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Useful QoL Code

RhyotRhyot Bloodloch
Have you ever wanted something coded for some silly quality of life purpose?

Have you never realized you wanted something because you never thought of it before, but the new script helps you a lot??

Have you made something you thought was a nice QoL script and think other people might enjoy it??

That's what this thread is for!! Useful quality of life code buckets to help make your Aetolia experience better.


To start, an IC deletion list based off of IC MISSING. I got tired of so many things bogging down what I felt was important to just look at with a quick IC MISSING, so I deleted it all.




  • I'll pitch in!

    a set of aliases for logging lessers, majors, and orrery

    ^alpha (.*)$
    --the list must be separated by commas and spaces
    ----alpha bulrok, mjoll, mazzion, tetchta, taj, iesid, zenobia
    local pplList = string.split(matches[2], ", ")
    for k,v in pairs(pplList) do
    pplList[k] = string.title(v)
    act("wt "..table.concat(pplList, ", "))

    ^lapha (.*)$
    local pplList = string.split(matches[2], ", ")
    for k,v in pairs(pplList) do
    pplList[k] = string.title(v)
    act("writelog CLANALIAS lesser: "..table.concat(pplList, ", "))

    ^malpha (.*)$local pplList = string.split(matches[2], ", ")
    for k,v in pairs(pplList) do
    pplList[k] = string.title(v)
    act("writelog CLANALIAS major: "..table.concat(pplList, ", "))

    ^oalpha (/d+) (.*)$
    --needs a number for round of orrery
    ----oalpha 6 iesid, bulrok, mjoll
    local pplList = string.split(matches[3], ", ")
    for k,v in pairs(pplList) do
    pplList[k] = string.title(v)
    act("writelog CLANALIAS orrery round "..matches[2]..": "..table.concat(pplList, ", "))
    Toz says, "Dishonor on you (Mjoll), dishonor on your family (Seirath), dishonor on your cow (Bulrok)"
  • edited June 2021
    I can never remember all the fishing holes so this is what I have,

    --- alias ^fs (\w+)$

    if not fishingTable[matches[2]] then
    echo("\nError, invalid option: " .. matches[2])
    cecho("[ we know the following "..matches[2].. " locations]")
    for k, _ in pairs(fishingTable[matches[2]]) do
    cecho("\n[" .. k .. "]:")
    for _, v in pairs(fishingTable[matches[2]][k]) do
    cecho(" " .. v)

    -- end of code for alias

    --script with this inside it

    fishingTable =
    ocean =
    ["Beryl Sea"] = {5597, 21035},
    ["ocean near ollin"] = {20268},
    ["Tasur'ke Sea"] = {64670},
    ["The Western Ocean"] = {58683},
    mud =
    ["Ilhavon Pond"] = {55412, 55420},
    ["Mud on the Scidve"] = {9705, 9706},
    ["Morgun Pond"] = {2781},
    shallows =
    ["Beryl Sea shallows near Raim"] = {58698},
    ["Shallows of the Beryl Sea"] = {3416},
    ["Shallows near Kornar"] = {21452},
    ["Polyargos Shallows"] = {5477},
    caves =
    ["Feral Caves"] = {16575},
    ["Festering Wastes"] = {22866},
    ["Fractal Bloom"] = {63030},
    ["Hlugnic Aqueduct"] = {57627},
    ["Itzatl Cave"] = {11222},
    ["Nal'jin Canyon"] = {31870},
    ["Nal'jin Depths"] = {38090},
    ["Riparium Abyss"] = {32911},
    ["Scidve Grotto"] = {9833},
    ["Siroccian Cave"] = {3429},
    ["Siroccian Lake"] = {26905},
    ["The Caverns of Telfinne"] = {22286},
    ["The Forgotten City"] = {56099},
    ["The Forgotten Dome"] = {55101},
    ["Torturers' Caverns"] = {23314},
    ["Under the Black Lake"] = {12777},
    ["Dramedo Warrens"] = {58298},
    ["The Forgotten Depths/Ia'shal Barrow"] = {57091},
    river =
    ["Bloodwood River"] = {57572},
    ["Dun River"] = {4711},
    ["Enorian Canal"] = {56421},
    ["Liruma Tributary"] = {36264},
    ["Myesis Branch"] = {31553},
    ["Tainhelm Brook"] = {16540},
    ["The Blue Myesis River"] = {23892},
    ["The Eidar River"] = {14467},
    ["The Pachacacha River"] = {1599},
    ["The Pachacacha Valley"] = {1591},
    ["The Peshwar Delta"] = {1603},
    ["The Perilaus River"] = {11993},
    ["The River Zaphar"] = {788},
    ["The Scidve Stream"] = {9695},
    ["The Teo'ltien River"] = {16622},
    ["The Urubamba River"] = {1041},
    ["The White Myesis River"] = {23899},
    ["Yuzurai Village"] = {60034},
    spring =
    ["Azdun Spring"] = {8109},
    ["Morgun Spring"] = {4793},
    ["Shamtota Spring"] = {58866},
    ["Sirrocian Spring"] = {3005},
    ["Temple of the Underking"] = {51736},
    ["Vintal Glade"] = {42876},
    tidal = {["Mostyn Tidal Pools"] = {13114}, ["Mournhold"] = {46414}},
    lagoon = {["Mostyn Lagoon"] = {13167}, ["North Strand Lagoon"] = {18236}},
    lake =
    ["Arbothia Pond"] = {15140},
    ["Black Lake"] = {11994},
    ["Dolbodi Lake"] = {19387},
    ["Dryad Garden Lake"] = {5739},
    ["Fengard Lake"] = {3273},
    ["Green Lake"] = {11312},
    ["Ilhavon Lake"] = {21326},
    ["Three Rock Lake"] = {20302},
    ["Lake Onimah"] = {43701},
    ["Lake Astri"] = {57687},
    brackish = {["Auresian Marsh"] = {18402}, ["Scidve Swamp"] = {9824}, ["Torston"] = {17602}},
    ice =
    ["Alaqsii Inlet"] = {22527},
    ["Asper Village"] = {13292},
    ["Augerweald"] = {23925},
    ["Iviofiyedu"] = {56563},
    ["Southern Tundral Lake"] = {23263},
    ["Widow's Crack"] = {22541},
    elemental = {["Mournhold Vortex"] = {46363}},

  • Alias to replace reply, because I got used to using reply. but now I get numerous conversations at the same time, and reply has lead to miss tells, but it's a habit to use it. So I made reply an Alias


  • Hm. The fishing thing is wonderful! Love it. But for some reason, it's all gray for me...
  • I'm on the discord for tolia, PM me what it looks like in the script I can get you sorted.
  • I am not >.> lol I never joined but it's fine. Colors aren't necessary and I can add them if need be. Just thought I'd let you know it didn't put the colors in for me when I copied the code over
  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    edited September 2021
    With all the different timezones people are in, I've written this up to help plan for meetings and such. I've also added the IC weekdays, to make it easier to discuss time in an IC way, rather than resorting to constantly switching to OOC. To me it sounds so much better to say something like "I think I have time next Quensday, if that would be alright with you?" instead of shooting someone an OOC message saying "I'll be around evening my time tomorrow. That's GMT +2" and let the other person figure out when that is for them.

