I did have a blast, and yeah, Moirean I was looking for the Bobbing for Apples game last night, and didn't see it. Course what with all the gold spent on coins trying to dunk Grimdale, probably wouldn't have been able to do it anyway. Looking forward to it!
"Little pig, little pig, let me in, let me in. You look tasty and smell like bacon." *LICKLICKLICK*
Yeah, that event was one of my more enjoyable experiences here. I managed to have a great deal of fun even though I was stuck running the raffle. If can get away from real life stuff for a moment, I'll play some of the games tonight.
(edited over a 2 months later for poster sucking at spelling)
SibattiMamba dur NayaAmidst vibrant flora and trees
edited October 2014
I've been a sick, sad, lonely, angry, miserable, heartbroken wreck for the past few days. Thanks to those of you that have listened and lent a supportive ear. @Rashar@Hadrak@Xenia@Aldric@Moirean@Seir
I would like to take a moment to remove my e-hat to a couple of people. @Ilarin and @Luxanna spring immediately to mind earlier. I know neither of you are usually into the PK scene, but it's really nice to see someone from you guys' side trying. Usually it's @Cronides trying to fly solo.
Keep trying, guys.
Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn. -Benjamin Franklin
@Ishin I know Luxanna use to be into the PK scene so if anything it's nice to have her waking again to get into it. I know we tend to over run the 'lighter' side. So to bring @Luxanna back has been good I think.
That being said I also want to send a personal thank to @Rashar for making it a bit easier to bring Lux back, the RP has helped me so much even if it's little stupid things =P It's something to keep me busy at a time I usually afk and complain I'm bored.
Thank you, @Jensen. I woke up today with absolutely zero desire to do anything, fully intending to sleep the day away. This being the first thing I saw, you changed that for me. Again, thank you.
Thanks to @Kerryn, @Xenia, and the other mortals that came to do some of that fine RPs at Libec Cay earlier. It was cool to be able to do that without PK. I'm sad @Jensen missed it though
We'll get you, my pretties!!
/cackles as he rides off on his flying rojalli
Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn. -Benjamin Franklin
@Valingar. As happy as I would be to RP with you more and know your character better, I really love the random, once-in-a-blue-moon chats Emelle and Val have in passing. People like you who are willing to stop just to have a few words really give life to the game for me. Thank you!
I just wanted to send out a thanks to my guildmates in the Daru for the amount of patience and support I've been shown, especially given my bouts of absence due to a busy work schedule.
@Tenshyo - For always being there, whether it to be to listen, to bounce ideas off of, or to help nudge me to finish certain things and get the ball rolling. You've been great, both ICly, and OOCly.
@Benedicto - For just rolling with things as they come and go, and giving me the bit of feedback I need when we get our chances! Curse these timezones.
@Drahkuna - For always offering to help as you can, stepping up, and showing such enthusiasm. It keeps me excited about events and things just from seeing when others get that way!
@Melantha - I know it's been a struggle to be around, I've had that problem myself lately, but whenever I really need you, you're there, and that's what counts.
@Jami - I love and miss you Jambun. Can't wait for us to catch up and get in some good Jami-Nola RPz.
@Kylan - For being a good sport as everyone's favorite target for light-hearted teasing, and still stepping in to offer opinions as needed when I ask.
@Valingar - Continuously checking in on both me, and Nola. You give some of the best, well-thought feedback, too! I really appreciate that, because without it, I wouldn't have considered a number of things that were otherwise beneficial but unthought of alone!
@Zahera - The times that you do play Zahera, you're always offering to help in the ways that you're most able, and be apart of the group, like all those moments where you were busy with something else and weren't around didn't REALLY happen. This lady doesn't miss a beat!
So yeah, just. I have a really awesome guild full of really awesome people. This game wouldn't be even half as enjoyable without all of you making it so, and not only that, you make being a leader fun and worth it. I don't just want to make stuff happen because it's what I'm supposed to do, I end up thinking of things I could do in my free time to make it even better for all the people I'm playing with.
