Bashing dome with 0% Inept and being unable to reink tree tattoo was super annoying, couldn't clot, would get to like 700 bleed and have to stop bashing waiting for moss tat and natural clotting. Good times.
I have to attest that Enorian has been amazing, for a quirky silly frogman, who logged in on a whim after a long time of doing so, walked into a City randomly to find a bunch of tiny frog dolls all over the place, croaking at the moon, indulging on culinary items and meeting a @Taaroshi with an appetite nearly as ridiculous if not..(ill guess probably) more.
To small interactions that have helped me develop a proper backstory for him, finding everyone in Enorian is ...from a place that has seen war, and musing poetically in small bits of Roleplay on how we found ourselves there. Its ...a magical feeling. To taking jokes in stride, enemies and allies alike...for embracing, for loving, for building community.
For WHOEVER played a duck NPC and let me sit there and feed it and pet it, whoever takes the time to do these things, you know who you are.
Please dont lose your love for interaction, for taking those small instances and giving me another page to write my story.
I remember when I started almost two months ago now I read all the help files and looked up all the skills on the website, and I narrowed it down to two classes - templar or carnifex. I wound up going with templar because I didn't like how Bloodloch sounded in the help file and wasn't sure if I could be a carnifex and not be there. It was a pretty random pick, but I'm so glad and feel super lucky that I made it.
When I was still in my first week, I remember I asked on a clan channel about the PvP landscape in Aetolia and someone (I don't remember their name! Aaaaahhhh!) told me I picked the wrong side. Boy were they wrong! It's been tough going in places, but even in the short time I've played, I've seen a huge movement start and keep gaining momentum. I'm so fortunate to be a part of it! I really like where things are, game-wide, in the sense that we're competing and going back and forth and every engagement feels fun and exciting and, well, engaging. I think that's really healthy and good for everyone on all sides.
Man am I glad and grateful for all the decisions that led to here! You guys are awesome, generally on both sides, and I was just thinking the other day that sometimes I feel like I do more stuff for this game than I do at work, even, but it never feels like a hassle or anything like that - I'm passionate and sincerely happy to be here with you all and I love that!
Some special thanks to:
@Benedicto - for our weirdly co-dependent mentor/mentee relationship, lol @Desidora the Explorer - for teaching me about all the game mechanics I have nfc on @Taaroshi mon - for killing it (literally!) and your infectious enthusiasm and gung-ho attitude @Rasani - for your constant support and appreciation, I hope I've been clear how much I appreciate you back! @Cole / @Toz / whoever/wherever you are - for setting me on the right track from the very beginning, I just wish you could see what you've done! @Shachalai - for being a voice of reason in pretty much every instance @Eowyn - for being the best fishstick a guy could have @Airesi - for laughing at ALL my bad jokes, like literally every single one @Eliadon - for not carrying phoenix hearts, hehe @Lexen and @Phonecia - for reminding me that it's not ALL about bashing and PvP, only mostly @Jilala - for being as hungry for knowledge and willing to learn as I am! @Oonagh and everyone else who 'doesn't PvP' until suddenly they do - you're the reason I want to keep learning and teaching!
@Akara and @Zarni - for all the practice @Dagun - for being a bit of a kindred spirit, you're doing so well! @Kamui - for your help and suggestions @Trikal and @Mazzion - for being open to discussing code/mechanics/etc player-to-player
I'm sure I'm forgetting people so:
@everyone - for making this game awesome and making me excited to get home and log on every night.
Double post but, too much love, can't contain. I love this!
Slicing sideways with a steel shortsword, you cut into a sinewy Nal'jin eel. You have scored a CRITICAL hit! Empower: sacrifice. You have scored a STAGGERING CRITICAL hit! You carve into a sinewy Nal'jin eel with a steel shortsword. You have scored a CRITICAL hit! Empower: sacrifice. You have scored a CRUSHING CRITICAL hit! DEATH: a sinewy Nal'jin eel Experience Gained: 591 (Bashing) [total: 3698307] Having slain a sinewy Nal'jin eel, you retrieve the corpse.
I really have to extend a lot of love to the Spireans and the Syssin.
I know a lot of people will not agree, but I have really seen the guild come together and just had some really amazing roleplay opportunities that I really hadn't expected. And definitely enjoyed a bonding time with @Tekias talking blends and just not having to stress out over trivial stuff.
I wanna offer love to all my new baby Templar. I came really close to leaving, but all of you guys pulled me back. You reminded me why I LOVE leading the guild: to help new players come to love the Templar as much as I do! They don't all have forum accounts yet, but they all know who they are.