    Using the simple alias TIMEZONES will show something like this:

    You can also compare two specific timezones if you want to. Then you type TIMEZONES and get something like this:

    The colors correspond to this general schedule:
    midnight_blue: general sleeping hours
    amaranth: early morning, but possibly awake
    olive: normal work hours
    green: after work, open for game-time!
    teal: closing in on bedtime, but could work

    ^timezones(?: (\w+) (\w+))?$

    local tz1 = matches[2]
    local tz2 = matches[3]
    if tz1 ~= nil then
      cecho("\nWeekdays <mauve>GOSDAY      CLOSDAY     TISDAY      FALSDAY     QUENSDAY    KINDAY     ")
    if tz1 == "kiwi" or tz2 == "kiwi" then
      cecho("\nKIWI     <olive>12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11")
    if tz1 == "eoz" or tz2 == "eoz" then
      cecho("\nEAST OZ  <olive>10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09")
    if tz1 == "woz" or tz2 == "woz" then
      cecho("\nASIA/OZ  <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07") 
    if tz1 == "wasia" or tz2 == "wasia" then
      cecho("\nW. ASIA  <midnight_blue>05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04")
    if tz1 == "eet" or tz2 == "eet" then
      cecho("\nEU +2    <midnight_blue>02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01")
    if tz1 == "cet" or tz2 == "cet" then
      cecho("\nEUROPE   <midnight_blue>01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00")
    if tz1 == "gmt" or tz2 == "gmt" then
      cecho("\nEU GMT   <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23")
    if tz1 == "pst" or tz2 == "pst" then
      cecho("\nUS PST   <olive>16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15")
    if tz1 == "cst" or tz2 == "cst" then
      cecho("\nUS CST   <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17")
    if tz1 == "est" or tz2 == "est" then
      cecho("\nUS EST   <green>19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18") 
    elseif tz1 ~= nil and tz2 == nil then
    if tz1 == nil and tz2 == nil then
      cecho("\nWeekdays <mauve>GOSDAY      CLOSDAY     TISDAY      FALSDAY     QUENSDAY    KINDAY     ")
      cecho("\nPST US   <olive>16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15")
      cecho("\nCST US   <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17")
      cecho("\nEST US   <green>19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18") 
      cecho("\nGMT EU   <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23")
      cecho("\nCET EU   <midnight_blue>01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00")
      cecho("\nEET EU   <midnight_blue>02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01")
      cecho("\nW.ASIA   <midnight_blue>05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04")
      cecho("\nW.OZ     <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07") 
      cecho("\nE.OZ     <olive>10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09")
      cecho("\nKIWI     <olive>12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11")

    Hope you like and enjoy your future IC planning!

    Edited to fix timezone issues

  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    Adding my color table and colors alias here too, because I've been told they are neat.