Thank you, @Tina for arranging the Godspire Ball. I'm so sad I couldn't keep my eyes open longer than I did. Another huge thank you to @Faerah for pushing me to that spontaneous improvised singing. We did well!
Thank you for the Duiran Maquerade! Thank you everyone for coming and making it fun and thank you to the enemy for not ruining it. We don't often get to do 'cultural/group' things without it being interrupted so thank you over and over and over from all of us!
I had been struggling with feeling engaged. I guess I picked a Guild that's incredibly dead when I can normally come about, and its really frustrating to ask questions on GT and get no answers again, and again. So... I just wanted to thank @Nola and @Melantha for their time. I am sorry I had to ditch out of the RP so quickly, but something came up. I look forward to bumping into you both again.
@Lucie - Melantha and I have both greatly enjoyed the moments of RP we've been getting with Lucie lately, so thank you for that. It's been really refreshing to get to do stuff like this, so I hope we continue the trend. I know I'm excited to see how things develop for Lucie.
I am too! I'm mostly just thrilled that I am getting to RP. @Rashar stopped by and made my night with some random RP. (Thank you, Rashar!) I promise I won't take every RP moment to the "Thank You!" thread (though I happily would) - but truly, I was having so much trouble getting into Lucie and you guys are making things so much fun.
It's Thanksgiving in America, in some places. So, Holiday Edition!
@oleis and @razmael, @trigru, all those other volunteers that do so much to make this place run, and improve. I know I've butted heads with a lot of you and I can be a bear to deal with, but I appreciate the work you do to make this game something I like to play every day. Sorry for being a jerkface sometimes.
@kerryn - Sometimes we grump at each other, but I love you to itty bitty pieces too. ICly is what it is, and you know I lurve Kerryn. But you are a giant pile of amaze when it comes to being a friend, too. Stop playing WOW.
@nola - The one and only Nolabb. I wish we had more time to chat and to RP. Sorry I didn't Daru. I am thankful that Nola was able to play such a significant part in a lot of Rashar's development. Irreplaceable! Also, sorry for forgetting to mention...
@kendri - For taking up the character and giving us (and, I hope, you!) that RP. We're 100% satisfied with our decision, and look forward to hopefully much much more to come.
@moirean - For not being grumpy and enemying me when I lead people into Spinesreach thinking I'm going to a lesser. I promise I don't mean to do that. I JUST GET SO EXCITED.
@lim - Class act all around, except when you only play Lim and make me really sad. It sucks to see someone who so clearly likes to fight sit out of things, but it is really cool of you to do so when so many others do not.
@mazzion - Because funny random tell interactions are funny.
@areka - For helping me find a way to let Rashar evolve into something better. I know you had cringe face and I know you had/have doubts, but I appreciate the opportunity.
@slyphe - Because damn, going without a blessing sucks. Also for not being grumpy when Rashar came back just to fight holywar.
@elwyn - For coming back around. I think slowly we're getting back to where we were before we randomly weren't there anymore, and that's cool. I much likes.
@arbre, @aren, @jami - Doesn't seem like we sit down to RP very often, but when we do it's always a blast. Small talk here and there is enough to be thankful for, and I am.
@emelle - You seemed to come right out of nowhere, to me at least, and I'm so, so x50 glad I decided to make it a thing to go find you. Between idle work chats and RP that makes me go gdfslkjasdflkjasdflkjd.. Much grateful, many loves, on both the OOC and the IC.
@gwenith - Someday you will sit for more than 5 minutes of RP. THEN I WILL BE THANKFUL.
@ishin - Because sometimes when we're not disagreeing (read: threatening bodily harm to one another like teenage cavemen) we're usually right on the same page. I still think @syssin suck though. Nerds.
@jensen - For being the hilariously calm voice of reason in all things that have nothing to do with police. And for the cookies.