I, of course, also love my older guild members. Benedicto, Lexen, Cole: You're great. You challenge and inspire, and together I think we've really got something special going, and it'll -continue- to get better as we work together.
There's a lot of people in this game who have, in one way or another, reached out to me: via rp, ooc, all that stuff. You're all great. Even if we're on different sides of a game? We've had some great rp, great talks!
And a special shoutout to @Zarni@Trikal for advertising my shop and having a silly conflict with me. I'll treasure these lil trikkie babies.
Ive been loving the way that the morning prayer is becoming a community activity in Enorian. The RP with @Oonagh and @Shachalai in particular have been great
I want to also express love for the Ascendril and Enorian for really pulling through and reminding me why this game can be awesome. I'm feeling really positive about how things are going overall.
@Karhast@Clearwater@Wylliam@Serrice@Kasimir@Isia Thanks for all those moments in the last few days, I am beginning to remember why I keep coming back. Had some hiccups/things through the holidays that still affect me now, but just wanted to give a shoutout for all the interactions no matter how small.
I've returned to the arms of a mistress I'd left a while back, and it's nice being enwrapped within her arms after so long, though she is a bit of a mixed bag, she lets me control what I need to put up with.
Thanks Pandora radio, for keeping my channels, and not being -constant- with the annoying ads to get Pandora plus. I just need your radio functions, and my three main music channels, and the niche ones for "moods".
Especially since you bring some Coldplay and Bryan Adams back into my life. And Savage Garden, instead of the mostly anime themes I listen to on Youtube, or the lofi hiphop.
I know this isn't a big deal and will be eye roll for a lot of you. But I have fought Benedicto in the past at lessers and got steam rolled.
Benedicto has been slain by the might of Istela.
This makes me happy because I have NEVER managed this group or otherwise against Benedicto. I am a squish cannon, I have only had two fights I have won by the skin of my teeth, and I respect both @Benedicto and @Haven so much for how hard they work and how much they do combat side. So being able even once to get either of these two gentlemen has REALLY been hard. So I love that I am able to get pushed harder to get better, and I am really grateful for the opposing side that pushes me that hard
Fun fact: This is actually the common core belief of the Iosyne order. A lot of people don't actually realize this, nor do many actually centrallize and integrate it into the RP, because they only see "combat order, crush crush, kill kill, win win" but the core tenant -behind- the "pain" side of the whole thing (As I intrepret it) is "Pain is a motivator. Use it to encourage your enemies to grow stronger, for only a blade that strikes against hardened steel will grow sharper."
Also, I that in spite of the game reshuffling right now, things are starting to find a normalcy once more. It's a changed normalcy, but there's at least some semblance of it nontheless.
My ex and I have not had a good relationship since things ended between us. We have a kid, which makes contact necessary, but it's ben difficult to work some things out in general. Today, after a day filled with complete agony due to a tooth ache from the seventh hell, I called him up to ask about something and he was in good humor. No back-handed comments, no immediate dismissal, no aloofness, no grumbling. He was actually -joking- with me. Unexpected happy turn of events, made my day end on a good note.
Match Day was yesterday. My colleagues held a Match Ceremony for me (Half-ish of them are med students or soon-to-be med students, so it's considered customary for them I guess?) which was pretty sweet. Results even came early so I had my wife open the e-mail and forward it to said colleagues, as well as confirm that I *did* match and I didn't need to go drinking at 8 am.
My PC died early February and the end result has been me filling that free time with the gym and doing small novice remodeling things around the house, and the lack of loot box games let me plow through almost all of my debt. I knew I had a problem but I didn't think it was that bad.
I've gained 5-6lbs (I am smol person), am almost completely debt free, and learning a lot about home repair and haven't been happier in a long time. This entire time I thought my PC was my only source of entertainment and joy!
I have a PC built on new egg already, but I'm gonna wait until this new life style has become the norm before I risk falling back into that old routine of work game sleep repeat.
(Web): Toz says, "Emir's Express Evacuation and Existence Eradicator, Every Experience is Explosive - Experience the Entirety of your Existence!"
I've had a really hard time lately. Sometimes because of things, sometimes just because. Nothing that I can control, really. But I've been in some very heated discussions online for the last few months due to the event I was going to visit, that was cancelled. I have been called every nasty name in the book and I can shrug most of it off, because I know it's not who I am, but it takes its toll on me and it certainly has pushed me into depression and anxiety.
Yesterday, there was a meeting in a hotel in the US, discussing how to revive the event without drama, with the help of the community. They already have vendors and performers who will attend and they were discussing what would be possible and what would be done.