    Script: color table
    --Alphabetized color table for the alias "colors", which shows a list sorted by color.
    --To add a color, simply copy/paste a line and alter the name and RBG color code.
    color_table = {
    AliceBlue             = {240, 248, 255},
    alice_blue             = {240, 248, 255},
    amaranth              = {159, 43, 104},
    amber                 = {255, 191, 0},
    amethyst              = {153, 102, 204}, 
    AntiqueWhite          = {250, 235, 215},
    antique_white          = {250, 235, 215},
    apple                 = {141, 182, 0},           
    aqua                  = {2, 132, 130} ,           
    aquamarine            = {127, 255, 212},
    ash                   = {178, 190, 181},
    azure                 = {51, 102, 153},
    BabyBlue              = {137, 207, 240},
    beige                 = {245, 245, 220},
    bisque                = {255, 228, 196},
    black                 = {0, 0, 0},
    BlanchedAlmond        = {255, 235, 205},
    blanched_almond        = {255, 235, 205},
    blood                  = {138, 7, 7},
    blue                  = {0, 0, 255},
    BlueGray              = {102, 153, 204},
    blue_gray              = {102, 153, 204},
    blue_grey              = {102, 153, 204},
    BlueGreen             = {13, 152, 186},
    blue_green             = {13, 152, 186},
    BlueViolet            = {138, 43, 226},
    blue_violet            = {138, 43, 226},
    bronze                = {205, 127, 50},
    brown                 = {165, 42, 42},
    burgundy              = {144, 0, 32},
    burlywood             = {222, 184, 135},
    BurntOrange           = {204, 85, 0},
    burnt_orange           = {204, 85, 0},
    CadetBlue             = {95, 158, 160},
    cadet_blue             = {95, 158, 160},
    cardinal              = {196, 30, 58},
    carmine               = {150, 0, 24},
    carnelian             = {179, 27, 27},
    cerise                = {222, 49, 99},
    cerulean              = {0, 123, 167},
    charcoal              = {54, 69, 79},
    chartreuse            = {127, 255, 0},
    chestnut              = {149, 69, 53},
    chocolate             = {123, 36, 0},
    citrine               = {228, 208, 10},
    cobalt                = {0, 71, 171},
    cold_black            = {0, 46, 99},
    copper                = {184, 115, 51},
    coral                 = {255, 127, 80},
    CornflowerBlue        = {100, 149, 237},
    cornflower_blue        = {100, 149, 237},
    cornsilk              = {255, 248, 220},
    cream                 = {255, 253, 208},
    crimson               = {220, 20, 60},
    cyan                  = {0, 255, 255},
    DarkBlue              = {0, 0, 139},
    dark_blue              = {0, 0, 139},
    DarkGoldenrod         = {184, 134, 11},
    dark_goldenrod         = {184, 134, 11},
    DarkGreen             = {0, 100, 0},
    dark_green             = {0, 100, 0},
    dark_khaki             = {189, 183, 107},
    DarkKhaki             = {189, 183, 107},
    dark_olive_green        = {85, 107, 47},
    DarkOliveGreen        = {85, 107, 47},
    dark_orange            = {255, 140, 0},
    DarkOrange            = {255, 140, 0},
    dark_orchid            = {153, 50, 204},
    DarkOrchid            = {153, 50, 204},
    dark_red               = {139, 0, 0},
    DarkRed               = {139, 0, 0},
    dark_salmon            = {233, 150, 122},
    DarkSalmon            = {233, 150, 122},
    dark_sea_green          = {143, 188, 143},
    DarkSeaGreen          = {143, 188, 143},
    DarkSlateBlue         = {72, 61, 139},
    dark_slate_blue         = {72, 61, 139},
    DarkSlateGray         = {47, 79, 79},
    dark_slate_gray         = {47, 79, 79},
    dark_slate_grey         = {47, 79, 79},
    DarkTurquoise         = {0, 206, 209},
    dark_turquoise         = {0, 206, 209},
    DarkViolet            = {148, 0, 211},
    dark_violet            = {148, 0, 211},
    DeepPink              = {255, 20, 147},
    deep_pink              = {255, 20, 147},
    DeepSkyBlue           = {0, 191, 255},
    deep_sky_blue           = {0, 191, 255},
    dim_gray               = {105, 105, 105},
    dim_grey               = {105, 105, 105},
    DimGray               = {105, 105, 105},
    dodger_blue            = {30, 144, 255},
    DodgerBlue            = {30, 144, 255},
    earthy                = {225, 169, 95},
    ebony                 = {85, 93, 80},
    eggplant              = {97, 64, 81},
    emerald               = {80, 200, 120},
    fallow                = {193, 154, 107},
    fawn                  = {229, 170, 112},
    fern                  = {113, 188, 120},
    firebrick             = {178, 34, 34},
    flaxen                = {238, 220, 130},
    FloralWhite           = {255, 250, 240},
    floral_white           = {255, 250, 240},
    ForestGreen           = {1, 68, 33},
    forest_green           = {1, 68, 33},
    fuchsia               = {199, 67, 117},
    gainsboro             = {220, 220, 220},
    garnet                = {135, 7, 31},
    GhostWhite            = {248, 248, 255},
    ghost_white            = {248, 248, 255},
    gold                  = {212, 175, 55},
    golden                = {240, 169, 10}, 
    goldenrod             = {218, 165, 32},
    gray                  = {190, 190, 190},
    grey                  = {190, 190, 190},
    green                 = {0, 255, 0},
    GreenYellow           = {173, 255, 47},
    green_yellow           = {173, 255, 47},
    honeydew              = {240, 255, 240},
    HotPink               = {255, 105, 180},
    hot_pink               = {255, 105, 180},
    hunter_green           = {53, 94, 59},
    HunterGreen           = {53, 94, 59},
    IndianRed             = {205, 92, 92},
    indian_red             = {205, 92, 92},
    indigo                = {75, 0, 130},
    iris                  = {138, 43, 226},
    ivory                 = {255, 255, 240},
    jade                  = {0, 168, 107},
    jet_black             = {5, 0, 2},
    kawhe                 = {111, 78, 55},
    khaki                 = {240, 230, 140},
    lavender              = {181, 126, 220},
    LavenderBlush         = {255, 240, 245},
    lavender_blush         = {255, 240, 245},
    lawn_green             = {124, 252, 0},
    LawnGreen             = {124, 252, 0},
    lemon                 = {255, 244, 79},
    lemon_chiffon          = {255, 250, 205},
    LemonChiffon          = {255, 250, 205},
    LightBlue             = {173, 216, 230},
    light_blue             = {173, 216, 230},
    LightCoral            = {240, 128, 128},
    light_coral            = {240, 128, 128},
    LightCyan             = {224, 255, 255},
    light_cyan             = {224, 255, 255},
    LightGoldenrod        = {238, 221, 130},
    light_goldenrod        = {238, 221, 130},
    LightGoldenrodYellow  = {250, 250, 210},
    light_goldenrod_yellow  = {250, 250, 210},
    LightGray             = {211, 211, 211},
    light_gray             = {211, 211, 211},
    light_grey             = {211, 211, 211},
    LightPink             = {255, 182, 193},
    light_pink             = {255, 182, 193},
    LightSalmon           = {255, 160, 122},
    light_salmon           = {255, 160, 122},
    LightSeaGreen         = {32, 178, 170},
    light_sea_green         = {32, 178, 170},
    LightSkyBlue          = {135, 206, 250},
    light_sky_blue          = {135, 206, 250},
    LightSlateBlue        = {132, 112, 255},
    light_slate_blue        = {132, 112, 255},
    LightSlateGray        = {119, 136, 153},
    light_slate_gray        = {119, 136, 153},
    light_slate_grey        = {119, 136, 153},
    LightSteelBlue        = {176, 196, 222},
    light_steel_blue        = {176, 196, 222},
    LightYellow           = {255, 255, 224},
    light_yellow           = {255, 255, 224},
    lilac                 = {220, 208, 255},
    lime                   = {50, 205, 50},
    lime_green             = {50, 205, 50},
    LimeGreen             = {50, 205, 50},
    linen                 = {250, 240, 230},
    madder                = {118, 79, 82},
    magenta               = {255, 0, 255},
    mahogany              = {192, 64, 0},
    maroon                = {128, 0, 0},
    mauve                 = {183, 132, 167},
    medium_aquamarine      = {102, 205, 170},
    MediumAquamarine      = {102, 205, 170},
    medium_blue            = {0, 0, 205},
    MediumBlue            = {0, 0, 205},
    medium_orchid          = {186, 85, 211},
    MediumOrchid          = {186, 85, 211},
    medium_purple          = {147, 112, 219},
    MediumPurple          = {147, 112, 219},
    medium_sea_green        = {60, 179, 113},
    MediumSeaGreen        = {60, 179, 113},
    medium_slate_blue       = {123, 104, 238},
    MediumSlateBlue       = {123, 104, 238},
    medium_spring_green     = {0, 250, 154},
    MediumSpringGreen     = {0, 250, 154},
    medium_turquoise       = {72, 209, 204},
    MediumTurquoise       = {72, 209, 204},
    medium_violet_red       = {199, 21, 133},
    MediumVioletRed       = {199, 21, 133},
    midnight_blue          = {25, 25, 112},
    MidnightBlue          = {25, 25, 112},
    mint                  = {62, 180, 137},
    mint_cream             = {245, 255, 250},
    MintCream             = {245, 255, 250},
    misty_rose             = {255, 228, 225},
    MistyRose             = {255, 228, 225},
    moccasin              = {255, 228, 181},
    moss_green            = {138, 154, 91},
    MossGreen             = {173, 223, 173},
    mustard               = {255, 219, 88},
    navajo_white           = {255, 222, 173},
    NavajoWhite           = {255, 222, 173},
    navy                  = {0, 0, 128},
    obsidian              = {52, 54, 55},
    ocean_blue             = {28, 169, 201},
    OceanBlue             = {28, 169, 201},
    old_lace               = {253, 245, 230},
    OldLace               = {253, 245, 230},
    olive                 = {174, 176, 93},
    olive_drab             = {107, 142, 35},
    OliveDrab             = {107, 142, 35},
    onyx                  = {53, 56, 57},
    orange                = {255, 127, 0},
    orange_red             = {255, 69, 0},
    OrangeRed             = {255, 69, 0},
    orange_yellow          = {255, 159, 0},
    OrangeYellow          = {255, 159, 0},
    orchid                = {218, 112, 214},
    pale_goldenrod         = {238, 232, 170},
    PaleGoldenrod         = {238, 232, 170},
    pale_green             = {152, 251, 152},
    PaleGreen             = {152, 251, 152},
    pale_turquoise         = {175, 238, 238},
    PaleTurquoise         = {175, 238, 238},
    pale_violet_red         = {219, 112, 147},
    PaleVioletRed         = {219, 112, 147},
    papaya_whip            = {255, 239, 213},
    PapayaWhip            = {255, 239, 213},
    peach                 = {255, 229, 180},
    peach_puff             = {255, 218, 185},
    PeachPuff             = {255, 218, 185},
    peacock               = {35, 179, 231},
    pear                  = {209, 226, 49},
    periwinkle            = {204, 204, 255},
    peru                  = {205, 133, 63},
    pink                  = {255, 192, 203},
    plum                  = {142, 69, 133},
    pomegranate           = {242, 31, 31},
    powder_blue            = {176, 224, 230},
    PowderBlue            = {176, 224, 230},
    purple                = {128, 0, 128},
    red                   = {255, 0, 0},
    rose                  = {255, 0, 127},
    rosy_brown             = {188, 143, 143},
    RosyBrown             = {188, 143, 143},
    royal_blue             = {65, 105, 225},
    RoyalBlue             = {65, 105, 225},
    ruby                  = {224, 17, 95},
    ruddy                 = {187, 101, 40},
    russet                = {128, 70, 27},
    rust                  = {183, 65, 14},
    sable                 = {62, 53, 38},
    saddle_brown           = {139, 69, 19},
    SaddleBrown           = {139, 69, 19},
    saffron               = {244, 196, 48},
    salmon                = {250, 128, 114},
    sand                  = {194, 178, 128},
    sandy_brown            = {244, 164, 96},
    SandyBrown            = {244, 164, 96},
    sanguine              = {108, 55, 54},
    sapphire              = {15, 82, 186},
    scarlet               = {255, 36, 0},
    sea_green              = {46, 139, 87},
    SeaGreen              = {46, 139, 87},
    seashell              = {255, 245, 238},
    sepia                 = {112, 66, 20},
    sienna                = {160, 82, 45},
    silver                = {192, 192, 192},
    sky_blue               = {135, 206, 235},
    SkyBlue               = {135, 206, 235},
    slate_blue             = {106, 90, 205},
    SlateBlue             = {106, 90, 205},
    slate_gray             = {112, 128, 144},
    slate_grey             = {112, 128, 144},
    SlateGray             = {112, 128, 144},
    sloe_black            = {0, 10, 51},
    sloe_blue             = {82, 118, 137},
    smoke                 = {245, 245, 245},
    smoky                 = {95, 95, 95},
    snow                  = {255, 250, 250},
    spring_green           = {0, 255, 127},
    SpringGreen           = {0, 255, 127},
    steel                 = {123, 144, 149},
    steel_blue             = {70, 130, 180},
    SteelBlue             = {70, 130, 180},
    straw                 = {228, 217, 111},
    sunglow               = {255, 204, 51},
    sunset                = {253, 94, 83},
    tan                   = {210, 180, 140},
    tawny                 = {205, 87, 0},
    teal                  = {0, 128, 128},
    thistle               = {216, 191, 216},
    tomato                = {255, 99, 71},
    turquoise             = {64, 224, 208},
    umber                 = {99, 81, 71},
    verdigris             = {26, 70, 68},
    vermilion             = {227, 66, 52},
    violet                = {127, 0, 255},
    violet_red             = {208, 32, 144},
    VioletRed             = {208, 32, 144},
    viridian              = {64, 130, 109},
    WarmBlack             = {0, 66, 66},
    warm_black             = {0, 66, 66},
    wheat                 = {245, 222, 179},
    white                 = {255, 255, 255},
    white_smoke            = {245, 245, 245},
    WhiteSmoke            = {245, 245, 245},
    wine                  = {114, 47, 55},
    woad_blue              = {23, 23, 63},
    WoadBlue              = {23, 23, 63},
    yellow                = {255, 255, 0},
    yellow_green           = {154, 205, 50},
    YellowGreen           = {154, 205, 50},