@valingar - You surprised me the first time I RP'd with you and you used an emote, but months later I'm onto it and you've become someone I can usually expect a fun interaction with. I'm not sure exactly what kind of relationship lies between those two ICly, but you're a great dude and a huge help to people learning to do the peekays, and in general.
And on that note, @cronides, @jami, @luxanna, @denira, @tenshyo and all the others in Eno/Duiran that are starting to fight more and more at lessers. The effort is noticed and appreciated!
@benedicto - You're solid, man. I wish you were around more often. This game needs more dudes that are confident enough to tease back and forth without getting all sideways and hairy eyed with grump. Also, your tentacles are ugly.
@catty - For yelling at me so hard about that gank that I came up with a great idea. You're fine, lady. Many 's.
@xenia - You're always good for RP or a fight, and you're not difficult to interact with on either of those fronts.
@roux - Nobody does more to keep me from being miserable when I feel like everything is battering at me. I'm thankful for it, and thankful for the many, many nights spent talking to you instead of staring at the ceiling. Seems like we barely RP anymore, but there will never be any replacing what we do when we do what we do. Love love love.
I'm sure I've missed people, but I'm tired as heck and ready to crash. Maybe there'll have to be a part two.
@Rashar - Maybe one day you can not be sitting AFK when I'm actually on my computer and can do decent emotes instead of plinking at tiny phonetolia buttons at work with my boss coming over every few minutes to take my full attention.
@Rashar - I think we are getting there too and it makes me glad. I do seem to pop in on you when you are driving though, heh. I don't judge time difference well now that we are three hours apart. I'll be dropping in on you in the near future!
I have been having a blast and I wanted to thank those that have taken the time to interact and spend time with Kendri.
@Rashar and @Roux thank you so much. From the little everyday interactions to the more expansive moments of the two of them teaching Kendri, it has been great fun so far.
Now, if no one else wants the spider jar, Elie would like to bond with it further.
(edited over a 2 months later for poster sucking at spelling)
Keep trying, guys.
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
That being said I also want to send a personal thank to @Rashar for making it a bit easier to bring Lux back, the RP has helped me so much even if it's little stupid things =P It's something to keep me busy at a time I usually afk and complain I'm bored.
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
We'll get you, my pretties!!
/cackles as he rides off on his flying rojalli
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
"The smell of dusty fur, sweet smoke, waiting and patience, a thing that time cannot kill. The moth that candles won't burn."
@Tenshyo - For always being there, whether it to be to listen, to bounce ideas off of, or to help nudge me to finish certain things and get the ball rolling. You've been great, both ICly, and OOCly.
@Benedicto - For just rolling with things as they come and go, and giving me the bit of feedback I need when we get our chances! Curse these timezones.
@Drahkuna - For always offering to help as you can, stepping up, and showing such enthusiasm. It keeps me excited about events and things just from seeing when others get that way!
@Melantha - I know it's been a struggle to be around, I've had that problem myself lately, but whenever I really need you, you're there, and that's what counts.
@Jami - I love and miss you Jambun. Can't wait for us to catch up and get in some good Jami-Nola RPz.
@Kylan - For being a good sport as everyone's favorite target for light-hearted teasing, and still stepping in to offer opinions as needed when I ask.
@Valingar - Continuously checking in on both me, and Nola. You give some of the best, well-thought feedback, too! I really appreciate that, because without it, I wouldn't have considered a number of things that were otherwise beneficial but unthought of alone!
@Zahera - The times that you do play Zahera, you're always offering to help in the ways that you're most able, and be apart of the group, like all those moments where you were busy with something else and weren't around didn't REALLY happen. This lady doesn't miss a beat!
So yeah, just. I have a really awesome guild full of really awesome people. This game wouldn't be even half as enjoyable without all of you making it so, and not only that, you make being a leader fun and worth it. I don't just want to make stuff happen because it's what I'm supposed to do, I end up thinking of things I could do in my free time to make it even better for all the people I'm playing with.
Another huge thank you to @Faerah for pushing me to that spontaneous improvised singing. We did well!
Last but not least, @Spinesreach. You all rock!
