(Sentaari): You say, "To answer your question though.. I don't know. Is it laziness on the part of the wolves? Charity toward other hungry animals? Or perhaps it's confidence in their own hunting ability to the point that they don't believe they need to store one kill away since the next hunt is sure to be a success."
(Sentaari): Clearwater says, "I would say the later. As a group, they are strong enough to take down the largest of beasts."
Zenobia has been sliced apart by a rabid direwolf.
(Sentaari): You say, "Ah it looks like a wolf has just had a successful hunt as we speak."
I shot Ander while flying in the monastery. So I didn't get to see his reaction this time.
From Ander's perspective:
Aloli fires an arrow striking you directly in the chest. Upon impact an explosion of colourful sparks is released into the air. - You own 0 arrows. - You have shot 0 arrows today. - You have been hit by 1 person. - Aloli.
You say, "Help! Help!"
Hips swaying and steps sending a precise and practiced jiggle to her bountiful curves, Easy Katy saunters past. She brushes against your arm, making a show of pulling a small purse out of her cleavage and dropping it in your hands before winking, giggling, and running off. Easy Katy just gave you a a drawstring purse (typo?)
You say, "Under attack."
You say, ".. I need a chaperone!"
With a sudden look of concentration, Easy Katy smiles a crooked smile, gives a flick of her hair, and vanishes in a burst of glitter, leaving nothing behind but sparkle and powerful perfume.
(Tells): You tell Aloli, ".. I think I will be a bit more careful when calling for help now, Abbess." (Tells): Aloli whispers into your consciousness, "Oh?" (Tells): You tell Aloli, "Mm!"
You shout, "The ten of you could not defend this lesser from one Templar. For shame!" <7944/7944h 5475/5475m 24737e 20750w <eb lr> > < ehsp ftr am > A herald of Chaos shouts, "HE CAME! HE SAW! AND SOON HE WILL CONQUER SAPIENCE WITH HIS OVERWHELMING STRENGTH!"
(Tells): Spiritwalker Aishia Celaeno, The Shrike tells you, "Mace in the face!"
(Tells): Spiritwalker Aishia Celaeno, The Shrike tells you, "Or up in that place!"
(Tells): Spiritwalker Aishia Celaeno, The Shrike tells you, "Shield in the butt, or maybe the gut."
(Tells): Your voice reaches Aishia's mind: "That is an interesting way to explain a combat route, I'm not sure they'd appreciate me explaining that to novice luminaries."
(Tells): Spiritwalker Aishia Celaeno, The Shrike tells you, "Just don't let the maces touch. That's what shields are for."
(Illuminai): Saltz says, "Moxie is just doing the Moxie thing to do, often misinterpreted."
(Tells): Sir Iames Gallant, the Executioner tells you, "The one Illuminai beyond prayer, I swear."
Valingar: "How could a daughter of me, the most noble man in the south, be so heartless?"
(Tells): Haven Locke, Illuminai Khimaira tells you, "Be that as it may, I've also seen the strength in you. You can take care of yourself."
(Misfits): Leana says, "I still get heads from them."
(Misfits): Leana says, "Husks are shrink ready."
(Misfits): Lleminara says, "That's a husk's head alright. We can make you a new one."
(Misfits): Vyrthanis says, "Well, what happens when we drink wine? Does it just get completely absorbed or do we have to force ourselves to pee it out?"
(Misfits): You say, "I was having a conversation about this recently with someone. I wanted to know if vampires poop."
(Misfits): Leana says, "If they eat, yes."
(Misfits): Vyrthanis says, "Pee/poop...depending on if we eat or drink?"
(Misfits): Canasius says, "They only make bodily movements they allow."
(Misfits): You say, "Blood obviously gets completely absorbed."
(Tells): Emir's voice roars in your skull, "Damn what?"
(Tells): Letting the arcane ether carry your voice, you tell Emir, "That herald was a bit brutal I think. You did spear him right?"
(Tells): Emir's voice roars in your skull, "Yes. Is there something I'm missing here? I'm getting a lot of weird tells and stuff."
(Tells): Letting the arcane ether carry your voice, you tell Emir, "He was saying you have a small dick. Which probably explains all the weird tells."
(Tells): Emir's voice roars in your skull, "What?"
(Tells): Letting the arcane ether carry your voice, you tell Emir, "...nothing. He was trying to squish you, Emir. He wanted to squish you."
