods in concern. "I'll focus on Nalia," she says. "Tekias isn't -dying- or anything like that." Sahare chuckles. "I can easily tend him, don't worry," the Rajamala purrs. She heads upstairs briefly, returning quite quickly with a bed fur that she offers you. "Wrap in this," she instructs. "I'll be right back with some tea for you." Kani nods, mostly to herself, and moves to focus her efforts on Nalia. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes briefly, then withdraws her soulstone and begins her work. Ethereal blue souls start to flow out of the stone and float around Nalia.

You have emoted: Tekias shakes his head, pushing off of the wall weakly before stumbling back against it. Muttering, he takes the bed wrap, though he attempts to call out as Sahare heads back up for the tea. "I'm not...a fan of tea...mead if you have it."

"Warm mead it is!" Sahare calls back, drawing a chuckle from Kanivara. The Tsol'idreth quickly and calmly works with the souls, forcing them to encircle Nalia's wounded flesh. With a gesture, they vanish, healing Nalia and leaving behind the acrid smell of burnt flesh. The woman's focus shifts and she sings a simple melody mostly comprised of B and E notes. The air begins to warm.

You have emoted: Tekias head dips to the side, falling to his shoulder as his eyes fall closed. Before too long, his ass is on the floor with a thump, legs slid out from under him. Despite the fall, a soft snoring comes from his crumpled form.

Nalia's body starts to warm to a more normal temperature and her breathing deepens. Her eyes stir beneath her eyelids, but she otherwise shows no signs on consciousness.

A sudden gasp parts Nalia's lips and she bolts into a sitting position. Realizing this was a bad idea, she folds forward while gripping her head to try and ward off the dizziness.

Kanivara glances over at you briefly, maintaining her song though a look of relief crosses her features. Once the room is comfortably warm, bordering on -too- warm, she ceases. She starts to check on you as Nalia awakens. Briefly torn, she's glad when Sahare returns. The Rajamala kneels beside you to gently waken you while Kanivara moves to check on her sister. "Hey Nala... you okay?"

Nalia leans over the side of the table and takes some time to vomit.

You have emoted: Tekias doesn't stir until he is shaken, still snoring softly. Falling over to his side against the wall, his chest does move with his breathing. Snoring through the gentle jostling, he doesn't seem to be a light sleeper.

It is now noon on Tisday, the 7th of Lanosian, year 473 of the Midnight Age.

Nalia spits the last of her stomach's contents out, but seems to be stuck in her position. Her arms shake visibly as she tries to keep from falling and utters a broken, "K-Kani..Kani."

Kanivara moves to gather her sister into her arms. "Shh. You're safe, I got the f***er tied up in a corner and I'm going to -make him- break this shit he's got going," she says reassuringly. Meanwhile, Sahare takes the tip of a claw and very carefully pokes you in a sensitive part of the ear.

You have emoted: Tekias gently swipes at his ear, still slumbering, murmuring softly under his breath. "No, not tonight Ama...we don't need ten kids..."

Nalia seems incapable of offering protest to being picked up by her pregnant sister. Instead, she takes a few breaths and looks over at you. "He..okay?"

Sahare blinks at you, then gets an evil smirk on her feline face. With a long, drawn out motion, she licks the side of your face with her raspy feline tongue. Meanwhile, Kanivara just chuckles at what she hears and nods to Nalia as she moves to the reading chair in the corner to curl up with Nalia. "Should be... he's tired, I think," she says. "Fighting you and shoving a whole f***load of dirt around this week has probably exhausted him."

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "Probably the dirt more than you. He diverted a river."

You have emoted: Tekias shoves weakly at Sahare, still zonked out and out of commission. "Come on, Ama...stop..."

Nalia is basically dead weight on Kanivara's lap. "Sor-sorry." Her eyes start to close.

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says to Nalia, "It's okay, sweet. The one who should be sorry is the bastard Satomiin fetched."

Nalia falls asleep, breathing deeply as she gets some much needed rest.