Totally bummed out I missed the masquerade, but extremely glad to hear how it went!
@oleis and @razmael, @trigru, all those other volunteers that do so much to make this place run, and improve. I know I've butted heads with a lot of you and I can be a bear to deal with, but I appreciate the work you do to make this game something I like to play every day. Sorry for being a jerkface sometimes.
@kerryn - Sometimes we grump at each other, but I love you to itty bitty pieces too. ICly is what it is, and you know I lurve Kerryn. But you are a giant pile of amaze when it comes to being a friend, too. Stop playing WOW.
@nola - The one and only Nolabb. I wish we had more time to chat and to RP. Sorry I didn't Daru.
@kendri - For taking up the character and giving us (and, I hope, you!) that RP. We're 100% satisfied with our decision, and look forward to hopefully much much more to come.
@moirean - For not being grumpy and enemying me when I lead people into Spinesreach thinking I'm going to a lesser. I promise I don't mean to do that.
@lim - Class act all around, except when you only play Lim and make me really sad. It sucks to see someone who so clearly likes to fight sit out of things, but it is really cool of you to do so when so many others do not.
@mazzion - Because funny random tell interactions are funny.
@areka - For helping me find a way to let Rashar evolve into something better. I know you had cringe face and I know you had/have doubts, but I appreciate the opportunity.
@slyphe - Because damn, going without a blessing sucks.
@elwyn - For coming back around. I think slowly we're getting back to where we were before we randomly weren't there anymore, and that's cool. I much likes.
@arbre, @aren, @jami - Doesn't seem like we sit down to RP very often, but when we do it's always a blast. Small talk here and there is enough to be thankful for, and I am.
@trager - Enough said.
@emelle - You seemed to come right out of nowhere, to me at least, and I'm so, so x50 glad I decided to make it a thing to go find you. Between idle work chats and RP that makes me go gdfslkjasdflkjasdflkjd.. Much grateful, many loves, on both the OOC and the IC.
@gwenith - Someday you will sit for more than 5 minutes of RP. THEN I WILL BE THANKFUL.
@ishin - Because sometimes when we're not disagreeing (read: threatening bodily harm to one another like teenage cavemen) we're usually right on the same page. I still think @syssin suck though. Nerds.
@jensen - For being the hilariously calm voice of reason in all things that have nothing to do with police. And for the cookies.
@valingar - You surprised me the first time I RP'd with you and you used an emote, but months later I'm onto it and you've become someone I can usually expect a fun interaction with. I'm not sure exactly what kind of relationship lies between those two ICly, but you're a great dude and a huge help to people learning to do the peekays, and in general.
And on that note, @cronides, @jami, @luxanna, @denira, @tenshyo and all the others in Eno/Duiran that are starting to fight more and more at lessers. The effort is noticed and appreciated!
@benedicto - You're solid, man. I wish you were around more often. This game needs more dudes that are confident enough to tease back and forth without getting all sideways and hairy eyed with grump. Also, your tentacles are ugly.
@catty - For yelling at me so hard about that gank that I came up with a great idea.
@aldric - Play more, jerk. Enough said.
@riluo - Just because.
@xenia - You're always good for RP or a fight, and you're not difficult to interact with on either of those fronts.
@roux - Nobody does more to keep me from being miserable when I feel like everything is battering at me. I'm thankful for it, and thankful for the many, many nights spent talking to you instead of staring at the ceiling. Seems like we barely RP anymore, but there will never be any replacing what we do when we do what we do. Love love love.
I'm sure I've missed people, but I'm tired as heck and ready to crash. Maybe there'll have to be a part two.
I remember, involve me and I
-Benjamin Franklin
@Rashar and @Roux thank you so much. From the little everyday interactions to the more expansive moments of the two of them teaching Kendri, it has been great fun so far.
Others have included, @Nola, @Arbre, @Trager, @Emelle, @Jami, @Serrice, @Ninette and probably more that I'm forgetting. It's been a really fun week.