(Tells): Emir's voice roars in your skull, "Oh is spear a squishing reference?! I'M ABOUT TO BRING HIM BACK AND SPEAR HIM AGAIN I SWEAR TO EVERYTHING THAT LITTLE WEASEL."
(Tells): Emir's voice roars in your skull, "WAIT NO NOT LIKE THAT."
(Tells): Emir's voice roars in your skull, "UGH I HATE PEOPLE."
If you guys could quit trying to corrupt my character, I'd appreciate it. He doesn't need to know these things.
Edited for context:
You shout, "HI I'M LOOKING FOR ONE OF THOSE SUPER COOL SPEAR THINGS IF ANYONE HAS ONE, THANKS." A herald of Chaos shouts, "YOUR SPEAR IS AS TINY AS YOU ARE." A flash a silvery light, and a silver spear manifests in your hands. You fluidly swap a bamboo fishing pole with a silver spear in your right hand. You cock back your arm and throw a silver spear at a herald of Chaos. A silver spear skewers a herald of Chaos, brutally impaling a herald of Chaos to the ground and leaving it to rot! (Market): Rasani says, "Okay, THAT herald can have a free drink." (Market): You say, "Actually he can't. My spear was long enough to go all the way through his body though." (Tells): redacted, "I.. I.." (Tells): redacted, "I might need to have a look at that spear of your's."
(Web): Toz says, "Emir's Express Evacuation and Existence Eradicator, Every Experience is Explosive - Experience the Entirety of your Existence!"
10. Sryn: "Where's my paddly." 11. Sryn: "Paddle, too." 12. Moxie: "Lol!" 13. Sryn: "Or as I like to call it. My Moxie re-education device." 14. Moxie: "Better men have tried. Doesn't work." 15. Sryn: "It's all in the technique." 16. Moxie: "Oh Lord." 17. Sryn: "Remember, the size of the paddle isn't everything. It's how you use it." 18. Kalinaar: "That's just something men with small paddles say."
(The Side Line): Rasani says, "This is the most heterosexual thing I've ever been a part of."
You use Fishing Reel. You reel frantically against the fish's bulk, trying to bring it closer to you. Line: 27% Fish: 0% Distance: 53% Balance Used: 2.00 seconds H:6032 M:6968 E:96% W:100% B:38000 (100%) | B:0 [csdb e-] Kai: Woooo, Emir! Wooooo! Thanks for all the fish!
No Aetolia, thank you.
(Web): Toz says, "Emir's Express Evacuation and Existence Eradicator, Every Experience is Explosive - Experience the Entirety of your Existence!"
(The Front Line): Tybereus says, "Last lesser?" (The Front Line): Iesid says, "Hours ago." (The Side Line): Yeras says, "Oh maybe you eat it?" (The Front Line): Iesid says, "We haven't had one logged in 15hrs." (The Front Line): Iesid says, "So probably one out there." (The Front Line): You say, "Yeah." (The Front Line): You say, "I don't trust myself with a lesser right now. I'm like 3 glasses of wine in." (The Front Line): Iesid says, "Best time." (The Front Line): Stine says, "Moxie is the leader if you find a lesser." (The Front Line): Tybereus says, "Drunk fighting always fun." (The Side Line): Iames says, "Whats different from any other night, Mox? :P." (The Front Line): Akimoto says, "Agreed!" (The Front Line): You say, "WOW." (The Front Line): Akimoto says, "Moxie is leading us!" QQ You use Log Out Phylactery. Letting out a prodigious yawn, your soul leaves your body. (The Front Line): Tybereus says, "You got voluntold."
(Illuminai): Saltz says, "Moxie is just doing the Moxie thing to do, often misinterpreted."
(Tells): Sir Iames Gallant, the Executioner tells you, "The one Illuminai beyond prayer, I swear."
Valingar: "How could a daughter of me, the most noble man in the south, be so heartless?"
(Tells): Haven Locke, Illuminai Khimaira tells you, "Be that as it may, I've also seen the strength in you. You can take care of yourself."
Sightless eyes fix eerily on you and time seems to stutter as a rotting Dwarf archer slowly raises his bow, loosing a piercing shot you find yourself unable to dodge. You sidestep the attack, letting the strike go wide.
Leana whistles a happy tune as they stride in from the southeast.
Leana uses Rainbow Search.
Leana takes a moment and stares off into the distant skies.
Without a care in the world, Leana starts to whistle a happy tune and leaves to the southwest.