I didn't have a chance to see it until today and ten minutes in, a room full of strangers had me crying.
They were talking about how the community have come together and that this event is a way for people to meet friends that they might not meet for another year. And one person said he's heard about this one girl from Sweden and everyone around the table, around ten people, said my name in unison. And they started talking about how supportive I have been, and how I come with great ideas and that I have been such a positive force in all of this.
I have, for months now, been called some of the most horrible, offensive and crushing things I've been called in my life by this very community, only because I've wanted to save the event in one way or another. I was so willing to give up until this new group of people stepped up and showed that it could be done. They have been amazing and they lifted the spirit of those of us who've wanted an event and I have done my very best to encourage that and give some peptalks, but I never expected them to react like that.
For the first time in a few months, I haven't felt like giving up on one of the most important things in my life. Because I actually made a positive impression on these people. And now, I really can't wait to meet them all, and hug them, and let them know how much they mean to me.
Every Sunday, I read through There are some secrets that resonate with me. Some that repulse. Some that I empathize. Some that I just connect with. Some that make me laugh. Always, it reminds me that we're all hurtling through our lives on this cold, heartless rock, trying to deal with the hand we're dealt.
Cloudflare has created its own DNS that promises to purge all lookup request records every 24 hours. If you are at all concerned about privacy or security on the internet, I would encourage you to look into it! The site you can go to for info is
@Demarcus Cleveland (Ohio In general): Deer. Potholes. Snow. Lake Erie so that's cool. People are nice.
Valkyrior system
I have to attest that Enorian has been amazing, for a quirky silly frogman, who logged in on a whim after a long time of doing so, walked into a City randomly to find a bunch of tiny frog dolls all over the place, croaking at the moon, indulging on culinary items and meeting a @Taaroshi with an appetite nearly as ridiculous if not..(ill guess probably) more.
To small interactions that have helped me develop a proper backstory for him, finding everyone in Enorian is ...from a place that has seen war, and musing poetically in small bits of Roleplay on how we found ourselves there. Its ...a magical feeling. To taking jokes in stride, enemies and allies alike...for embracing, for loving, for building community.
For WHOEVER played a duck NPC and let me sit there and feed it and pet it, whoever takes the time to do these things, you know who you are.
Please dont lose your love for interaction, for taking those small instances and giving me another page to write my story.
Thank you, Really....
Credit to @Shaith for my now-favorite drawing of Shachalai. Absolutely gorgeous, nearly perfect - thank you for capturing her.
I remember when I started almost two months ago now I read all the help files and looked up all the skills on the website, and I narrowed it down to two classes - templar or carnifex. I wound up going with templar because I didn't like how Bloodloch sounded in the help file and wasn't sure if I could be a carnifex and not be there. It was a pretty random pick, but I'm so glad and feel super lucky that I made it.
When I was still in my first week, I remember I asked on a clan channel about the PvP landscape in Aetolia and someone (I don't remember their name! Aaaaahhhh!) told me I picked the wrong side. Boy were they wrong! It's been tough going in places, but even in the short time I've played, I've seen a huge movement start and keep gaining momentum. I'm so fortunate to be a part of it! I really like where things are, game-wide, in the sense that we're competing and going back and forth and every engagement feels fun and exciting and, well, engaging. I think that's really healthy and good for everyone on all sides.
Man am I glad and grateful for all the decisions that led to here! You guys are awesome, generally on both sides, and I was just thinking the other day that sometimes I feel like I do more stuff for this game than I do at work, even, but it never feels like a hassle or anything like that - I'm passionate and sincerely happy to be here with you all and I love that!
Some special thanks to:
@Benedicto - for our weirdly co-dependent mentor/mentee relationship, lol
@Desidora the Explorer - for teaching me about all the game mechanics I have nfc on
@Taaroshi mon - for killing it (literally!) and your infectious enthusiasm and gung-ho attitude
@Rasani - for your constant support and appreciation, I hope I've been clear how much I appreciate you back!
@Cole / @Toz / whoever/wherever you are - for setting me on the right track from the very beginning, I just wish you could see what you've done!
@Shachalai - for being a voice of reason in pretty much every instance
@Eowyn - for being the best fishstick a guy could have
@Airesi - for laughing at ALL my bad jokes, like literally every single one
@Eliadon - for not carrying phoenix hearts, hehe
@Lexen and @Phonecia - for reminding me that it's not ALL about bashing and PvP, only mostly
@Jilala - for being as hungry for knowledge and willing to learn as I am!