    Colors alias
    --Color table sorted by color. If you wish to add more colors, it is best
    --to simply tag them along separately at the bottom as adding them to the
    --color scheme means moving all the subsequent colors one step. 
    cecho("\n<green>Greens <black>--------- <blue>Blues <black>---------- <red>Reds <black>------- <yellow>Yellows <black>------ <sable>Other ")
    cecho("\n<DarkOliveGreen>DarkOliveGreen <black>- <woad_blue>woad_blue <black>------ <rust>rust <black>------- <BurntOrange>BurntOrange <black>-- <mauve>mauve ")
    cecho("\n<olive>olive <black>---------- <MidnightBlue>MidnightBlue <black>--- <coral>coral <black>------ <OrangeRed>OrangeRed <black>---- <lilac>lilac ")
    cecho("\n<OliveDrab>*OliveDrab <black>----- <DarkBlue>DarkBlue <black>------- <sunset>sunset <black>----- <orange>orange <black>------- <lavender>lavender ")
    cecho("\n<apple>apple <black>---------- <cobalt>cobalt <black>--------- <vermilion>vermilion <black>-- <OrangeYellow>OrangeYellow <black>- <indigo>indigo ")
    cecho("\n<pear>pear <black>----------- <blue>blue <black>----------- <carnelian>carnelian <black>-- <goldenrod>goldenrod <black>---- <violet>violet ")
    cecho("\n<YellowGreen>YellowGreen <black>---- <DodgerBlue>*DodgerBlue <black>---- <pomegranate>pomegranate <black> <gold>gold <black>--------- <iris>iris ")
    cecho("\n<GreenYellow>*GreenYellow <black>--- <RoyalBlue>*RoyalBlue <black>----- <maroon>maroon <black>----- <saffron>saffron <black>------ <amethyst>amethyst ")
    cecho("\n<chartreuse>*chartreuse <black>---- <SlateBlue>*SlateBlue <black>----- <scarlet>scarlet <black>---- <sunglow>sunglow <black>------ <orchid>orchid ")
    cecho("\n<LawnGreen>*LawnGreen <black>----- <cerulean>cerulean <black>------- <red>red <black>-------- <golden>golden <black>------- <plum>plum ")
    cecho("\n<lime>lime <black>----------- <azure>azure <black>---------- <crimson>crimson <black>---- <amber>amber <black>-------- <purple>purple ")
    cecho("\n<green>green <black>---------- <sapphire>sapphire <black>------- <cardinal>cardinal <black>--- <yellow>yellow <black>------- <eggplant>eggplant ")
    cecho("\n<DarkGreen>*DarkGreen <black>----- <SteelBlue>SteelBlue <black>------ <blood>blood <black>------ <citrine>citrine <black>------ <sable>sable ")
    cecho("\n<ForestGreen>ForestGreen <black>---- <OceanBlue>OceanBlue  <black>----- <carmine>carmine <black>---- <lemon>lemon <black>-------- <umber>umber ")
    cecho("\n<HunterGreen>HunterGreen <black>---- <peacock>peacock <black>-------- <DarkRed>DarkRed <black>---- <mustard>mustard <black>------ <kawhe>kawhe ")
    cecho("\n<verdigris>verdigris <black>------ <CornflowerBlue>CornflowerBlue <black>- <burgundy>burgundy <black>--- <flaxen>flaxen <black>------- <brown>brown ")
    cecho("\n<viridian>viridian <black>------- <periwinkle>periwinkle <black>----- <wine>wine <black>------- <straw>straw <black>-------- <chocolate>chocolate ")
    cecho("\n<MossGreen>MossGreen <black>------ <SkyBlue>SkyBlue <black>-------- <madder>madder <black>----- <khaki>*khaki <black>------- <mahogany>mahogany ")
    cecho("\n<fern>fern <black>----------- <BlueGray>BlueGray <black>------- <sanguine>sanguine <black>--- <cream>cream <black>-------- <tawny>tawny ")
    cecho("\n<emerald>emerald <black>-------- <LightBlue>LightBlue <black>------ <amaranth>amaranth <black>--- <peach>peach <black>-------- <bronze>bronze ")
    cecho("\n<SpringGreen>SpringGreen <black>---- <BabyBlue>BabyBlue <black>------- <ruby>ruby <black>------- <moccasin>*moccasin <black>---- <copper>copper ")
    cecho("\n<aquamarine>aquamarine <black>----- <sloe_blue>sloe_blue <black>------ <cerise>cerise <black>----- <burlywood>*burlywood <black>--- <ruddy>ruddy ")
    cecho("\n<SeaGreen>SeaGreen <black>------- <cyan>cyan <black>----------- <pink>pink <black>------- <sand>sand <black>--------- <sienna>sienna ")
    cecho("\n<jade>jade <black>----------- <aqua>aqua <black>----------- <fuchsia>fuchsia <black>---- <fallow>fallow <black>------- <chestnut>chestnut ")
    cecho("\n<mint>mint <black>----------- <BlueGreen>BlueGreen <black>------ <magenta>magenta <black>---- <fawn>fawn <black>--------- <russet>russet ")
    cecho("\n<teal>teal <black>----------- <turquoise>turquoise <black>------ <rose>rose <black>------- <earthy>earthy <black>------- <sepia>sepia ")  
    cecho("\n<sloe_black>sloe_black <black>----- <obsidian>obsidian <black>------- <SlateGray>SlateGray <black>-- <silver>silver <black> <black>-------<beige>beige ")
    cecho("\n<cold_black>cold_black <black>----- <charcoal>charcoal <black>------- <steel>steel <black>------ <thistle>thistle <black>------ <wheat>wheat")
    cecho("\n<warm_black>warm_black <black>----- <ebony>ebony <black>---------- <gray>gray <black>------- <WhiteSmoke>WhiteSmoke <black>--- <ivory>ivory")
    cecho("\n<onyx>onyx <black>----------- <smoky>smoky <black>---------- <ash>ash <black>-------- <cornsilk>cornsilk <black>----- <snow>snow")

