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Artifact ideas



  • VyxsisVyxsis Vyxsis
    i'd just like to clarify that my transfix_evasion idea was A JOKE
    i was joking. that is to say, it wasn't a serious suggestion.
    jeez y'all
    Indoran'i is back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (wolf Howl)
    An Atzob cultist says, "Is a shamatato as tasty as a potato?"
    (Tells): From afar, Mephistoles hisses harshly to you, "Hey baby, show me your ovipositor?"
    The mighty Jy'Barrak Golgotha opens his maw, catches the glowing spear in his many jagged teeth, and chomps down. The Divine spear breaks with a noise like thunder, shards toppling from the Emperor's jaws. "OM NOM NOM!" He declares, then spits the last of the ruined weapon from his lips.

  • TekiasTekias Wisconsin
    To be fair, you were typing quite sternly. I could hear the fingertips pounding on your keys from here.
    Formerly: Spiegel. Eidycue.


  • VyxsisVyxsis Vyxsis
    Tekias said:

    To be fair, you were typing quite sternly. I could hear the fingertips pounding on your keys from here.

    i was just trying to copy the ARTIFACT INFO format T_T i'm funny darn it T_T my mommy says so!!
    Indoran'i is back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (wolf Howl)
    An Atzob cultist says, "Is a shamatato as tasty as a potato?"
    (Tells): From afar, Mephistoles hisses harshly to you, "Hey baby, show me your ovipositor?"
    The mighty Jy'Barrak Golgotha opens his maw, catches the glowing spear in his many jagged teeth, and chomps down. The Divine spear breaks with a noise like thunder, shards toppling from the Emperor's jaws. "OM NOM NOM!" He declares, then spits the last of the ruined weapon from his lips.

  • ArbreArbre Arbrelina Jolie Braavos
    Something that makes your corpses worth more essence to your god. Could be tiered, like +50% / +100% / +150%.
  • edited June 2018

    ap info 433
    Artifact #433
    Item: an ampoule of blessed oil
    Power: refill_blessedoil

    This artifact power cannot be added to other items.

    Refills each Howling with a single sip of blessed oil. Blessed oil increases essence value of
    offerings 10x, see ANOINT command.
  • TiurTiur Producer
    Also, the Divine-specific oils are 100x.
  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    @Tiur Someone mentioned this on Discord or something but would it be possible to get some sort of way to combine custom certs to upgrade them to another level.E ven if there was just a way to spend 2 to change the item types or for staff customs or whatever. I think a lot of people are just sitting on piles of them because the base level ones are basically only good for redescribing artifacts or don't feel worthwhile to redescribe decaying items. (I forget if you can use certs for runes of customization or animals but that would be sweet if u can't)
  • I'm pretty sure animals are 50cr each, for minipets and sentinel ones. I'd also like this option, but I would use it on my artifact bonedagger that doesn't exist!

  • Carnifex Artifact idea stolen from the corpse_store artifact power.

    AP: heart_store a canopic jar
    - Allows the Carnifex to store up to three hearts within the jar, which can be retrieved
    later at any time for Cruelty.
    Unofficial Founder of the Cult of Tiur
  • @Mordion this could be used for both Indorani and Carnifex. Carnifex use them for cruelty and Indorani for essence.
  • Alathesia said:
    @Mordion this could be used for both Indorani and Carnifex. Carnifex use them for cruelty and Indorani for essence.
    Didn't know that but even better! 
    Unofficial Founder of the Cult of Tiur
  • PhoeneciaPhoenecia The Merchant of Esterport Somewhere in Attica
    Since anointing oils can actually be used in Perfumery now, any chance for an oil expansion artifact to boost the number of essential oils you can design from 20 like the Fumology blend expansion artifact? I'm almost at the limit of the number of oils I can design. >_>
  • Levels for artifact fishing pole each one just adding more and more line de-stressing per pull, level 3 making it to where you can just barely catch the "big" fishies.
    Suggested Prices
    Level 1 125
    Level 2 250
    Level 3 500
    Artifact Vigilance and Artifact Hypersight: Essentially you always have those two defenses up without any drains. Suggested price 500 credits a piece.
    Artifact Angel: For luminaries Just something to x2, x3 and x4 the max angel power.
    Suggested Price:
    Level 1 250
    Level 2 500
    Level 3 1000
  • ElliotElliot Australia
    edited June 2018
    Artifact #999
    Item: a bottle of nutritious honey
    Power: nummy_hunny

    This artifact power can NOT be added to other items.


    Raises the nutritional value of a food item so that consuming it will satiate you entirely.
    Does not apply to nibbling said foods.
  • AishiaAishia Queen Bee
    ok fine here I did it for you
    Artifact #409
    Item: a small bag of rock salt
    Power: salt
    This artifact power cannot be added to other items.
    This salt makes things more nourishing when you SALT
  • ZailaZaila Pacific Time
    So, I've known a ton of people who RP being magically/psychically/etc. connected to others - usually through familial bonds or special RP rituals they come up with - that allow/cause them to share their thoughts/feelings with each other from a distance. Usually I see people achieving this with tells and something like (for example)

    (from Aryanne): TELL ZAILA *through your bond, you sense Aryanne's fear striking through your gut*

    Could we have an artifact of some sort that we could achieve something like this through legitimately? Basically what I'm suggesting is something that allows players/characters to voluntarily attune to each other to express and receive thoughts/feelings/sensations/etc. from a distance without having to work around mechanics with tells. I know this concept pretty much already exists as a cool order-item-perk, so it seems like it wouldn't be a huge hurtle to create: the question is mostly if the admin are willing to make this available for anyone who wants to spend money on it!