@Oonagh and everyone else who 'doesn't PvP' until suddenly they do - you're the reason I want to keep learning and teaching!
@Akara and @Zarni - for all the practice
@Dagun - for being a bit of a kindred spirit, you're doing so well!
@Kamui - for your help and suggestions
@Trikal and @Mazzion - for being open to discussing code/mechanics/etc player-to-player
I'm sure I'm forgetting people so:
@everyone - for making this game awesome and making me excited to get home and log on every night.
Slicing sideways with a steel shortsword, you cut into a sinewy Nal'jin eel.
You have scored a CRITICAL hit!
Empower: sacrifice.
You have scored a STAGGERING CRITICAL hit!
You carve into a sinewy Nal'jin eel with a steel shortsword.
You have scored a CRITICAL hit!
Empower: sacrifice.
You have scored a CRUSHING CRITICAL hit!
DEATH: a sinewy Nal'jin eel
Experience Gained: 591 (Bashing) [total: 3698307]
Having slain a sinewy Nal'jin eel, you retrieve the corpse.
I know a lot of people will not agree, but I have really seen the guild come together and just had some really amazing roleplay opportunities that I really hadn't expected. And definitely enjoyed a bonding time with @Tekias talking blends and just not having to stress out over trivial stuff.
I, of course, also love my older guild members. Benedicto, Lexen, Cole: You're great. You challenge and inspire, and together I think we've really got something special going, and it'll -continue- to get better as we work together.
There's a lot of people in this game who have, in one way or another, reached out to me: via rp, ooc, all that stuff. You're all great. Even if we're on different sides of a game? We've had some great rp, great talks!
And a special shoutout to @Zarni @Trikal for advertising my shop and having a silly conflict with me. I'll treasure these lil trikkie babies.
Valkyrior System
Thanks Pandora radio, for keeping my channels, and not being -constant- with the annoying ads to get Pandora plus. I just need your radio functions, and my three main music channels, and the niche ones for "moods".
Especially since you bring some Coldplay and Bryan Adams back into my life. And Savage Garden, instead of the mostly anime themes I listen to on Youtube, or the lofi hiphop.
Benedicto has been slain by the might of Istela.
This makes me happy because I have NEVER managed this group or otherwise against Benedicto. I am a squish cannon, I have only had two fights I have won by the skin of my teeth, and I respect both @Benedicto and @Haven so much for how hard they work and how much they do combat side. So being able even once to get either of these two gentlemen has REALLY been hard. So I love that I am able to get pushed harder to get better, and I am really grateful for the opposing side that pushes me that hard
Fun fact: This is actually the common core belief of the Iosyne order. A lot of people don't actually realize this, nor do many actually centrallize and integrate it into the RP, because they only see "combat order, crush crush, kill kill, win win" but the core tenant -behind- the "pain" side of the whole thing (As I intrepret it) is "Pain is a motivator. Use it to encourage your enemies to grow stronger, for only a blade that strikes against hardened steel will grow sharper."
Also, I
Because obvious
P.S. @Sarisa, you owe me frienemy RP.
University of New Mexico, here I come!
I've gained 5-6lbs (I am smol person), am almost completely debt free, and learning a lot about home repair and haven't been happier in a long time. This entire time I thought my PC was my only source of entertainment and joy!
I have a PC built on new egg already, but I'm gonna wait until this new life style has become the norm before I risk falling back into that old routine of work game sleep repeat.
Yesterday, there was a meeting in a hotel in the US, discussing how to revive the event without drama, with the help of the community. They already have vendors and performers who will attend and they were discussing what would be possible and what would be done.
I didn't have a chance to see it until today and ten minutes in, a room full of strangers had me crying.
They were talking about how the community have come together and that this event is a way for people to meet friends that they might not meet for another year. And one person said he's heard about this one girl from Sweden and everyone around the table, around ten people, said my name in unison. And they started talking about how supportive I have been, and how I come with great ideas and that I have been such a positive force in all of this.
I have, for months now, been called some of the most horrible, offensive and crushing things I've been called in my life by this very community, only because I've wanted to save the event in one way or another. I was so willing to give up until this new group of people stepped up and showed that it could be done. They have been amazing and they lifted the spirit of those of us who've wanted an event and I have done my very best to encourage that and give some peptalks, but I never expected them to react like that.
For the first time in a few months, I haven't felt like giving up on one of the most important things in my life. Because I actually made a positive impression on these people. And now, I really can't wait to meet them all, and hug them, and let them know how much they mean to me.
You captured my love of Cilantro...thank you @Eleanor
100% A++ 10/10.