  • AxiusAxius where I am
    Teani said:

    Adding my color table and colors alias here too, because I've been told they are neat.

    Script: color table

    --Alphabetized color table for the alias "colors", which shows a list sorted by color.
    --To add a color, simply copy/paste a line and alter the name and RBG color code.
    color_table = {
    AliceBlue             = {240, 248, 255},
    alice_blue             = {240, 248, 255},
    amaranth              = {159, 43, 104},
    amber                 = {255, 191, 0},
    amethyst              = {153, 102, 204}, 
    AntiqueWhite          = {250, 235, 215},
    antique_white          = {250, 235, 215},
    apple                 = {141, 182, 0},           
    aqua                  = {2, 132, 130} ,           
    aquamarine            = {127, 255, 212},
    ash                   = {178, 190, 181},
    azure                 = {51, 102, 153},
    BabyBlue              = {137, 207, 240},
    beige                 = {245, 245, 220},
    bisque                = {255, 228, 196},
    black                 = {0, 0, 0},
    BlanchedAlmond        = {255, 235, 205},
    blanched_almond        = {255, 235, 205},
    blood                  = {138, 7, 7},
    blue                  = {0, 0, 255},
    BlueGray              = {102, 153, 204},
    blue_gray              = {102, 153, 204},
    blue_grey              = {102, 153, 204},
    BlueGreen             = {13, 152, 186},
    blue_green             = {13, 152, 186},
    BlueViolet            = {138, 43, 226},
    blue_violet            = {138, 43, 226},
    bronze                = {205, 127, 50},
    brown                 = {165, 42, 42},
    burgundy              = {144, 0, 32},
    burlywood             = {222, 184, 135},
    BurntOrange           = {204, 85, 0},
    burnt_orange           = {204, 85, 0},
    CadetBlue             = {95, 158, 160},
    cadet_blue             = {95, 158, 160},
    cardinal              = {196, 30, 58},
    carmine               = {150, 0, 24},
    carnelian             = {179, 27, 27},
    cerise                = {222, 49, 99},
    cerulean              = {0, 123, 167},
    charcoal              = {54, 69, 79},
    chartreuse            = {127, 255, 0},
    chestnut              = {149, 69, 53},
    chocolate             = {123, 36, 0},
    citrine               = {228, 208, 10},
    cobalt                = {0, 71, 171},
    cold_black            = {0, 46, 99},
    copper                = {184, 115, 51},
    coral                 = {255, 127, 80},
    CornflowerBlue        = {100, 149, 237},
    cornflower_blue        = {100, 149, 237},
    cornsilk              = {255, 248, 220},
    cream                 = {255, 253, 208},
    crimson               = {220, 20, 60},
    cyan                  = {0, 255, 255},
    DarkBlue              = {0, 0, 139},
    dark_blue              = {0, 0, 139},
    DarkGoldenrod         = {184, 134, 11},
    dark_goldenrod         = {184, 134, 11},
    DarkGreen             = {0, 100, 0},
    dark_green             = {0, 100, 0},
    dark_khaki             = {189, 183, 107},
    DarkKhaki             = {189, 183, 107},
    dark_olive_green        = {85, 107, 47},
    DarkOliveGreen        = {85, 107, 47},
    dark_orange            = {255, 140, 0},
    DarkOrange            = {255, 140, 0},
    dark_orchid            = {153, 50, 204},
    DarkOrchid            = {153, 50, 204},
    dark_red               = {139, 0, 0},
    DarkRed               = {139, 0, 0},
    dark_salmon            = {233, 150, 122},
    DarkSalmon            = {233, 150, 122},
    dark_sea_green          = {143, 188, 143},
    DarkSeaGreen          = {143, 188, 143},
    DarkSlateBlue         = {72, 61, 139},
    dark_slate_blue         = {72, 61, 139},
    DarkSlateGray         = {47, 79, 79},
    dark_slate_gray         = {47, 79, 79},
    dark_slate_grey         = {47, 79, 79},
    DarkTurquoise         = {0, 206, 209},
    dark_turquoise         = {0, 206, 209},
    DarkViolet            = {148, 0, 211},
    dark_violet            = {148, 0, 211},
    DeepPink              = {255, 20, 147},
    deep_pink              = {255, 20, 147},
    DeepSkyBlue           = {0, 191, 255},
    deep_sky_blue           = {0, 191, 255},
    dim_gray               = {105, 105, 105},
    dim_grey               = {105, 105, 105},
    DimGray               = {105, 105, 105},
    dodger_blue            = {30, 144, 255},
    DodgerBlue            = {30, 144, 255},
    earthy                = {225, 169, 95},
    ebony                 = {85, 93, 80},
    eggplant              = {97, 64, 81},
    emerald               = {80, 200, 120},
    fallow                = {193, 154, 107},
    fawn                  = {229, 170, 112},
    fern                  = {113, 188, 120},
    firebrick             = {178, 34, 34},
    flaxen                = {238, 220, 130},
    FloralWhite           = {255, 250, 240},
    floral_white           = {255, 250, 240},
    ForestGreen           = {1, 68, 33},
    forest_green           = {1, 68, 33},
    fuchsia               = {199, 67, 117},
    gainsboro             = {220, 220, 220},
    garnet                = {135, 7, 31},
    GhostWhite            = {248, 248, 255},
    ghost_white            = {248, 248, 255},
    gold                  = {212, 175, 55},
    golden                = {240, 169, 10}, 
    goldenrod             = {218, 165, 32},
    gray                  = {190, 190, 190},
    grey                  = {190, 190, 190},
    green                 = {0, 255, 0},
    GreenYellow           = {173, 255, 47},
    green_yellow           = {173, 255, 47},
    honeydew              = {240, 255, 240},
    HotPink               = {255, 105, 180},
    hot_pink               = {255, 105, 180},
    hunter_green           = {53, 94, 59},
    HunterGreen           = {53, 94, 59},
    IndianRed             = {205, 92, 92},
    indian_red             = {205, 92, 92},
    indigo                = {75, 0, 130},
    iris                  = {138, 43, 226},
    ivory                 = {255, 255, 240},
    jade                  = {0, 168, 107},
    jet_black             = {5, 0, 2},
    kawhe                 = {111, 78, 55},
    khaki                 = {240, 230, 140},
    lavender              = {181, 126, 220},
    LavenderBlush         = {255, 240, 245},
    lavender_blush         = {255, 240, 245},
    lawn_green             = {124, 252, 0},
    LawnGreen             = {124, 252, 0},
    lemon                 = {255, 244, 79},
    lemon_chiffon          = {255, 250, 205},
    LemonChiffon          = {255, 250, 205},
    LightBlue             = {173, 216, 230},
    light_blue             = {173, 216, 230},
    LightCoral            = {240, 128, 128},
    light_coral            = {240, 128, 128},
    LightCyan             = {224, 255, 255},
    light_cyan             = {224, 255, 255},
    LightGoldenrod        = {238, 221, 130},
    light_goldenrod        = {238, 221, 130},
    LightGoldenrodYellow  = {250, 250, 210},
    light_goldenrod_yellow  = {250, 250, 210},
    LightGray             = {211, 211, 211},
    light_gray             = {211, 211, 211},
    light_grey             = {211, 211, 211},
    LightPink             = {255, 182, 193},
    light_pink             = {255, 182, 193},
    LightSalmon           = {255, 160, 122},
    light_salmon           = {255, 160, 122},