Sahare blinks. Shrugging, the Rajamala lets out a full-throated loud-ass tiger shriek right in your ear. Kanivara jumps about three feet, startled herself. "Shitsake, Sahare!!"

Nalia grumbles in her sleep and mutters a "F*** you" in response to Sahare, but never wakes up.

You have emoted: Tekias' Brand instinctively reacts, a thick wisp of elemental Air plugging his ear up just before that shriek can sound out. Astoundingly, he still sleeps through it, crumpled up in the corner of the room.

Sahare just shrugs. "He sleeps deeper than Alastrine does," she comments dryly. "Just ditch him on the couch I guess," Kanivara suggests. "I need to haul Nalia to her room." Sahare turns to look at the pregnant Tsol'aa with a decidedly-maternal frown on her face. "You need to do exactly -what- now?" she asks, one brow arched. Kani scowls. "I'm -pregnant-, not -an invalid-," she retorts.

Kanivara has a brief staredown with Sahare and stands up, easily lifting Nalia. She looks defiantly at the Rajamala, who shakes her head and scoops you up.

You have emoted: Tekias groans softly as his limp form is lifted up.


a warm, comfortable room.
Rolled up and bound with a yellow ribbon is someone's discarded diploma. A plain clay cup has been dropped here. A squashy, orange sweater lies in folds here. Vibrant green belted skirt-like pants lie here. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground.
You see exits leading east (open pine door) and down (closed pine door).

Kanivara quietly lays Nalia down on the odd round bed in the room, tucking her in gently.

Nalia flails as she's set down, but quickly grabs the blanket and curls up with it in the fetal position.

Kanivara strokes Nalia's hair soothingly before following Sahare to the living room to ensure you is settled in fine.


An elegant living room.
A wooden pole has been driven into the ground here, a large firefly lantern hanging from it. A black couch stands invitingly here. A sigil in the shape of a small, rectangular monolith is on the ground.
You see exits leading north, east, and south.

Sahare lays you down on a black couch. Almost immediately, Kanivara starts fussing over you to make sure her guest is nicely tucked in and comfortable.

You have emoted: Tekias groans softly as he is laid down, eyes finally fluttering open. "F-...f*** me..." He looks up at Kanivara, then Sahare. "'re not Amarita..."

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet smiles impishly and says to you, "Neither of us are going to f*** you, either."

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says to you, "Meet Sahare, my friend and nanny to my children."

You have emoted: Tekias groans heavily as he pushes to sit up. "Your loss." He winces as his body appears to have grown stiff and sore, looking up to Sahare. " know anyone who needs a job?"

Kanivara chuckles long and heartily.

Sahare grins. "I have a younger sister," she says. "But she's quite firmly a Sentinel. I left them." Kanivara grins too. "Which was my gain... someone who could teach Niall how to wield a dhurive but keep the dur Naya clan from stealing him."

You have emoted: Tekias shakes his head, heaving another groan. "That's no good...need a nanny for my kids..."

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says to you, "I'll find ya one."

You say to Kanivara, "Make sure...make sure you talk to Amarita...she's the one keen on finding one, not that I disagree."

Kanivara nods her head emphatically.

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says to you, "Are you okay?"

You have emoted: Tekias looks to Sahare, still holding his head. "Still got that mead?" He looks to Kanivara, wincing as he nods. "Yeah...just worn out. Been a busy week."

Sahare hands over a flask of warmed mead. Kanivara nods. "I figured it was mostly the shoving dirt around part that exhausted you," she says.

Nalia moves quietly into the room.

You have emoted: Tekias offers a wincing nod to Sahare as he takes the mead, sipping from it. Looking to Kanivara again, he shrugs. "Mostly that...but your sister put up one hell of a fight..."

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says to you, "She's a Sor'Tirivan, Tek. We -all- put up a hell of a fight."

You say to Kanivara, "I shudder to think what she'll be like once she truly masters Sciomancy."

Nalia stands quietly in the doorway, watching and listening.