Now every time I see Leana I will visualize Mary Poppins.
The heavens tear asunder as a massive Chaos rift opens above the Prelatorian Highway. From the rift plummets to the ground a huge, disgusting creature, colliding with the earth in a wet 'splat'. The rift closes soon after the foul creature abruptly concludes its long fall.
"Gornuk, I choose you. Go forth and spread your filth until naught remains. Taste the true power of Chaos, Sapience!" Golrath shouts.
A bodiless voice fills your ears, backed with a chorus of wailing chaos hounds: WE ARE THE PIT HOUND, IDRETH. WE HUNGER. DO YOU COME TO FEED US?
The Pit Hound's tongues slither forth from their mouths, tasting the air.
You give some crisply fried bacon to Kerbos, the Pit Hound. Some crisply fried bacon is taken in the jaws of Kerbos, the Pit Hound's left head, teeth crushing it into nothing.
A bodiless voice fills your ears, carried on a chorus of chaos hounds: DELICIOUS.
21:35:35 Fezzix Sicarius's voice resonates across the land, "HEY! If the theme is "Triumph," just wheel me in there on a cart naked and artfully covered in sushi!"
21:35:56 Ser Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet's voice resonates across the land, "I think your mate will have a LOT to say about that one, Fezzix."
21:36:05 Felix, the Gourmand shouts, "No one wants to eat that! NO ONE!"
21:36:49 You shout, "Don't forget the flambe portion of that presentation. Where you dump avaclear on him and light his cigar."
21:37:26 (Tells): From an unseen place, Fezzix communicates to you, "I can get my fire audit upwards of 75%."
21:37:33 (Tells): Church tells you, in Albedi, "// 5/7."
21:38:01 (Tells): Letting the arcane ether carry your voice, you tell Fezzix, "I'm sure the smell of charred flesh will do wonders for the appetite even if it doesn't really hurt you at all."
(Sentaari): You say, "To answer your question though.. I don't know.
Is it laziness on the part of the wolves? Charity toward other
hungry animals? Or perhaps it's confidence in their own hunting
ability to the point that they don't believe they need to store one
kill away since the next hunt is sure to be a success."
(Sentaari): Clearwater says, "I would say the later. As a group,
they are strong enough to take down the largest of beasts."
Zenobia has been sliced apart by a rabid direwolf.
(Sentaari): You say, "Ah it looks like a wolf has just had a
successful hunt as we speak."
Impeccable timing.
From Ander's perspective:
Aloli fires an arrow striking you directly in the chest. Upon impact an explosion of colourful sparks is released into the air.
- You own 0 arrows.
- You have shot 0 arrows today.
- You have been hit by 1 person.
- Aloli.
You say, "Help! Help!"
Hips swaying and steps sending a precise and practiced jiggle to her bountiful curves, Easy Katy saunters past. She brushes against your arm, making a show of pulling a small purse out of her cleavage and dropping it in your hands before winking, giggling, and running off.
Easy Katy just gave you a a drawstring purse (typo?)
You say, "Under attack."
You say, ".. I need a chaperone!"
With a sudden look of concentration, Easy Katy smiles a crooked smile, gives a flick of her hair, and vanishes in a burst of glitter, leaving nothing behind but sparkle and powerful perfume.
(Tells): You tell Aloli, ".. I think I will be a bit more careful when calling for help now, Abbess."
(Tells): Aloli whispers into your consciousness, "Oh?"
(Tells): You tell Aloli, "Mm!"
<7944/7944h 5475/5475m 24737e 20750w <eb lr> > < ehsp ftr am >
When even the Heralds recognize the effort!
What else was I able to do except poke you all??
(Tells): Spiritwalker Aishia Celaeno, The Shrike tells you, "Or up in that place!"
(Tells): Spiritwalker Aishia Celaeno, The Shrike tells you, "Shield in the butt, or maybe the gut."
(Tells): Your voice reaches Aishia's mind: "That is an interesting way to explain a combat route, I'm not sure they'd appreciate me explaining that to novice luminaries."
(Tells): Spiritwalker Aishia Celaeno, The Shrike tells you, "Just don't let the maces touch. That's what shields are for."
(Illuminai): Saltz says, "Moxie is just doing the Moxie thing to do, often misinterpreted."
(Tells): Sir Iames Gallant, the Executioner tells you, "The one Illuminai beyond prayer, I swear."