    LightSeaGreen         = {32, 178, 170},
    light_sea_green         = {32, 178, 170},
    LightSkyBlue          = {135, 206, 250},
    light_sky_blue          = {135, 206, 250},
    LightSlateBlue        = {132, 112, 255},
    light_slate_blue        = {132, 112, 255},
    LightSlateGray        = {119, 136, 153},
    light_slate_gray        = {119, 136, 153},
    light_slate_grey        = {119, 136, 153},
    LightSteelBlue        = {176, 196, 222},
    light_steel_blue        = {176, 196, 222},
    LightYellow           = {255, 255, 224},
    light_yellow           = {255, 255, 224},
    lilac                 = {220, 208, 255},
    lime                   = {50, 205, 50},
    lime_green             = {50, 205, 50},
    LimeGreen             = {50, 205, 50},
    linen                 = {250, 240, 230},
    madder                = {118, 79, 82},
    magenta               = {255, 0, 255},
    mahogany              = {192, 64, 0},
    maroon                = {128, 0, 0},
    mauve                 = {183, 132, 167},
    medium_aquamarine      = {102, 205, 170},
    MediumAquamarine      = {102, 205, 170},
    medium_blue            = {0, 0, 205},
    MediumBlue            = {0, 0, 205},
    medium_orchid          = {186, 85, 211},
    MediumOrchid          = {186, 85, 211},
    medium_purple          = {147, 112, 219},
    MediumPurple          = {147, 112, 219},
    medium_sea_green        = {60, 179, 113},
    MediumSeaGreen        = {60, 179, 113},
    medium_slate_blue       = {123, 104, 238},
    MediumSlateBlue       = {123, 104, 238},
    medium_spring_green     = {0, 250, 154},
    MediumSpringGreen     = {0, 250, 154},
    medium_turquoise       = {72, 209, 204},
    MediumTurquoise       = {72, 209, 204},
    medium_violet_red       = {199, 21, 133},
    MediumVioletRed       = {199, 21, 133},
    midnight_blue          = {25, 25, 112},
    MidnightBlue          = {25, 25, 112},
    mint                  = {62, 180, 137},
    mint_cream             = {245, 255, 250},
    MintCream             = {245, 255, 250},
    misty_rose             = {255, 228, 225},
    MistyRose             = {255, 228, 225},
    moccasin              = {255, 228, 181},
    moss_green            = {138, 154, 91},
    MossGreen             = {173, 223, 173},
    mustard               = {255, 219, 88},
    navajo_white           = {255, 222, 173},
    NavajoWhite           = {255, 222, 173},
    navy                  = {0, 0, 128},
    obsidian              = {52, 54, 55},
    ocean_blue             = {28, 169, 201},
    OceanBlue             = {28, 169, 201},
    old_lace               = {253, 245, 230},
    OldLace               = {253, 245, 230},
    olive                 = {174, 176, 93},
    olive_drab             = {107, 142, 35},
    OliveDrab             = {107, 142, 35},
    onyx                  = {53, 56, 57},
    orange                = {255, 127, 0},
    orange_red             = {255, 69, 0},
    OrangeRed             = {255, 69, 0},
    orange_yellow          = {255, 159, 0},
    OrangeYellow          = {255, 159, 0},
    orchid                = {218, 112, 214},
    pale_goldenrod         = {238, 232, 170},
    PaleGoldenrod         = {238, 232, 170},
    pale_green             = {152, 251, 152},
    PaleGreen             = {152, 251, 152},
    pale_turquoise         = {175, 238, 238},
    PaleTurquoise         = {175, 238, 238},
    pale_violet_red         = {219, 112, 147},
    PaleVioletRed         = {219, 112, 147},
    papaya_whip            = {255, 239, 213},
    PapayaWhip            = {255, 239, 213},
    peach                 = {255, 229, 180},
    peach_puff             = {255, 218, 185},
    PeachPuff             = {255, 218, 185},
    peacock               = {35, 179, 231},
    pear                  = {209, 226, 49},
    periwinkle            = {204, 204, 255},
    peru                  = {205, 133, 63},
    pink                  = {255, 192, 203},
    plum                  = {142, 69, 133},
    pomegranate           = {242, 31, 31},
    powder_blue            = {176, 224, 230},
    PowderBlue            = {176, 224, 230},
    purple                = {128, 0, 128},
    red                   = {255, 0, 0},
    rose                  = {255, 0, 127},
    rosy_brown             = {188, 143, 143},
    RosyBrown             = {188, 143, 143},
    royal_blue             = {65, 105, 225},
    RoyalBlue             = {65, 105, 225},
    ruby                  = {224, 17, 95},
    ruddy                 = {187, 101, 40},
    russet                = {128, 70, 27},
    rust                  = {183, 65, 14},
    sable                 = {62, 53, 38},
    saddle_brown           = {139, 69, 19},
    SaddleBrown           = {139, 69, 19},
    saffron               = {244, 196, 48},
    salmon                = {250, 128, 114},
    sand                  = {194, 178, 128},
    sandy_brown            = {244, 164, 96},
    SandyBrown            = {244, 164, 96},
    sanguine              = {108, 55, 54},
    sapphire              = {15, 82, 186},
    scarlet               = {255, 36, 0},
    sea_green              = {46, 139, 87},
    SeaGreen              = {46, 139, 87},
    seashell              = {255, 245, 238},
    sepia                 = {112, 66, 20},
    sienna                = {160, 82, 45},
    silver                = {192, 192, 192},
    sky_blue               = {135, 206, 235},
    SkyBlue               = {135, 206, 235},
    slate_blue             = {106, 90, 205},
    SlateBlue             = {106, 90, 205},
    slate_gray             = {112, 128, 144},
    slate_grey             = {112, 128, 144},
    SlateGray             = {112, 128, 144},
    sloe_black            = {0, 10, 51},
    sloe_blue             = {82, 118, 137},
    smoke                 = {245, 245, 245},
    smoky                 = {95, 95, 95},
    snow                  = {255, 250, 250},
    spring_green           = {0, 255, 127},
    SpringGreen           = {0, 255, 127},
    steel                 = {123, 144, 149},
    steel_blue             = {70, 130, 180},
    SteelBlue             = {70, 130, 180},
    straw                 = {228, 217, 111},
    sunglow               = {255, 204, 51},
    sunset                = {253, 94, 83},
    tan                   = {210, 180, 140},
    tawny                 = {205, 87, 0},
    teal                  = {0, 128, 128},
    thistle               = {216, 191, 216},
    tomato                = {255, 99, 71},
    turquoise             = {64, 224, 208},
    umber                 = {99, 81, 71},
    verdigris             = {26, 70, 68},
    vermilion             = {227, 66, 52},
    violet                = {127, 0, 255},
    violet_red             = {208, 32, 144},
    VioletRed             = {208, 32, 144},
    viridian              = {64, 130, 109},
    WarmBlack             = {0, 66, 66},
    warm_black             = {0, 66, 66},
    wheat                 = {245, 222, 179},
    white                 = {255, 255, 255},
    white_smoke            = {245, 245, 245},
    WhiteSmoke            = {245, 245, 245},
    wine                  = {114, 47, 55},
    woad_blue              = {23, 23, 63},
    WoadBlue              = {23, 23, 63},
    yellow                = {255, 255, 0},
    yellow_green           = {154, 205, 50},
    YellowGreen           = {154, 205, 50},