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says to you, "She'll be like me and Nenelos, only... well, a -Sciomancer-, instead of Carnifex or Archivist."

Taking another sip of his mead, still holding it in both hands, you say to Kanivara, "She's good...I don't mean getting there. I mean, right now...she's good at it. Even almost had me a few times."

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "Potent. Deadly. A living weapon. It's what we blood Sor'Tirivans -are-. Our father is Iosai, a former Infernal and a current Carnifex. Our mother, a Bahkatu who can and -will- throw down to protect her cubs. She's also a Monk, she's a weapon with her own -body-."

You have emoted: Tekias sighs softly, before giving a soft chuckle with a shake of his head.

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "Basically... imagine what -I- would be like as a mage... and then add Nenelos' nutassery to it."

You say to Kanivara, "I'm just glad Amarita wasn't there..."

You have emoted: Tekias rolls the flask around in his hand briefly, taking another sip of the mead.

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says to you, "In the tundra or the Ophidian cave?"

You say to Kanivara, "Tundra."

Kanivara nods her head emphatically.

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "Whyso?"

You say to Kanivara, "You know how she gets when I just simply stand up for myself..."

Kanivara smirks.

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "Aye, I do... I'm glad you helped me with Nalia, honestly. Thank you. I likely wouldn't have captured her tormentor otherwise."

You have emoted: Tekias drinks the last of the mead, giving a soft groan as he tips his head back for it. "Hey...gotta show why I'm a Storm Mage sometimes."

Nalia glances up at Kanivara from her position at the door. She shuffles forward and stands in front of you. Biting her lip, she says softly to you, "I'm sorry."

You have emoted: Tekias looks up at Nalia, scooting over on the couch he'd been set on, patting the seat beside him. "It's alright, Nalia."

Nalia takes the offered seat an looks down at you. "I..did I hurt you?"

You have emoted: Tekias chuckles softly, shaking his head. "No...I mean, by the Gods you tried...but you didn't hurt me." He winces some as he lifts his arm, wrapping it around Nalia's shoulders.

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says to Nalia, "He was Shadow Warden, you know."

Nalia bites her lip again. "I only got glimpses of what happened, so I don't know what all I did." She decides to curl up against you.

You have emoted: Tekias chuckles softly at Kanivara's fame drop for him. "Arguably the second worst one." His hand idly rubs at Nalia's shoulder, holding her against his side.

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says to you, "Mmmmmm nope. Probably the best.,"

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet laughingly says, "Only one so far that I could tolerate, too."

Nalia looks up at your face, apparently thinking.

You have emoted: Tekias looks down at Nalia. "What's up?" At Kanivara's comments, he smirks at her. "Yeah, but I mean...this is you saying that."

Nalia tilts her head at you. "Thank you for stopping me." She pauses, then adds, "I got a glimpse of your face when you were on top of me."

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says to you, "You also grasp that I'm not an idiot."

Kanivara goes quiet to let Nalia talk.

You say to Nalia, "What about my face?"

Spell Weaver Nalia Sor'Tirivan says to you, "Your expression."

You say to Nalia, "...what about my expression?"

It is now dusk on Tisday, the 7th of Lanosian, year 473 of the Midnight Age.

Spell Weaver Nalia Sor'Tirivan says, "I don't know. You just seemed..worried, maybe even scared. But resolved. You're strong. Maybe I will be too, one day."

You have emoted: Tekias rubs gently at Nalia's shoulder. "Can I tell you a secret?" He glances at Kanivara. "I mean, one I'm sure your sister already knows?"

Nalia glances over at Kanivara, then back at you before tilting her head curiously.

Kanivara tilts her head curiously, unconsciously making the same gesture as Nalia.

You say to Nalia, "I hate responsibility...and having to worry about anything. If it were left entirely up to me? I'd chill and laze about at the Inner Gate, smoking and drinking my days away, enjoying friendships."

You say to Nalia, "But, when I see a need for it...I'll step up. Even if I'm unsure I can do what I need to. And so far...that hasn't led me wrong."