Valingar: "How could a daughter of me, the most noble man in the south, be so heartless?"
(Tells): Haven Locke, Illuminai Khimaira tells you, "Be that as it may, I've also seen the strength in you. You can take care of yourself."
(Misfits): Canasius says, "They poof dust."
(Misfits): Leana says, "I still get heads from them."
(Misfits): Leana says, "Husks are shrink ready."
(Misfits): Lleminara says, "That's a husk's head alright. We can make you a new one."
(Misfits): Vyrthanis says, "Well, what happens when we drink wine? Does it just get completely absorbed or do we have to force ourselves to pee it out?"
(Misfits): You say, "I was having a conversation about this recently with someone. I wanted to know if vampires poop."
(Misfits): Leana says, "If they eat, yes."
(Misfits): Vyrthanis says, "Pee/poop...depending on if we eat or drink?"
(Misfits): Canasius says, "They only make bodily movements they allow."
(Misfits): You say, "Blood obviously gets completely absorbed."
(Misfits): Vyrthanis says, "Except drinking blood obviously. Yes."
(Misfits): Prucilla says, "I've had that same thought for ever, but I was too embarrassed to voice it. Been sitting on it for years."
(Misfits): Leana says, "According to Aetolia lore, undead are not much different than living."
(Misfits): Lleminara says, "Should we lore-wisely need to eat tho? Is sustenance really what fuels our functions tho."
(Misfits): Vyrthanis says, "No. Blood fuels our functions."
(Misfits): Vyrthanis says, "We drink and dine because we're classy af."
(Misfits): Lleminara says, "Precisely. So we either poop that out, or don't need to I reckon."
(Misfits): Leana says, "They function almost exactly the same with some differences. Blood prevents children, because vampire virus is trong."
(Misfits): Lleminara says, "But with that in mind. Does a husk sweat?"
(Misfits): Steele says, "Undead and vampires still require operational vital organs."
(Misfits): Steele says, "Body processes still continue."
(Misfits): You say, "Some, yes. They don't have to breathe."
[News]: A new changelog post has been placed upon the news board. READNEWS CHANGELOG 1565 for more information.
(Misfits): Canasius says, "Yet they can drown."
(Misfits): Steele says, "With exception of the cardiovascular systems."
(Misfits): Vyrthanis says, "Yeah, the drowning part always annoyed me."
(Misfits): Lleminara says, "Inb4 changelog is 'Vamps now poop'"
(Misfits): Vyrthanis says, "LOL."
---------------Ishmar starts a Chakrasul sermon here-------------------
(Misfits): Vyrthanis says, "We just never talk about it ICly because we're too classy for that."
(Misfits): Lleminara says, "^."
(Misfits): Vyrthanis says, "Last nights dinner did not agree with me... I had to poop...can you imagine a vamp saying that?"
(Misfits): Steele says, "Bein real tho outside of breath and heartbeat, u still need a functional everything else."
(Misfits): Steele says, "Which is why we can't have skeletons
(Misfits): Vyrthanis says, "In true misfit fashion - attending a sermon on the Dark Mother ICly whilst talking about vamps bowel movements here XD."
(Tells): Letting the arcane ether carry your voice, you tell Emir, "That herald was a bit
brutal I think. You did spear him right?"
(Tells): Emir's voice roars in your skull, "Yes. Is there something I'm missing here? I'm
getting a lot of weird tells and stuff."
(Tells): Letting the arcane ether carry your voice, you tell Emir, "He was saying you have
a small dick. Which probably explains all the weird tells."
(Tells): Emir's voice roars in your skull, "What?"
(Tells): Letting the arcane ether carry your voice, you tell Emir, "...nothing. He was
trying to squish you, Emir. He wanted to squish you."
(Tells): Emir's voice roars in your skull, "Oh is spear a squishing reference?! I'M ABOUT
(Tells): Emir's voice roars in your skull, "WAIT NO NOT LIKE THAT."
(Tells): Emir's voice roars in your skull, "UGH I HATE PEOPLE."
I give you, Emir.
Edited for context:
A herald of Chaos shouts, "YOUR SPEAR IS AS TINY AS YOU ARE."
A flash a silvery light, and a silver spear manifests in your hands.
You fluidly swap a bamboo fishing pole with a silver spear in your right hand.
You cock back your arm and throw a silver spear at a herald of Chaos.
A silver spear skewers a herald of Chaos, brutally impaling a herald of Chaos to the ground and
leaving it to rot!