    Colors alias
    --Color table sorted by color. If you wish to add more colors, it is best
    --to simply tag them along separately at the bottom as adding them to the
    --color scheme means moving all the subsequent colors one step. 
    cecho("\n<green>Greens <black>--------- <blue>Blues <black>---------- <red>Reds <black>------- <yellow>Yellows <black>------ <sable>Other ")
    cecho("\n<DarkOliveGreen>DarkOliveGreen <black>- <woad_blue>woad_blue <black>------ <rust>rust <black>------- <BurntOrange>BurntOrange <black>-- <mauve>mauve ")
    cecho("\n<olive>olive <black>---------- <MidnightBlue>MidnightBlue <black>--- <coral>coral <black>------ <OrangeRed>OrangeRed <black>---- <lilac>lilac ")
    cecho("\n<OliveDrab>*OliveDrab <black>----- <DarkBlue>DarkBlue <black>------- <sunset>sunset <black>----- <orange>orange <black>------- <lavender>lavender ")
    cecho("\n<apple>apple <black>---------- <cobalt>cobalt <black>--------- <vermilion>vermilion <black>-- <OrangeYellow>OrangeYellow <black>- <indigo>indigo ")
    cecho("\n<pear>pear <black>----------- <blue>blue <black>----------- <carnelian>carnelian <black>-- <goldenrod>goldenrod <black>---- <violet>violet ")
    cecho("\n<YellowGreen>YellowGreen <black>---- <DodgerBlue>*DodgerBlue <black>---- <pomegranate>pomegranate <black> <gold>gold <black>--------- <iris>iris ")
    cecho("\n<GreenYellow>*GreenYellow <black>--- <RoyalBlue>*RoyalBlue <black>----- <maroon>maroon <black>----- <saffron>saffron <black>------ <amethyst>amethyst ")
    cecho("\n<chartreuse>*chartreuse <black>---- <SlateBlue>*SlateBlue <black>----- <scarlet>scarlet <black>---- <sunglow>sunglow <black>------ <orchid>orchid ")
    cecho("\n<LawnGreen>*LawnGreen <black>----- <cerulean>cerulean <black>------- <red>red <black>-------- <golden>golden <black>------- <plum>plum ")
    cecho("\n<lime>lime <black>----------- <azure>azure <black>---------- <crimson>crimson <black>---- <amber>amber <black>-------- <purple>purple ")
    cecho("\n<green>green <black>---------- <sapphire>sapphire <black>------- <cardinal>cardinal <black>--- <yellow>yellow <black>------- <eggplant>eggplant ")
    cecho("\n<DarkGreen>*DarkGreen <black>----- <SteelBlue>SteelBlue <black>------ <blood>blood <black>------ <citrine>citrine <black>------ <sable>sable ")
    cecho("\n<ForestGreen>ForestGreen <black>---- <OceanBlue>OceanBlue  <black>----- <carmine>carmine <black>---- <lemon>lemon <black>-------- <umber>umber ")
    cecho("\n<HunterGreen>HunterGreen <black>---- <peacock>peacock <black>-------- <DarkRed>DarkRed <black>---- <mustard>mustard <black>------ <kawhe>kawhe ")
    cecho("\n<verdigris>verdigris <black>------ <CornflowerBlue>CornflowerBlue <black>- <burgundy>burgundy <black>--- <flaxen>flaxen <black>------- <brown>brown ")
    cecho("\n<viridian>viridian <black>------- <periwinkle>periwinkle <black>----- <wine>wine <black>------- <straw>straw <black>-------- <chocolate>chocolate ")
    cecho("\n<MossGreen>MossGreen <black>------ <SkyBlue>SkyBlue <black>-------- <madder>madder <black>----- <khaki>*khaki <black>------- <mahogany>mahogany ")
    cecho("\n<fern>fern <black>----------- <BlueGray>BlueGray <black>------- <sanguine>sanguine <black>--- <cream>cream <black>-------- <tawny>tawny ")
    cecho("\n<emerald>emerald <black>-------- <LightBlue>LightBlue <black>------ <amaranth>amaranth <black>--- <peach>peach <black>-------- <bronze>bronze ")
    cecho("\n<SpringGreen>SpringGreen <black>---- <BabyBlue>BabyBlue <black>------- <ruby>ruby <black>------- <moccasin>*moccasin <black>---- <copper>copper ")
    cecho("\n<aquamarine>aquamarine <black>----- <sloe_blue>sloe_blue <black>------ <cerise>cerise <black>----- <burlywood>*burlywood <black>--- <ruddy>ruddy ")
    cecho("\n<SeaGreen>SeaGreen <black>------- <cyan>cyan <black>----------- <pink>pink <black>------- <sand>sand <black>--------- <sienna>sienna ")
    cecho("\n<jade>jade <black>----------- <aqua>aqua <black>----------- <fuchsia>fuchsia <black>---- <fallow>fallow <black>------- <chestnut>chestnut ")
    cecho("\n<mint>mint <black>----------- <BlueGreen>BlueGreen <black>------ <magenta>magenta <black>---- <fawn>fawn <black>--------- <russet>russet ")
    cecho("\n<teal>teal <black>----------- <turquoise>turquoise <black>------ <rose>rose <black>------- <earthy>earthy <black>------- <sepia>sepia ")  
    cecho("\n<sloe_black>sloe_black <black>----- <obsidian>obsidian <black>------- <SlateGray>SlateGray <black>-- <silver>silver <black> <black>-------<beige>beige ")
    cecho("\n<cold_black>cold_black <black>----- <charcoal>charcoal <black>------- <steel>steel <black>------ <thistle>thistle <black>------ <wheat>wheat")
    cecho("\n<warm_black>warm_black <black>----- <ebony>ebony <black>---------- <gray>gray <black>------- <WhiteSmoke>WhiteSmoke <black>--- <ivory>ivory")
    cecho("\n<onyx>onyx <black>----------- <smoky>smoky <black>---------- <ash>ash <black>-------- <cornsilk>cornsilk <black>----- <snow>snow")
    as a note for those who're using Fallout or Source still (I know three peeps offhand, if you include myself!) Be sure to go into your scripts, and look for "Color Table Additions" and disable that. It won't break anything, and it'll allow the systems to work with Teani's expanded color tables here nicely! ( note this as it was something that cropped up for me)
  • Teani said:
    With all the different timezones people are in, I've written this up to help plan for meetings and such. I've also added the IC weekdays, to make it easier to discuss time in an IC way, rather than resorting to constantly switching to OOC. To me it sounds so much better to say something like "I think I have time next Quensday, if that would be alright with you?" instead of shooting someone an OOC message saying "I'll be around evening my time tomorrow. That's GMT +2" and let the other person figure out when that is for them. Using the simple alias TIMEZONES will show something like this: You can also compare two specific timezones if you want to. Then you type TIMEZONES and get something like this: The colors correspond to this general schedule: midnight_blue: general sleeping hours amaranth: early morning, but possibly awake olive: normal work hours green: after work, open for game-time! teal: closing in on bedtime, but could work Alias:
    ^timezones(?: (\w+) (\w+))?$ local tz1 = matches[2] local tz2 = matches[3]
    if tz1 ~= nil then
      cecho("\nWeekdays <mauve>GOSDAY      CLOSDAY     TISDAY      FALSDAY     QUENSDAY    KINDAY     ")</mauve>
    if tz1 == "kiwi" or tz2 == "kiwi" then
      cecho("\nKIWI     <olive>11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10")
    if tz1 == "eoz" or tz2 == "eoz" then
      cecho("\nEAST OZ  <olive>09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08")
    if tz1 == "woz" or tz2 == "woz" then
      cecho("\nASIA/OZ  <amaranth>07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06") 
    if tz1 == "wasia" or tz2 == "wasia" then
      cecho("\nW. ASIA  <midnight_blue>04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03")
    if tz1 == "eet" or tz2 == "eet" then
      cecho("\nEUROPE   <midnight_blue>02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01")
    if tz1 == "cet" or tz2 == "cet" then
      cecho("\nEUROPE   <midnight_blue>01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00")
    if tz1 == "gmt" or tz2 == "gmt" then
      cecho("\nEU GMT   <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23")
    if tz1 == "pst" or tz2 == "pst" then
      cecho("\nUS PST   <olive>16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15")
    if tz1 == "cst" or tz2 == "cst" then
      cecho("\nUS CST   <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17")
    if tz1 == "est" or tz2 == "est" then
      cecho("\nUS EST   <green>19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18") 
    elseif tz1 ~= nil and tz2 == nil then
    if tz1 == nil and tz2 == nil then
      cecho("\nWeekdays <mauve>GOSDAY      CLOSDAY     TISDAY      FALSDAY     QUENSDAY    KINDAY     ")
      cecho("\nPST US   <olive>16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15")
      cecho("\nCST US   <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17")
      cecho("\nEST US   <green>19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18") 
      cecho("\nGMT EU   <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23")
      cecho("\nCET EU   <midnight_blue>01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00")
      cecho("\nEET EU   <midnight_blue>02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01")
      cecho("\nW.ASIA   <midnight_blue>04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03")
      cecho("\nW.OZ     <amaranth>07 <olive>08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06") 
      cecho("\nE.OZ     <olive>09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08")
      cecho("\nKIWI     <olive>11 12 13 14 15 16 17 <green>18 19 20 21 22 <teal>23 <midnight_blue>00 01 02 03 04 05 <amaranth>06 07 <olive>08 09 10")
    Hope you like and enjoy your future IC planning!
    What is west Asia timezone?
  • TeaniTeani Shadow Mistress Sweden
    edited September 2021
    Elene said:
    What is west Asia timezone?
    I noticed my mistake as I went to check, so thanks @Elene. The times should be pushed 1 more hour to the left for W.Asia (which should be around India GMT+5, so the first hour of the line would be 05), W.Oz (GMT+8), E.Oz (GMT+10), and Kiwi (GMT+12).