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "He -does- step up when shit goes wrong."

You have emoted: Tekias nods at Kanivara. "It's really the reason I became Shadow Warden."

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "Even when he's squishy and mostly useless, like when the entity exited the Master Crystal, he steps up and tries."

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says to you, "And in your defense, I too was squishy and mostly useless. I forgot my pitforsaken armor that day."

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "You stepped up, you tried, and you handled tertiary things that needed handling so Trikal could actually -kill- the damned thing."

You say to Kanivara, "How about earlier than that, when you guys made the antipseudophytal? Who created the enchantment to make the flasks?"

Kanivara points accusingly at you.

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet smiles and says, "You and you alone, Tekias."

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says to Nalia, "You're in good hands, if you're learning from Tekias."

You have emoted: Tekias nods again at Kanivara, turning to Nalia. "I'm no hero in any sense...I'm just a guy who happened to be there."

Nalia ponders your profile, deep in consideration.

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says to you, "Shit, you think -I'm- a hero? I'm a nosy bitch that has to know everything out of paranoia."

You say to Kanivara, "And I'm pretty certain we were a hair's breadth away from being mortal enemies at several points."

Spell Weaver Nalia Sor'Tirivan says to you, "Pretty sure that's the definition."

Kanivara nods her head emphatically.

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "You were quite firmly on my Shit List awhile."

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "Now we're close friends."

You say to Kanivara, "Godmother to my son."

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet smiles and says to you, "And midwife for your wife and all your babies."

You say to Kanivara, "Even when my idiot mouth finds two feet planted firmly in it."

Kanivara chuckles long and heartily.

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "Yeah... I was a bit of a bitch to you that day, I apologize."

Spell Weaver Nalia Sor'Tirivan says, "Baby humans are weird."

You shake your head at Kanivara.

You say to Kanivara, "It was a bad joke I tried with a bad delivery."

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says to Nalia, "They're the same as baby Tsol'aa, except their ears are round."

Spell Weaver Nalia Sor'Tirivan says, "Right. Round ears are weird."

You say to Nalia, "Hey!"

Nalia grins mischievously at you.

Spell Weaver Nalia Sor'Tirivan says, "They were cute if you ignore the round ears."

You have emoted: Tekias sighs, rolling his eyes.

Nalia chews thoughtfully on you.

You say to Nalia, "Please don't chew on me."

Nalia ponders the situation.

Nalia nibbles lightly on you.

You give a pained sigh.

You say to Nalia, "Teeth. Off. Now."

Gently, Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says to Nalia, "You -do- owe him a bit for his assistance, little sister."

Gently, Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says to Nalia, "Give him the respect he is due and stop chewing him."

Nalia backs away as if yelled at and curls up with her knees to her chest.

You have emoted: Tekias doesn't let Nalia shrink away, his arm still around her shoulders, hugging her close to his side.

Gently, Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says to Nalia, "Hugs are okay."

Nalia looks baffled at your insistence on keeping her close, even appearing a bit frazzled at the same time.

(Tells): In the back of your mind, you hear Kanivara saying to you, "She... didn't get much social interaction in childhood. You might have to explain to her why you react the way you react sometimes."

Nalia gives you a confused look.

You say to Nalia, "I'm fine with you being close to me. But...keep your teeth to yourself, ok?"

Nalia nods a little, but her confused look remains.

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says to Nalia, "You know how I don't like it when people bow to me?"

Nalia nods her head at Kanivara.

You say to Nalia, "Your brother and I have a long history, one that starts with nibbles just like the ones you do. They're innocent enough, I know,'s just not something I like."

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says to Nalia, "So for him, nibbling and general chewing is like that. He's -okay- with affection, just show it a different way. Like how I'm okay with respect, I just prefer it shown in a way that isn't a bow."

Nalia listens to both of you. She thinks on this and bites her lip, considering you for a moment. Apparently figuring something out, she wraps her arms around your waist and cuddles up against you.