    I believe the order item version of this gives (gave? It's been awhile, I'm assuming it still exists!) you a maximum number of people you can attune to, the attuning must be mutually agreed to and is easily broken by UNALLYing so that a player can't get harassed by unwanted thoughts and feelings, and only works one way. Which is to say only the person with the item can share with those they attune to. So if you want the connection to go both ways, both people would need the item.

    I've always thought the idea of this in RP was a cool one, even though I haven't ever done it myself, but I think it'd be great to give people a chance to sort of legitimize their RP with cool mechanics and give me the chance to join in on the fun!
  • MarienaMariena By a lake.
    Could we have a screen door artifact, to stop mobs specifically from wandering into homes? IS that even possible? If I'm doing a fortune telling, and Dirga comes in slashing her blade or something, it gets weird.

  • TekiasTekias Wisconsin
    Mariena said:

    and Dirga comes in slashing her blade or something, it gets weird.

    I think you mean -awesome-.
    Formerly: Spiegel. Eidycue.


  • RhyotRhyot Bloodloch
    Can we get a way to have a permanent starburst tattoo??? You can get every other tattoo as permanent except for book and starburst.

  • AxiusAxius where I am
    There are a number of artefacts that behave as a permanent starburst, I thought? Wasn't there this stardust phial or something that you basically use somehow and it gives you a starburst effect? Or am I an idiot who's thinking Achaea?
  • That's Achaea, yes.

    Arbre-Today at 7:27 PM

    You're a vindictive lil unicorn

    Lartus-Today at 7:16 PM

    oh wait, toz is famous

    Karhast-Today at 7:01 PM

    You're a singularity of fucking awfulness Toz
    Didi's voice resonates across the land, "Yay tox."


    Block Toz

    limToday at 10:38 PM

    you disgust me
    (Web): Bryn says, "Toz is why we can't have nice things."

  • Kennel expand - Can have 30 more dogs in your personal kennels (Since we're going to be stuck behind an RNG time-wall to be effective at combat)

    Soul caller - passively regens souls stored in your soulstone at a decent pace (1000 and hour wouldn't be broken, I don't think)
    Toz says, "Dishonor on you (Mjoll), dishonor on your family (Seirath), dishonor on your cow (Bulrok)"
  • Mjoll said:

    Soul caller - passively regens souls stored in your soulstone at a decent pace (1000 and hour wouldn't be broken, I don't think)

    Don't you mean... Soul CALIBER?

  • Toz said:

    A life-sized body waifu pillow. Drop it in a room with you to add 1 to farsee. Never sleep alone again!

    Indoran'i is back baby. It's good again. Awoouu (wolf Howl)
    An Atzob cultist says, "Is a shamatato as tasty as a potato?"
    (Tells): From afar, Mephistoles hisses harshly to you, "Hey baby, show me your ovipositor?"
    The mighty Jy'Barrak Golgotha opens his maw, catches the glowing spear in his many jagged teeth, and chomps down. The Divine spear breaks with a noise like thunder, shards toppling from the Emperor's jaws. "OM NOM NOM!" He declares, then spits the last of the ruined weapon from his lips.

  • edited August 2018
    Toz said:

    A life-sized body pillow. Drop it in a room with you to add 1 to farsee. Never sleep alone again!

    Zaila said:

    I'm not sure if people are still still actually suggesting arties, and I totally didn't read through to see if someone already came up with this, but, I submit:

    An artifact you can drop in a room and it will artificially create an additional person if someone FARSEEs upon anyone in your room. Sorta the aetolian equivalent of putting a blow up doll in the passenger seat to use the HOV lane.
    Could give it restrictions like: Can only be used twice per howling, lasts 4 hours - possibly resets when picked up or moving rooms.
    *just realized I typoed HOV as HOA. That explains why no one got that joke (lets pretend that's why)

    I knew I had seen this idea somewhere before here! Zaila's was from some time in 2017 - maybe with renewed interest they might consider it more.
  • Toz said:

    A life-sized body pillow. Drop it in a room with you to add 1 to farsee. Never sleep alone again!

    I also suggested the opposite, something to hide you from the farsee count.

  • ZailaZaila Pacific Time

    Desert_walking: because sand people always walk single file to hide their numbers. 
  • Zaila said:


    Desert_walking: because sand people always walk single file to hide their numbers. 

    As long as it doesn't also make people frighten easily.
    Now with 253% more Madness.
    Cute-Kelli by @Sessizlik.
  • edited October 2018
    I would have to say a fishing lure as a artifact like how we used to have vermin bait but the lure draws more fish to you.
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