    If you want to add a timezone line, all you have to do is copy a line close to your desired one, and move the first hours, as many as needed, to the back of the line, or vice versa.

    For example:
    After the above changes, Elene's timezone is not represented, but W.Oz is just one timezone away. Copy/paste and change from
    W.Oz   08 09 10 etc. Ending in 07
    ELENETIME  07 08 09 etc. Ending in 06

  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    edited November 2021
    So someone may have made/shared one of these already, but I got tired of my emotes being borked in super dumb ways, so I coded a couple aliases and a function that basically replaces "em thing" with "preview thing" and gives you a couple options from there. You can click "YES!" and it will send the emote, or you can enter "confirm emote" and send that, both accomplish the same thing. I just figured "confirm emote" would be good for people with shittier mice or people who just prefer to type. I think it works with all emote tokens without breaking. Here's an example:

    Edit: and on last minute decided to test, yeah it works with (), if you're a weirdo that still uses those.

    edit edit: if you're a habitual "emote" instead of "em" user, just head to the emote_preview_code alias and change the "em" to an "emote"

  • TetchtaTetchta The Innocent
    edited December 2021
    This has a pretty limited use case, but I had a reason to replace accented characters with characters Aetolia would actually accept and display, so I made this. The table is incomplete and I'm kinda building the library as I find the need, but for all I know, one of y'all needs something like this, so here you go.
    function char_fixer(str)
      character_replacer = {
      ["a"] = {"á"},
      ["A"] = {"À"},
      ["e"] = {"é"},
      ["E"] = {"É"},
      ["i"] = {"í","ǐ","ï","ì","ĭ","ī"},
      ["I"] = {"Ì","Í","Î","Ï","Ĭ","Ī"},
      ["n"] = {"ñ"},
      ["N"] = {"Ñ"},
      ["o"] = {"ó"},
      ["O"] = {"Ó"},
      ["u"] = {"ú","ü","ù"},
      ["U"] = {"Ú","Ü","Ù"},
      ["!"] = {"¡"},
      ["?"] = {"¿"},
      for key, value in pairs(character_replacer) do
        for i, z in pairs(character_replacer[key]) do
          str = string.gsub(str,z,key)
      return str

  • edited December 2021
    This is more me being lazy than anything else, I generally find typing AFFLICTION (affliction) SHOW to be a bit complicated/annoying to do at times. Especially since I'm use to typing AFFLICTION SHOW (affliction). So I made a quick little alias to make it a bit easier for me to check afflictions.

    I will note, this is for Mudlet, which I assume most people use already, however I know some use Nexus, CMUD, as well as MUSHclient.

    ^as (.+)$

    send("affliction " .. matches[2] .. " show")

    Hope this helps someone, even if it's rather simple and dumb.
  • KaguraKagura Ironmaw Drilling Grounds
    edited December 2021
    A simple chaser for the Night Pendant I made by copying the scent script from Mudlet Mapper's lusternia folder.

    Requires mudlet and mudlet mapper, naturally. Also requires sunder (you can alternatively tweak the code slightly to replace sunder's target variable with your own target variable)

    Usage: wear the night pendant, do "pds target" to see where they are in conjunction with mudlet mapper numbers. Do "pdchs target" while having that person's name as your target in Sunder, and you'll automatically move to that person's room.

    Edit: Forgot to add an alias that is part of the package. Is in the v2 package now.
  • edited December 2021
    I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but I got annoyed at having to either trying to count all my letters and/or typing the letter# wrong. So I just thought to finally ID each letter in LETTERLIST so that I can refer to them by letter.X!

    Usage is pretty easy, just LETTERLIST as normal and it'll prepend the ID before the letter, and it'll show up like this!

    I bet after this someone is gonna come up and tell me there's an easier way to do this.
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