(Market): Rasani says, "Okay, THAT herald can have a free drink."
(Market): You say, "Actually he can't. My spear was long enough to go all the way through his body
(Tells): redacted, "I.. I.."
(Tells): redacted, "I might need to have a look at that spear of your's."
It has been...a day.
11. Sryn: "Paddle, too."
12. Moxie: "Lol!"
13. Sryn: "Or as I like to call it. My Moxie re-education device."
14. Moxie: "Better men have tried. Doesn't work."
15. Sryn: "It's all in the technique."
16. Moxie: "Oh Lord."
17. Sryn: "Remember, the size of the paddle isn't everything. It's how you use it."
18. Kalinaar: "That's just something men with small paddles say."
You reel frantically against the fish's bulk, trying to bring it closer to you.
Line: 27% Fish: 0% Distance: 53%
Balance Used: 2.00 seconds
H:6032 M:6968 E:96% W:100% B:38000 (100%) | B:0 [csdb e-] Kai:
Woooo, Emir! Wooooo! Thanks for all the fish!
No Aetolia, thank you.
(The Front Line): Iesid says, "Hours ago."
(The Side Line): Yeras says, "Oh maybe you eat it?"
(The Front Line): Iesid says, "We haven't had one logged in 15hrs."
(The Front Line): Iesid says, "So probably one out there."
(The Front Line): You say, "Yeah."
(The Front Line): You say, "I don't trust myself with a lesser right now. I'm like 3
glasses of wine in."
(The Front Line): Iesid says, "Best time."
(The Front Line): Stine says, "Moxie is the leader if you find a lesser."
(The Front Line): Tybereus says, "Drunk fighting always fun."
(The Side Line): Iames says, "Whats different from any other night, Mox? :P."
(The Front Line): Akimoto says, "Agreed!"
(The Front Line): You say, "WOW."
(The Front Line): Akimoto says, "Moxie is leading us!"
You use Log Out Phylactery.
Letting out a prodigious yawn, your soul leaves your body.
(The Front Line): Tybereus says, "You got voluntold."
(Illuminai): Saltz says, "Moxie is just doing the Moxie thing to do, often misinterpreted."
(Tells): Sir Iames Gallant, the Executioner tells you, "The one Illuminai beyond prayer, I swear."
Valingar: "How could a daughter of me, the most noble man in the south, be so heartless?"
(Tells): Haven Locke, Illuminai Khimaira tells you, "Be that as it may, I've also seen the strength in you. You can take care of yourself."
Commander Mjoll Blacktusk's voice resonates across the land, "HILARIOUS."
You sidestep the attack, letting the strike go wide.
Leana uses Rainbow Search.
Leana takes a moment and stares off into the distant skies.
Without a care in the world, Leana starts to whistle a happy tune and leaves to the southwest.
plummets to the ground a huge, disgusting creature, colliding with the earth in a wet 'splat'. The
rift closes soon after the foul creature abruptly concludes its long fall.
"Gornuk, I choose you. Go forth and spread your filth until naught remains. Taste the true power of
Chaos, Sapience!" Golrath shouts.
A bodiless voice fills your ears, backed with a chorus of wailing chaos hounds:
The Pit Hound's tongues slither forth from their mouths, tasting the air.
You give some crisply fried bacon to Kerbos, the Pit Hound.
Some crisply fried bacon is taken in the jaws of Kerbos, the Pit Hound's left head, teeth crushing it into nothing.
A bodiless voice fills your ears, carried on a chorus of chaos hounds:
"Triumph," just wheel me in there on a cart naked and artfully covered in sushi!"
21:35:56 Ser Kanivara Sor'Tirivan, Zedi Vovet's voice resonates across the land,
"I think your mate will have a LOT to say about that one, Fezzix."
21:36:05 Felix, the Gourmand shouts, "No one wants to eat that! NO ONE!"
21:36:49 You shout, "Don't forget the flambe portion of that presentation. Where
you dump avaclear on him and light his cigar."
21:37:26 (Tells): From an unseen place, Fezzix communicates to you, "I can get
my fire audit upwards of 75%."
21:37:33 (Tells): Church tells you, in Albedi, "// 5/7."
21:38:01 (Tells): Letting the arcane ether carry your voice, you tell Fezzix, "I'm
sure the smell of charred flesh will do wonders for the appetite even if it
doesn't really hurt you at all."
Make a joke and he goes straight to combat.