You have emoted: Tekias smiles at Nalia, shifting his arm to hold her closer against him.

You have emoted: Tekias blinks as he looks around, turning to Kanivara. "I just realized...this is how rumors start...a married man in the home of two familiar women."

Kanivara smirks.

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "Fortunately all of Spinesreach knows, or should know, that I am monogamous and in a committed relationship with Nantafiria."

You say to Kanivara, "And in the event they don't, they -definitely- know I'm in the same with Amarita."

Spell Weaver Nalia Sor'Tirivan says, "You're not my type. You don't have fangs."

You say to Nalia, "Yeah. I'm not a leech."

Kanivara peers at Nalia suspiciously.

Nalia giggles happily.

Spell Weaver Nalia Sor'Tirivan says, "Speaing of, I need a new one."

You say to Nalia, "A new leech?"

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "Not a Bouchard."

Kanivara scowls miserably.

Nalia nods her head at you.

You give a pained sigh.

Spell Weaver Nalia Sor'Tirivan says, "The other one is boring now."

You say to Nalia, "I agree with Kani. As long as they're not Bouchard."

"Why?" Nalia asks inquisitively.

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "Because that House is full of manipulative shits who sell out their own for power."

You say to Nalia, "They're the reason I call them all leeches, in my experiences."

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "Not a one of them has any form of common decency. And I'm -Corrupt- and saying this."

Nalia's eyes sparkle with amusement.

Kanivara calls aloud as she positively glows with vitality.

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "Well. I need to rest. Will you two be okay?"

You nod your head at Kanivara.

Spell Weaver Nalia Sor'Tirivan says, "I won't gnaw on him any more."

You smile and say to Nalia, "Thank you."

Nalia gives you a peck on the cheek.

Kanivara nods her head emphatically.

Kanivara gives Nalia a tight hug.

Kanivara gives you a tight hug.

Nalia gives Kanivara a tight hug.

Nalia gives Kanivara a peck on the cheek.

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "Love you both. Be safe, mmkay? Nalia, make sure to lock the garden gate if you let Tekias out that way."

Nalia nods her head emphatically.

You say to Kanivara, "You don't remember how we got out of the Empire, do you?"

Comprehension flashes across Kanivara's face.

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "Right, Crystalhome."

You nod your head at Kanivara.

Kanivara nods her head emphatically.

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says to you, "Just don't overdo it, Mage-ass."

The corners of Kanivara's mouth turn up as she grins mischievously.

You smirk at Kanivara.

Nalia giggles happily.

Avar Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet says, "Be well."

You have emoted: Tekias sighs softly, leaning back into the couch, looking down at Nalia.

Nalia looks up at you. She reaches up and pushes some stray strands from your face. "Just don't show me your human ass and we're good with the biting thing."

You say to Nalia, "Deal."

Nalia grins mischievously at you.

You have emoted: Tekias gives Nalia's body a gentle squeeze agaisnt his side.

Nalia snuggles up against you. After a pause, "Thank you for keeping Kani safe."

You have emoted: Tekias lets his head fall back, eyes closing. "She's family. And so are you."

Nalia nods, "And she's making more family." Shadow slides up her arm and rests on her shoulders in an almost comforting manner. "I'm not very good family, though. Maybe Kani should stay away from me until the baby is born."

You have emoted: Tekias opens his eyes, looking down at Nalia. "You're good family, Nalia."

Nalia shakes her head, now staring at her lap. "No. I'm bad family. The kind that puts it in danger."

You have emoted: Tekias gives Nalia a squeeze against his side, eyes closing again as his body starts to slump some. "You have, sure...but you don't mean to, do you?"

Nalia shakes her head, noticing the slump in your posture. "No. You should rest here." She pulls you into a prone position on the couch and moves with you so that your head ends up on her lap.

You have emoted: Tekias falls over easily, snoring softly almost as soon as his head stops moving.

You grow still and begin to silently pray for preservation of your soul while you are out of the land.
Formerly: Spiegel. Eidycue.


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